
Toji Fushiguro/Reader

a compilation of toji x reader ffs that i like

the_orphan_account · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1

You knew from the moment you pulled into the neighborhood that something was up. Gojo hadn't been bothering you all day with annoying texts or calls, and that had been your first sign. You didn't really want to believe it at first, but when you turned the corner and noticed the extra car, there was no more denying it. With a heavy sigh, you pulled into the driveway and turned the car off. You sat there for a while, occupied with your phone, until you got bored. You grabbed your things and went inside, not bothering to be quiet; it was your house after all.


The further you got down the hallway, the louder the sounds were and you started to think about turning around and leaving. But instead you just sat at the kitchen table, facing the living room and master bedroom door where the whore and his hookup were. You busied yourself on your phone, trying to block out the moans from your bedroom as they got louder.


It amused you that neither of them knew you were there yet. Or maybe Gojo did and he just didn't care. That was fine. You didn't really care either. Of course you were upset, he brought home some random person and fucked them in your bedroom. But you were more peeved than jealous. You knew Gojo and the type of person he was, you knew what you were getting into when you decided to fuck around with him.


You weren't really sure what you two were, but if you asked him it was probably just friends with benefits. You didn't mind that, either. What you did mind was that he used your house as his own. He was a social person and he hated being alone, so he spent a lot of time bouncing around houses to occupy himself. If you recall correctly, that was how you ended up like this: he had stayed over one night and one thing led to another, then you couldn't get him to leave. An available piece of ass that let him stay for multiple days at a time? Gojo Satoru bait, guaranteed to work.


You amused yourself with your thoughts for a moment longer, until the sudden quietness in the house drew you from your thoughts. You were, of course, texting one of your friends about the situation. Of course she found it hilarious, saying you should throw a fit as if you were dating Gojo. You entertained the idea briefly but then shot it down, honestly too tired to care that much.


The bedroom door opened and the girl was giggling on her way out, Gojo close behind her. She was in a skirt and poorly tucked in pink shirt, a bundle of jewelry and a jacket in her hands. Gojo, however, was just barely pulling up his sweatpants as he exited the room. The girl stopped giggling, though, when she saw you. She turned bright red and you had to bite back a laugh at the awkwardness and embarrassment radiating off of her. "Oh- I- er," She stuttered. Gojo paused as well, glancing between you and the girl in front of him. "You're home early." He chuckled a little awkwardly. "I got off work late and there was traffic." You mused and his face dropped. "Of course." He muttered. "Mhm. Well, are you staying for dinner?" You asked the girl lazily. "Oh- no, I'll- I'm gonna go." She hurried away quickly, face pink.


You waited for the front door to close before getting up, taking your purse and things to your bedroom. Satoru followed you in. You grimaced only slightly at the stench of sex as you put your things away and started to gather clothes for a shower. "Well are you gonna tail me like a puppy all day or go find another girl to fuck?" You sneered when Satoru followed you into the bathroom. "Are you actually mad about that?" He huffed, it sounded rude but you knew it was a genuine question. "No, I'm upset that you brought her home to my house and fucked her in my bed." You scoffed, starting the shower. "Well- okay, that's reasonable. I'm sorry." Satoru sighed. You just huffed, waiting impatiently for him to leave.


"To be honest, I forgot what time you get off work, so I thought it would be fine." He looked at the floor. "As if that makes it better." You laughed. "And like I wouldn't find out." You added after you calmed down a little bit. "In my head it made sense," He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it did." You nodded slowly. "I- alright, rude, first of all." He snorted. "Don't care. Get out." You sneered and opened the door for him. "Aw, c'mon!" He whined. "No you literally just had sex." You scoffed, pushing him toward the open door. "Only one round!" He complained. "I couldn't care less. I want to shower, get out." You sighed. "Can I shower with you?" He asked hopefully. "Absolutely not. The shower's not big enough." You huffed impatiently. "Sure it is, we've done it before." He tried. "Oh my fuck-" You muttered under your breath. "Fine." You sighed and turned, letting him back into the bathroom. "Great! C'mon, don't act so miserable," He mused as you undressed. "Whatever." You just rolled your eyes and followed him into the shower.


You argued over the water for a moment until you finally pushed Gojo out of the way. He pouted for a moment but shut up when you told him this was his idea. You finally stepped out of the way to wash yourself, muttering about your day to Gojo. "Are you staying for dinner?" You hummed after a moment, washing your hair. "Do you want me to?" He reached past you for his conditioner; he had insisted you let him keep some of his things here and you didn't bother to argue, at least he wasn't using your conditioner. "I don't care. I just need to know how much food to make." You shrugged. "Not helpful." He snorted. "Fine. What do you want for dinner?" You sighed and went to rinse your hair. After a lot of offers and dishes shot down, you decided on shrimp pasta.


You ignored Gojo's wandering eyes because you couldn't really stop your own from doing the same. Even though you'd seen the man naked on many different occasions, you were still appreciative of his figure. You turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying yourself off. Gojo found his own towel and wrapped it around his waist.


You dropped your towel and started to grab your clothes when hands closed around your chest. Gojo kissed your neck and you sighed softly, whimpering only slightly when he teased your nipples. "You're such a whore." You muttered. "I don't usually like being degraded, but maybe if it's you." He hummed as you craned your neck, bracing yourself on the counter. He didn't waste much time before his hand was snaking down your stomach and between your legs. You gasped slightly when he pressed his fingers against your clit, turning small teasing circles. You whimpered when his fingers slipped inside. He chuckled slightly and moved his fingers slowly, picking up the pace when you pressed into him.


After a brief moment of him teasing your nipples and clit, Gojo bent you over the counter and positioned himself at your entrance. You gasped slightly when he slid it all in, forgetting how big he was after all that time. It'd been a few days since the last time Gojo fucked you, mostly because you'd been busy and never in the mood. But you had honestly been itching for him to touch you for a while now, and you were finally glad he was. You moaned quietly at first, until Gojo decided he wanted you louder and thrust into you harder. You yelped curtly before it was drowned out by louder moans.


When your moans started getting rougher and your breathing ragged, Gojo pulled you up to his chest. You squeezed your eyes shut as the pleasure made you dizzy, the new angle and pace that Gojo picked up made your legs weak. You whimpered softly when he grabbed your face and turned it toward the mirror. "Look how pretty you are when you're a mess around my cock." He hummed with a small smirk and you just sighed. He grabbed your hand and brought it under my belly button. "Did you miss this?" He teased, pushing your hands into your stomach to feel him moving; you could actually feel it. You nodded weakly and he kissed your neck, nibbling here and there and sucking to leave hickeys. At the moment, you didn't care if he left marks, but later you would have to struggle to cover them before work.


He thrust up into you roughly and you could feel the pressure building in your core. Your moans echoed around the bathroom as you gushed around him, feeling like your knees were going to give out any second. You could feel both his cum and yours sliding down your thighs with his last thrust before he stilled inside you.


After catching your breath and cleaning up a little, you managed to get dressed and start dinner. Gojo, still shirtless and just in sweatpants, made his way to the kitchen to bother you. "How long are you staying, this time?" You hummed after a while. "Aw, you want me to leave?" He whined. "No, just wondering how long it'll be before you disappear again." You snorted. "Do you miss me when I'm gone?" He teased. "Nope. And I definitely won't miss you fucking someone else in my bed." You sneered. "It was just that one girl!" He rolled his eyes.


"Mhm. Whose house are you mooching off of next?" You sighed, making two bowls of pasta. "Dunno. Maybe Nanamin." He shrugged, grabbing his bowl. "Like he'd let you stay." You rolled your eyes. "True. Maybe Suguru then." He hummed. "I don't know why you don't just move in with him. He likes you better anyway." You scoffed. "I don't want to bother him too much." He huffed. "Oh, but bothering me is fine?" You sneered. "Well, yeah-" He started. "Yeah, I don't know what I expected." You chuckled.


You talked for a while about how Gojo wasn't mooching off of everyone, but he eventually got nowhere and you won the mini argument. At least he helped you clean up the kitchen after dinner, he wasn't entirely a bum. You hung around in the living room for a while until you went to the bedroom, Satoru followed you in. He climbed into bed after you and you didn't bother complaining, just pushed your back into him when his arms closed around you. You fell asleep pretty quickly, at least a little glad to have him there.