
To the Moon and Back.

What will you do if one day, the "Moon" comes falling down? A new world lying before your very eyes? Mystics that are thought to be fantasy. A figure from a story, a legend, and myths. Where is this red thread of fate exactly leading us to? Sorasaki Hikari, a "Normal" boy whose life was completely changed by one life and death encounter.

Hoshizora_01173 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The moon i admire

One night, the moon i admired the most came falling down.

It was a normal night, so i thought, i wouldn't have expected any of this happening.

My name is Sorasaki Hikari. 17 years old.

My hobby is gazing upon the night sky and admire the moon.

Yes, i admire the moon very much, it's not the usual admiration one would feel just because it's beautiful.

It's just that everytime i look at it, my heart is captivated.

something, something, something holds my chest down giving me this feeling of melancholy like there's something i want to reach but can't. i wonder why. i wonder...

I opened my eyes, it's morning.

1st day of school.

we just moved here from far away, a new neighborhood, a new life, new encounters.

although it's not like i had proper encounters before, i didn't even have any friends, well except for one childhood friend but i will not talk about that.

I'm just your normal teenager boy.

I live with my mother, my elder sister and my little sister.

My dad? he died from an incident 3 years ago. now it's only my mother taking care of us.

its 5AM, i got out of bed so that i may start getting ready. can't afford to be late after all.

i stepped down the stairs and greeted my sisters Good Morning, and so they did greet me back as well.

it seems breakfast are ready, mother seems to be preparing our lunch too.

" Oh, good morning Hikari "

Mother greeted as she leaned from the entrance to the kitchen to see me.

"Good Morning, Mother" i responded.

I reached for the chair on the table and sat to begin eating.

there i sat along my 2 siblings who are watching the morning news.

"Let me see what's on the news to day."

i turned my attention to the breaking news while eating.

— Breaking News, another explosion incident claimed lives of innocent people, 8 dead, 5 wounded and 2 in coma.

another explosion incident?

it's an explosion incident that killed my father too by the way. still these explosions has been everywhere since 3 years ago. it's getting weird, it's the 3rd time this month.

"Hey Hikari, be careful, the explosion might happen in your school next time" My elder sister teased me.

"if that happens then that's it i guess"

i replied in which she brushed off as she laughs.

Breakfast went well, lunch is prepared and we went off for the school.

It's only a 10 minutes walk from here so I'll make it there early.

After a few moments of drowning in my thoughts while walking, here i am infront of the gate.

new school life, huh? somehow that makes me really excited. i wonder what kind of encounters i will have.

my class seems to be above at 2nd floor.

stairs already, huh.

i entered the building and climbed my enemy, the stairs.

why do i hate stairs? don't know either.

maybe because I'm lazy.

and here i arrive in my class, thank goodness i wasn't late or anything.

the teacher came to introduce herself and manage us.

my seat seems to be way back besides the window.

no way, I'm a main character! kidding.

just how cliche can this part be?

so yeah, basically I'm a transfer here, the other students seems to have been here since previous grades.

wow, transfer and seat besides the window? I'll be damned if there's another transfer and a female, then she'll sit next to me hahaha. as if.

so i said, until-

" I have another newface to introduce to you, please welcome! "

A figure entered the room, she had a really long hair black and gleaming blue eyes.

she seems to be really slim, and you know, short. in my estimation she'd be as tall as my shoulders and my height by the way is 172CM

however, i was captivated.

She stood infront all of us, she had this sort of high and mighty smirk on her face with her arms crossed and started Introducing herself.

" My name is Kaguya, Fujimura Kaguya "

Fujimura? that's the same last name as our advisor.

" As you guessed, she's a relative of mine, my little sister basically, so be kind to her okay? " our advisor interrupted.

Ms. Fujimura, she's a young woman at her 20s, she's really pretty and got a nice body figure, i would say she's a man's dream.

she's really kind and understanding.

" Then please sit besides Sorasaki at the back "

huh? wait wait wait wait. huh?

who knew my joke earlier would be real, huh. could it be, I'm some sort of psychic? kidding. but surely this can't get any more cliche.

the girl approached her seat besides me, however before that she seem to have a business with me?

there she stood while still crossing her arms.

" You there, what's your name? " she asked me.

" Me? Oh, Sorasaki Hikari " i responded.

" Very well, I'm Kaguya, just Kaguya, a princess! or even a goddess! you have good manners, very well I've taken a liking on you! Wahahaha. " She boldly declared.

" Uhh, Your Majesty—! "

i decided to play along with her delusions for no reason.

she seemed happy about it.

Princess? Goddess? huh. is she perhaps you know, chuunibyou, that's embarassing. i thought to myself as i looked at her on disbelief. though she paid no attention to it.

well, i used to be one myself before though.

I am the Abyssal Knight, THE COSMIC DEVOURER!— or something, is what i used to be onto but i've thrown that past away now.

the day went well, except for the fact that this Kaguya girl started bossing me around. she wouldn't even call me by my name! she keeps on addressing me as Human. Hey human, you there human and blah blah blah.

does the concept of manners not exist in this girl?!

until the day was finally over. i started getting ready to go home, but then this girl started bossing me around again.

" Hey, Human, buy me some of those they call soda " she ordered me. though the money was hers.

strangely, i am unable to refuse, i just can't. heck I'm not even mad about it.

this is bad, am i awakening a new fetish?!

i just took her money just to get this over with, then i can go home. which of course i needed to use the stairs again, this is the worst.

i bought some soda, got back above as soon as possible and gave it to her.

"here" i gave the cold can of soda to her and she took it happily.

" Good, good, good, it would seem i am not mistaken about you at all! you're a great guy! Ahahahaha! "

what's with the sudden compliments?

she just sit there laughing while drinking. why is she not going home yet? whatevs, none of my concern.

i left the building, I'm tired today.

i stood at the field to see the burning red sunset. it's almost night huh.

i decided to take a seat in the nearest Ramen House, i got really hungry.

there i would sit for 30 minutes because the television happened to be in my favorite show and when i got out it was night already.

then, and then, i noticed, i left my bag in the classroom. well shit.

i just stood in the middle of road in silence with my right hand covering my eyes thinking about my stupidity. i let out a sigh and decided to go back there. i hope the room was left open.

i entered the building to face my enemy again, aghhhh i hate this.

i climbed to the second floor.

there seems to be not that much lights around here.

seriously, I'm really tired today even though all i did was sit.

i entered the room and reached for my bag, lucky.

i noticed that the bag of that Kaguya girl is still here too.

did she forget it as well? none of my concern.

I'll just take this bag of mine and leave alre—

just when i turned around, just before i could finish my sentence.

something unpleasant greeted my face.

i don't know what to describe it.

it was there standing, I'm not even sure if it is because it's body is not that of human at all.

it's eyes were staring at my soul.

my fight or flight sense activated and ran as fast as i can, before i could realize, i was screaming.

adrenaline was circulating through my body that i didn't even notice i have a gaping hole in my left arm.

i don't care what you call that thing, a monster, a demon, a yokai whatever!

i must get away from it!

it's chasing after me.

it's stomps are so strong it's demolished everything it steps on, it's almost like a bomb.

it destroyed classrooms and the hallway completely.

it has a flat body and short limbs like a lizard.

with a neck so long it resembles a coconut tree with the head hanging upside down at it's end with a really long hair. it has a face of a human, but it's reaction remains frozen in one eerie smile. eyelids widely open it feels like the eyeballs could fall anytime with pitch black pupils and very dried lips, it's skin is really pale with visible purple nerves throughout the body.

the sound it makes is really loud but it's only a wheezing sound, It would try to laugh but barely resemble the sound of it.

even with my heavy breathing, it still rings in my ears.

Tears started flowing out of my eyes before I knew it, I simply want to survive that's all.

It doesn't matter If I lose my limbs, or anything.

As long as I'm alive, as long as I will see the light of tomorrow, please, let me live.

i kept on running, even climbing the stairs towards the rooftop i hated so much.

it might've been a foolish decision to come here, i am cornered after all.

even now, i still can't believe this situation I'm in.

i wished for many things while running.

like, what if i just suddenly gain crazy overpowered ability to get rid of this thing or maybe if i wake up and this is just a nightmare, or maybe if a god saves me even though I'm a big atheist.

unfortunately none can happen.

i will die here.

Slowly walking towards me, It once again laughed, but now, it's more like an actual laugh, still while wheezing.

the creature leaned it's head towards me and opened it's mouth, just like any other human mouth, it's not that big but this one, it didn't stop opening it until its cheeks rips open too.

it's planning on devouring me alive.

that's when...

a stream of light came down and passed through its neck, the creature's head went falling down like a tree.

something just cut it.

that stream of light, i looked at the impact it made, there a strange glowing object shaped like a crescent pierced the floor.

It looked like it happened instantly, simply too fast for my eyes to see.

it started moving and levitate.

and above that, there was the moon i admired the most, came falling down.

the crescent from earlier returned to her as she sat on it.

it's like a flying vehicle?

" Oh, if isn't this the human from earlier! your name if i remember correctly was Hikari? you were really helpful earlier, thank you. and i thought you had gone home already, had I arrived later, you would be dead now "

It was the girl from earlier, the one i thought to have been a chuunibyou, Kaguya.

her words seems to be genuine, she's genuinely thankful.

She floats above the skies in her Crescent Vehicle. her outfit is different, she wears something like a kimono with a really big crescent hairpin.

The moon light bounces off from her skin, as if she's the one glowing brighter than it.

Her eyes glow as it met my gaze...

i was captivated.

I wouldn't really say it's love at first sight given that I have met her already.

The moon i admired, has become the woman i admire as well.