
Toji: The Sorcerer Killer (JJK FF)

Before Toji was the renowned Sorcerer Killer, he was simply the dropout of the Zenin clan and a tall badass running around town killing sorcerers for money. However, on his first big league job given to him by an ominous mediator for some anonymous organization, he meets a young woman named Fumiko Fushiguro. From that day onwards, Toji’s life starts to get slightly more complicated. Watch as Toji Zenin grows from the dropout of Zenin Clan to the renowned Sorcerer Killer, Toji Fushiguro. Note: I dun own any of these characters from JJK. All of it belongs to Lord Gege.

VagabondVI · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

C3: Fumiko

C3: Fumiko

Rain has started again. 

With dark clouds adorning the already gloomy night sky, rain continues to pour down on the city. Many citizens carrying transparent umbrellas walk about in the streets. 

The usual work hours are over now. The crowds of working men are busy going back to their homes. 

Yet, Hagura is a small city. It's not packed with people like Tokyo or Nagoya. Most of the city consists of simple neighborhoods, and it lies right next to a long river that borders Hakaichi from Hagura. 

Thus, Toji's journey isn't too long. 

In an old alley facing the river, a two-story building with various decorations and food posters stands calmly. It's an old pub owned by the wretched old Fushiguros. However, the old pub has been gathering a new customer base. 

Ever since most of the family died and only the young granddaughter of Fujo Fushiguro was left alive, people have gathered here more often. 

They admire the little Fumiko's courtesy much more than her predecessors. She is surprisingly kind-hearted and a warm young woman. 

Yet, with the lack of customers and the entire family's demise, Fumiko is not facing the most joyful time in her life. She has to manage the entire pub by herself. 

Does the cleaning, pays the bills, and even manages her own little house that's right above the little pub. 

However, she still has a smile on her face. A spark of hope in her eyes at all times. 

The lights flicker near the door of the pub, reducing its bright glow to a glimmer. Another person walks into the bar after a rough and heavy day with baggy eyes. 

Suddenly, two headlights light up the dark alley. A taxi rushes into the street and comes to a halt before the old pub. The rain drums down on the roof of the taxi and the headlights come off for a minute. 

"Here. Keep the change." 

A tall muscular man steps out of the taxi and raises a transparent umbrella over his head. He's wearing a baggy dark shirt and some long dark jeans. His spiky bangs fall over his forehead as he stares at the pub with his green eyes. 

Behind him, the taxi's headlights lighten up the street again. Then, it continues to drive away from the alley, leaving the man behind. 

Now, only one man is standing in front of the pub in the dark alley. Alone. 

If a regular person passes by the alley, one might think the man is simply stuck in a deep thought. Or he is insane. 

But Toji isn't simply standing there because he is deep in thought. He's witnessing the massive cursed energy sprawling up from within the pub, screaming death as it rises into the sky. 

In Toji's eyes, he's witnessing a massive form of dark and red energy towering inside the house as a dark aura engulfs the air around him. Souls scream in misery within the building.

Surely, there's a Special Grade Curse within this pub. 

"Hm. That proves it then. I'm at the right place," the man smiles.


The doors to the pub open and Toji steps inside. A menacing amount of cursed energy surrounds him, even messing with his senses. He sees the dark red aura emanating from every wall and even the wooden planks under his feet. 

Toji calmly unfolds his umbrella. 

'If the curse didn't attack the people here already, that means it's trapped somewhere,' he ponders, looking around at the pub. 

A few people are seated inside the pub. One old woman is eating ramen at the front. Another man is drinking sake at the second table. A few teens are in the shop too, ogling the lady on the counter. Another four strangers are at the very corner table of the pub, laughing cheerfully as they share beers. 

"Welcome, mister! What are you having today?" The lady at the counter turns to Toji with a courteous smile, fitting for a woman owning a shop. 

Only, she is rather prettier than most hosts. 

Toji turns to the lady, placing his wet umbrella at the stand near the entrance. 

"A glass of water?" 

The lady smiles confusedly. "Anything else, mister?" 

Toji walks to the counter and takes a seat. "First, a glass of water."

"Mmm.. coming right up," she bows her head humbly, accepting the request. The young woman hurries into the kitchen to fill up a tall glass of water. As she turns her back to him, Toji takes a good look at her. 

'I'm guessing she is the last Fushiguro alive,' he thinks. 'For a member of a family rumored to be awful, why does she smile so kindly?' 

Toji squints. As the girl is pouring the glass of water, Toji crosses his hands at the counter and closes his eyes, focusing all his five senses to a higher level. 

As a result of the heightening of his five senses, Toji is capable of performing impossible feats no regular human would be capable of achieving. His strength, his ability to hear, and his vision are unmatched, even with skilled sorcerers. 

He is simply a prodigy by birth. 

"Yeah… She is hot, Take. Can we not ask her out?" 

"She's way older than us. You'd be rejected instantly, idiot." 

"Aww… come on. I have to make a move on her. Maybe tomorrow? I don't know, man. Like, she's a lonely girl. Her entire family was just wiped out. She probably needs some love right now." 

"With looks like that, it's hard to believe she would say 'yes' to you, no offense, Reiji." 


The conversation happening at the table with the teens touches Toji's ears. It is completely useless for him. Then, he shifts his attention to the other person, drinking sake alone. 

"Amanai. You don't understand. I can't pay off those loans." 

"Why? How did you lose the money? You probably paid them off to that whore, didn't you!?" 

Tch, Toji clicks his tongue, focusing his attention elsewhere once again. 

The old lady is simply slurping on her ramen. Nothing fancy about her. 

But the group of four people sitting at the table at the very corner are the strange ones. The moment Toji shifts his attention to them, he feels a presence in them. 

The whole pub is oozing with cursed energy. To spot a cursed user amidst all this isn't quite an easy task. Yet, Toji could manage it. 

"Huh… curse users?" Toji whispers under his breath, his attention completely shifting to the four strangers at the corner. 


"Here, mister. Your glass of water!" The lady cheerfully places the tall glass of water before Toji. Toji's attention breaks and his eyes shift back toward the counter lady. 

She has dark eyes and short messy hair with spiky bangs. It doesn't even look too different from Toji's hair itself. Yet, short hair suits her.

Toji glances at the girl for 5 seconds straight, staring into her dark eyes. She simply stands there, a wide and kind smile plastered on her face. 

Before 10 seconds have passed, Fumiko starts feeling uneasy. 

"Sir, do you want something else too? Just a glass of water? Maybe… some ramen? Haha," she scratches her head. 

Toji usually would feel irritated, but the face of Fumiko somehow didn't make him feel pissed. Somehow, it is relaxing for him to stare at that little white face. 

However, he still needs another distraction from the lady to focus a little more on the curse users. So –

Gulp! Gulp!

Toji grabs the glass and gulps it down whole. 

"Ha…" He places the glass of water on the counter and looks at the lady. 

"How about another glass of water, Miss?" Toji grins at the woman. 

Fumiko's eyes twitch and a nerve pops in her forehead, but she still manages the wide smile on her face. 

"Sure… Mister," she grunts, grabbing the glass again. 

Toji chuckles. 

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