

Stumbling, she held out her hands in hopes of trying to stop. She held her head at the sharp pain of receiving memories from the previous 'god'. She blinked harshly, trying to get used to the blinding sun. She started walking through the forest, going to the castle that had a pull. The trees were familiar, but not.

She saw them before, but they are bigger and the cuts from swords were long old now. No longer fresh, no blood in sight along with dead knights. It was almost like the battle hadn't happened. That her/his followers hadn't betrayed him for his God brother. She shook her head.

She, female, woman, no longer was she a male or female. She told herself, no longer was she a male God or a little female mortal. They were now the Dark God, no longer was she Raiden nor Harmony. They were now Dark God, Yang. Such a cheesy name but a familiar one in different ways. She knows it through a fictional book about a female hero. He knows because it's his title. They knew it because their Creator told them.

Walking into the ruins of his once great castle, they mourned their lost lives. Mourned the knights who were tricked by a pretty maiden, he raged at the knowledge of his people being controlled. She cried at the memories of children dying because they were loyal, because they saw through her trickery. Together they hated their brother God, they planned to ruin the life of his mortal self. The so-called hero will pay.

They were surrounded by magic, after revealing what she pictured as a strong warrior. Built, long black braided hair with darker skin than what he was used to. Native American, she whispered to them, the pride of her people clearly in her voice.

He looked into her memories, nodding approval of their history, she puffed in pride. They were curious of the name that they call themselves. She answered faithfully, many names, different tribes, my people were of Alaska, called Tlingit and Haida. I don't know much of them. She told them regretfully for not knowing her history.

They pitied her people, while he found that their history made them stronger for surviving the purging of their people. To have even a little of their culture was a miracle when they were beaten for even speaking their own tongue. Deciding that their new form was acceptable, he nodded to them.

They rolled their new eyes at him, before they disappeared in a shower of lights.