
ToG: Monarch's Ascend

What is that you desire? Power? Glory? Money? Revenge? Or something that surpasses all other? Whatever it is can be found here. All your desires shall be fulfilled at the top of the tower. ------------------------------------------ "I desire for bloody revenge on those bastards who abandoned me and left me for dead. I want to make them suffer in agony with my own two hands. And then...." He paused for a moment, as a maniacal grin, filled with immense malice and madness crept up on his face. "I will rule over the worlds myself." "If I have to climb this tower to get what I want, then so be it."

Duke_Aaron · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter - II

"What an annoying set of doors.." Baran grumbled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck.

He did open the pair of wooden doors which marked the entrance of the Tower but it took a lot of effort for him to open it and make his way. Baran felt as if the Tower is rejecting him or something with those doors but being the stubborn man he is, he forced his way through and once he made his way in, he felt transported somewhere with the doors disappearing right behind him.

He had a burning desire to kick the doors after stepping in to quell his irritation and annoyance but the door disappeared on him, and he ended up in the middle of a huge tunnel with walls that had seen better days, with torches hanging high on them, illuminating the way ahead for the one who would walk down the path.

Shoving his hands in the pockets of his trousers, Baran walked down the illuminated pathway, having questions on who built such a tower with spatial magic imbued in it which could easily transport a person from one place to another. It felt different from the portals the Rulers and Monarchs used to mobilize themselves and their armies at times of combat and even while retreating.

He soon arrived at a wide open area, marking the end of the tunnel and noticed two individuals in middle of a discussion with each other. One looked like a normal human and other wasn't at all.

The latter is a being with an appearance reminiscent of white rabbit standing on his two legs, holding a long staff with green orbs at the ends of the staff. The rabbit-like being had deep cyan eyes.

Baran wasn't at all surprised at the sight of an unusual being right after entering. Given he had his fair share of seeing different kinds of being such as the rabbit here, he didn't feel weird at all.

He was engaged in a conversation with a short-heighted girl with primrose colored hair and yellow eyes. She wore a pink dress with brown long-sleeved shirt under it, along with a ribbon tied around her waist. Her face had good number of freckles and she seemed to be complaining about something.

"The will is the important factor here and that boy was much more braver and courageous than you." The rabbit sneered, the grip on his staff tightening. "You are this unqualified to climb the Tower as you aren't the chosen one."

"But why is Baam--"

The sound of throat clearing interrupted the two individuals, prompting them to snap their heads at the direction of the noise.

"Is this the entrance of the Tower which grants the wish of those who climb up to the top?" Baran demanded, pointing his finger upwards.

"This is the first floor of the Tower. And I am Headon, the caretaker of the Tower and the administrator of the First Floor." The rabbit responded, his cold cyan eyes carefully observing the individual in front of him. 'Who is this guy? How did I not sense him up until a few moments ago?'

Baran could feel the rabbit being vary towards him. The rabbit had plenty of reasons to be vary of him. Baran is no fool. He would never wander into unknown territory without taking proper measures. Right after entering in via what he deduced as spatial magic, he concealed his presence, something which he found easy to do unlike before when he had immense power in the grasp of his palm.

Sometimes becoming powerless has its own set of advantages, the former Demon King learned that today.

"I see so this is the entrance." Baran mumbled taking a look around while rubbing his finger beneath his nose. The place looked rather plain in appearance to him, not getting any kind of grand feeling from it. Maybe the architect of the Tower got sloppy while making the first floor...is what he thought.

"You! Do you have a Pocket?" Headon grew even more cautious of the newcomer that he completely ignored the girl standing right beside him. He couldn't even sense a Pocket from him which means this person has to be someone from outside the Tower, just like "him". 'Another Irregular?'

"What the heck is a Pocket supposed to be?" Baran curiously demanded.

"A Pocket is an important tool and something that is necessary to be in the possession of someone who wishes to climb the Tower." Headon briefly explained the functions. "It also helps translate languages and store items."

"I can understand your language pretty much, don't I? So I don't think I require a Pocket." Baran responded with a loose, carefree shrug. 'As for item storage, that is something like a child's play for a being like me. I still have access to the Spatial Storage though currently it is empty.'

Spatial Storage is something that every Ruler and Monarch used to possess. Everyone had unique set of abilities and to use those abilities even further they had various items at disposal. For instance Baran himself had a pair of daggers and a greatsword in his possession prior to his defeat. They all used to store them in these special Spatial Storage and have unlimited access to them.

'That is what surprises me to no end. How can you understand the language used by us inhabitants of the Tower? Just what are you?' Numerous question revolved around Headon's mind but he choose to stay silent. There is saying that goes like this; "curiosity kills the cat" and Headon right now has no intentions of being the cat.

Instead he beginning thinking of ways to rope this newcomer into his own plans as well. It will be a blessing in disguise if the newcomer agrees and will also solve this girl's predicament. Killing two birds with one stone seemed more better option to him.

"Little girl, would you like to be the Heroine of the story? I can make you one if you fulfill a task of mine." Headon suddenly turned his attention to the yellow-eyed girl. "And that includes you too golden-eyed boy. You too want to climb the Tower right?"

"I didn't come to sightsee if that answers your question. And the name is Baran." Baran choose to go with the name without adding the prefixes he wants to desperately add onto. It didn't feel justified to go with those titles in his current state much to his bitter feelings.

"Well Baran, I say you pair up with this girl and climb the Tower along with her. Be her hands and legs for the time being ." Headon added.

"What do you mean be her hands and legs? Is she that special enough?! Hell no!" Baran was quick to snap back at the Administrator. His pride allowed him turn himself into one of the weakest species he had known but it won't allow him further to be a slave to someone else, not matter what.

"If you disagree then I can't have you climb the Tower. As I told you before, I am the Administrator of the First Floor, the one who will see whether you are fit to climb the Tower or not." Headon remained calm. He had to play his cards well in order to achieve his own goals and by any means possible.

Baran remained silent, clenching his hands into fists and then dashed towards the rabbit-faced Administrator at superhuman speeds. He proceeded to punch the daylights out of him for trying to look down on him. But Headon's reflexes were shaper and faster than him. The latter brought his staff in between and it clashed with Baran's punch. Though the force behind his punch, made the caretaker skid back a little.

"Don't you dare look down on me!"

"I am not looking down on you at all. In fact I am merely presenting you with an opportunity that will benefit you too." Headon stated in response. He didn't seem unfazed by Ned's behavior, having witnessed such kind of behavior countless times.

Though he could feel that this person carried immense strength and will continue to grow stronger as he climbs. Headon had to contain his excitement as he thought of what surprises will this human with immense potential in him bring to the Tower. Another reason to like hi job on the First Floor. He gets to witness rare gems first hand.

"Better be worth it." Baran moved away his hand from the staff, letting out a grunt of irritation.

He hated the fact that he has to rely on someone to achieve his goals and owing someone a favor or debt is the worst possible feeling for anyone. He will have to live with that.

'I wish I could chop off his head at the moment. But right now that ain't possible..'


With strange Spatial Magic, once again into play, Baran and the girl who is currently going under the name Michelle Light, found themselves in a large, grassy field which seemingly had no end to it, as far as eyes could see.

"We are stuck together so there are some conditions you got to follow." Baran initiated a short conversation just to get a few things straight. Right now he seemed less irritated than before.

Rather he seemed to calm and assessing his own situation well enough.

"Don't get in my way and don't question whatever I do. Our teaming up is temporary, hope you are aware of it."

"I am aware of it and I don't intend to get in your way or anything." Michelle had herself, well more specifically her face covered with a black cloak. It seemed she wanted to hide her identity.

Both of them went silent after that, not having anything else to talk about between them and instead tried to scan their surroundings to try and figure out where they are and what would their next step be. Their questions were soon answered in the form of an announcement.

"Greetings Regulars. We sincerely welcome you to the Second Floor also called the 'Test Floor'. Here we will carry out the test to see if you are worthy of climbing the Tower or not."

It was a floating cube from where the voice could be heard making the announcement. Everyone present on the floor had their attention on the cube.

"The rule for the test is simple. There are at present 400 Regulars present in this area. Reduce the number to 200. Use any means possible. The test will end itself when there are exactly 200 Regulars left. Good luck everyone!"

Right after the announcement ended, sounds of Regulars clashing against one another could be heard from almost everywhere in the area. Though Baran and Michelle had yet to face anyone yet as they walked around.

Baran choose to be on the lead, walking ahead while Michelle kept close to him. For Baran it was a perfect opportunity to test what he can do in his current state.

They hadn't walked far enough when an arrow was headed straight for Michelle was easily caught by Baran with bare hands. His keen and experienced battle senses hadn't dulled yet and he could easily see through these small attacks. The grey-haired male took a quick look around to see an archer on a distant hilltop readying another arrow, merely in the delusion that she hasn't been noticed yet.

"Fool.." With that said, Baran threw the arrow right back like a spear with required force. The archer had noticed the incoming arrow and tried dodging it by moving away but that was within Baran's expectations.

"Dominator's Touch." He muttered while making motions with his empty left hand and the arrow changed trajectory, only to pierce the archer's heart, killing her on the spot.

'A killed or be killed environment huh...guess there are somethings that are same wherever you end up.' Baran thought to himself, feeling a little bit better after having drawn the first blood for what felt like an eternity.

"Come on. Let's keep on moving."