
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Smile like no one's watching


I looked straight at her eyes only to see her blushing and turning her head away to look at the empty floor.. 'hmm...'

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean what?"

"Does the floor look more floorly? or something?"

She chuckled before shaking her head and standing up from the chair.

"No, uh.. do you wanna take a bath, together?"

"Huh?, sorry.. what?"

"Do you.. wanna take a bath together? It's a way of saving water ya know. I save money, girl! We are both girls anyways. My granny is sleeping in one room and my room is the only one left.

You have no choice. Or you can just go home looking like that. I'm gonna wash, you coming or what?"

"Coming." 'Wtf, why did I even say that!'

If only she knew that I was gay, she would've never asked me to wash with her. 'God knows what's gonna happen now! I better control my gay ass.'

We both then went to the washroom and took off our clothes. I used the shower while she used the tub. I loved the tub and shower wasn't something I was used to.

Hence, I just casually walked upto her, where the tub was and got inside the same tub she was in.

She started panicking. "Why are you panicking? Didn't you say we were both girls?"

"I- I.. did! But, I mean, girl you have a shower there and I'm.. we're both naked haha!"

"Don't worry, my eyes are on your face not your body." 'Eh, why tf did I say that why tf!? Wtf is wrong with me!? WTFFFFF!!!!!!'

She laughed a bit before relaxing. After a few quiet seconds, I asked her, "Aren't you scared?"

"Why would I be scared?"

"I'm a total stranger who is in your bath tub now."

"Well, you're not completely a stranger, right? I've known you since I came to your school, I've been there for like a month now I guess."

She continued after a pause, "And why would I even be scared of you? You are my friend and we've been talking for like an hour now. I really like you girl!"

"You're so naive. You can trust me but a little piece of advice, don't trust everyone. Not too soon like you trusted me. Okay? I'm saying from my experience."

"Says the stupid girl who tried to kill herself just a few moments ago. How naive is that?"

I rolled my eyes before water-slapping her. She did the same and we had a water splashing quarrel. I felt like a kid again.

Suddenly, her granny appeared and both of us panicked!

"Honey.. what's that sound?"

"Nothing gramma!!!! Don't come in, I'm naked!!!"

She hushed me with her hands and it was hard for me to breath so I tried to move but ended up drowning in the tub, my body on the top of her body.

"Alright, hon. I'm going to make dinner, wash and come quickly!"

We quickly got out of the tub in a panic. To my horror, I heard the sound of my brother's sports car.


Both of us started dressing hurriedly just when we heard a sound of a car coming not so far from the cafe and Lucy looked so disheartened and upset.

She wore a black hoodie I gave her and some shorts. She looked so cute and I couldn't help but drool over her look. I wish I looked as cute as her in a hoodie.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No, um.. you look cute in that hoodie. You can keep it. For just today though."

"Haha LOL. I'll give this to you tomorrow, at school."

"Cool. I'm looking forward to meeting you."

"Me too."

We went downstairs to find Lucy's brother sitting on a chair, arms crossed and looking furious.

"Oh boy. Your brother looks livid, man."

"Mehh, don't worry about him. I have no idea how he found out I'm here."

"I..actually called him. He is a old customer here and I had his number. So I called him to take you home."


"I didn't tell him about the stupid thing you tried to do and don't you dare say anything Lucy. You did such a stupid thing, running away from home like that."

Lucy was speechless and I continued as we kept walking towards her brother.

"And for the record, you parents, your brother, your whole family LOVES you. Even if you don't see that. Whatever your secret is, I hope they will understand one day.

Just give them some time. And don't you EVER do stupid things like that again, okay!?"


"Now you have a real friend and I'll be here if you ever want to talk to me again. This is my WhatsApp number. Text me when you get home."


We hugged and her brother suddenly hugged Lucy. Lucy hugged him back but then after a few seconds, he pushed her away clearing his throat.

"Let's go home you little piece of sh-"

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. Let's go bro!"

Her brother looked so surprised.

"You're apologising? Wow. Ah, anyways. Yeah let's go. Dumbass."

"Hold on a second, this is my best friend, ahh, what's your name sweetie?"

I couldn't control my laughter and maybe because I had a very contagious laugh, she and even her brother laughed a bit too.

"You'll know it tomorrow, bestie!"


Saying that she waved me good bye and went out the door. I followed them and waited until they completely went away.

They got on the car and before dashing off, Lucy rolled her window and said to me,

"Oh by the way, I'm gay. Lesbian! That's the secret!"

I smiled and said, "I know! I could tell from the way you looked at me.."

Her eyes widened as she blushed, HARD and the car dashed off in a lightning speed. I kept standing until I couldn't completely see it and went inside, still smiling.

'What a beautiful day.'

Girl friends or girlfriends? :)

Only a few people get the chance to live a life. So don't waste that, make the most of it while you can. Or you'll be wasting someone else's opportunity.

Every life is beautiful. You just have to realise that.

_Tiny_Devilcreators' thoughts