
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

Ghost_flame07 · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Between Loyalty and Challenges: Kayne Joins the Toman

In a dark and gloomy hideout, a man knelt with his head bowed before an imposing figure seated on an improvised throne. The atmosphere was heavy, charged with tension.

"Boss, I have bad news," began the kneeling man, his voice trembling. "The motorcycle we stole... it was taken by a kid. He beat our guys."

A heavy silence followed this revelation. Then, the figure on the throne leaned forward, revealing a face marked with anger.

"What do you mean, a kid? You got beaten by just a kid? Are you kidding me?" growled the boss, his voice filling the room.

The kneeling man recoiled, terrified. "No boss... it's just that he was strong. Too strong. We couldn't do anything."

The boss stood up abruptly, pacing back and forth. "Bunch of drunks, I should just kill all of you. But this kid... he's going to pay. He'll regret messing with us. I'll make him pay threefold for interfering in my affairs. Find him," he said, crushing a glass he held.

Meanwhile, in the sanctum of the Tomans, a ceremony of a different kind was unfolding. The sanctuary was illuminated by the dancing flames of the central bonfire. The gang members formed a wide circle around the fire, their faces illuminated by the orange glow. They were all dressed in their black and white uniforms, proudly displaying the gang's logo on their backs. The atmosphere was charged with an almost mystical solemnity.

Kayne made his entrance, escorted by Mikey and Draken. Despite his usual confidence, he couldn't help but feel a certain apprehension due to the significance of the moment. It was a decisive turning point in his life, as a Takemitchi, the beginning of a new chapter.

The gang members were arranged in different squads, each led by their squad leader. It was like a small army. Mikey, Draken, and Kayne climbed to a higher point that overlooked the rest of the group.

Seeing Takemitchi's somewhat slender figure, some members whispered among themselves about the leader's decision to take this guy in. The majority didn't know him, and the minority who had some information about him knew that Takemitchi wasn't very tough. But what could they do after all? They were not in a position to protest the leader's decision.

Mikey stepped forward, dominating the assembly with his charismatic presence. He turned to Kayne, his gaze intense as if he was peering into his soul.

"Takemitchi," he began in a deep voice that resonated in the sanctuary's silence. "You have proven your worth and courage by retrieving our motorcycle. But becoming a Toman is much more than that. It's a sacred commitment, a promise of unwavering loyalty and brotherhood."

He paused, letting his words sink in for everyone.

"We are more than just a gang. We are a family. Bound by blood and honor. By joining the Tomans, you swear to uphold our laws, defend our colors, and never betray your brothers. Are you ready to embrace this oath?"

Kayne knelt on one knee, his head held high, meeting Mikey's gaze without flinching. "I am," he declared firmly. "I swear on my life to uphold the honor and code of the Tomans, to fight by your side until my last breath, and never falter in my duty to my new family."

He was a bit moved, despite his affiliation with a gang of thugs in his past life. Having a code of honor or being part of such a significant group and being considered the family of the famous leader wasn't something everyone could achieve. A feeling he couldn't clearly explain ran through him.

Mikey nodded, satisfied. "Then rise, and prove your determination to all. Cross the purifying flames, like a phoenix rising from its ashes. Let the fire be your baptism, the symbol of your rebirth as a Toman."

"What is this... crossing the flames?" he thought, looking at Mikey who seemed dead serious. "And the guy is very serious about it. I guess I have no choice," he sighed.

Kayne rose slowly, turning to face the roaring blaze. His heart was pounding, but his resolve was unshakeable. With steady steps, he walked towards the flames, their heat licking his skin. Then, without hesitation, he crossed the fire, emerging on the other side to the thunderous cheers of his new brothers.

Mikey approached him, a proud smile on his lips. He solemnly untied the black and white bandana from around his own neck and passed it to Kayne.

"Welcome to the family, Takemitchi," he said with emotion in his voice. "You are now one of us, bound to us forever. Wear this bandana with pride, for it is the symbol of your membership and oath."

Kayne touched the bandana reverently, feeling a mix of euphoria and humility at the significance of this gesture.

Around him, the Tomans erupted in cheers and applause, welcoming him as one of their own. Warm embraces were exchanged, laughter rang through the night. The celebration had begun, honoring their new brother and the unbreakable unity of their family. Some of those who had initially doubted him changed their minds when they saw the emotionless face he had displayed during his passage through the flames. "The guy might be slender but he's got the guts to be a Toman," they thought.

But as the festivities were in full swing, no one suspected the dark clouds gathering on the horizon. For in the depths of Tokyo, an enemy lurking in the shadows had not forgotten the affront and was already planning their revenge.

The dice of fate had been cast, leading Kayne towards challenges greater than he could imagine. But for now, only the present moment mattered, this night of celebration and fraternity under the stars, sealing his destiny with that of the Tomans.

It was late into the night when Kayne left the Toman sanctuary, his heart still resonating with the emotions of the ceremony. The black and white bandana, symbol of his membership, was proudly tied around his neck. The streets of Tokyo were quiet, bathed in the orange glow of streetlights.

Lost in his thoughts, Kayne walked calmly, savoring the coolness of the night. Suddenly, a familiar figure caught his attention. It was Hinata Tachibana, the young girl he had already encountered at school.

Kayne, as a reincarnated individual, didn't initially harbor deep feelings for Hinata despite her being Takemitchi's love interest. At first, he even considered ending their relationship, but after some reflection, he decided to get to know her before making a decision.

Hinata was an understated beauty, with her short bright pink hair. Her hairstyle is simple and vibrant, with slightly raised strands on the top of her head, giving her an air that is both mischievous and charming. A few flyaways framed her oval face with delicate features, softening her expression. Her large brown eyes, filled with warmth and compassion, always seemed to look for the good in everyone. A delicate mole adorns her chin, adding an extra touch of charm to her slender and expressive face.

When she spotted Kayne, a bright smile lit up her face, her cheeks coloring slightly pink. She approached him with light steps, her slender and athletic figure moving gracefully.

"Good evening, Takemitchi," she greeted him in a soft voice. "What a surprise to run into you here at this hour!"

Kayne returned her smile, suddenly aware of her soothing presence. "Good evening, Hinata. I was just heading home. And you, what are you doing out so late?"

Hinata chuckled softly, a melodious sound that warmed Kayne's heart. "Oh, I just finished my karate training. I find the night perfect for a relaxing stroll after an intense session. Is that the Toman bandana?"

"Ah, this? Yes, I'm officially a member of the Tomans."

"The Tomans," she said with concern, noticing Kayne's perplexed look, she shook her head and smiled. "Promise me to take care of yourself, it can be dangerous at times."

Captivated by the sweetness of her voice and the sincerity of her smile, Kayne found himself wanting to prolong this moment. "Don't worry about me. How about we walk together for a bit?"

Hinata's eyes lit up with joy, and she nodded enthusiastically. "With pleasure, Takemitchi. I'd love to chat with you."

As they walked side by side, Kayne gradually discovered Hinata's true nature. He learned that she was genuinely always concerned about others, ready to do anything to help those in need. Her compassion seemed boundless, just like her courage when it came to protecting those she cared about.

She spoke passionately about her dreams and hopes, her unwavering optimism in the face of life's challenges. Kayne couldn't help but be inspired by her determination and loyalty to her friends and family.

But he also noticed a certain naivety in her, a sometimes too blind trust in others. This didn't sit quite well with him, as in this cruel world, one had to be cautious.

As their conversation flowed, Kayne felt his heart racing, an inexplicable warmth spreading in his chest. Hinata's smiles, her tinkling laughter, the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke... Everything about her seemed to draw him inexorably.

When they reached the end of the street, a comfortable silence settled between them. Hinata turned to Kayne, a shy smile on her lips. "Thank you for this walk, Kayne. I really enjoyed this time with you."

Kayne returned her smile. "Me too, Hinata. I hope we can do this again soon."

She blushed slightly, nodding her head and went up to her apartment. With his heart filled with a gentle warmth, Kayne continued on his way, confused by what was happening to him. This encounter with Hinata had awakened new feelings in him, an attraction he couldn't deny.

In this world, there were many strange things happening. The concept of love was still an unknown path for Kayne, and Hinata had allowed him to take a step in that direction.