
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Life is like a movie sometimes

My brother looked petrified as was I. We dialled the hospital's number and called it. After a long wait, we got to talk with a nurse.

"I.C.U. 13, who is this?"

"...'I.C.U.!??- WTF-'....umm.. It's Lucy, Lucindra.. Can I know about the patient please?"

"Which patient, miss?"

"Oh uh, Mr. Amador?"

"Oh. Give me a second, please."


After taking a few minutes, she told us that our dad was in the I.C.U. due to a dangerous heart attack and the possibility of him living was 50-50."

'No wonder mom fainted..'

After ending the call, I turned to my brother who was equally pale as me and we were both utterly scared for our father's dear life.

"What do we do now?" I asked him with a trembling heart.

"First, let's wake mom up and go to the hospital."


"I'll drive."

It took us a lot of energy to wake up mom. After she woke up, the three of us got ready and went to the hospital immediately.

It was so hard for us to find the I.C.U. room..

"Who even- ah.. this is such a cheap hospital. I would have admitted him to the best hospital in town right away if I knew!" Mom started complaining as always.

She bribed a male nurse and quickly, he helped us find the room father was in. There was a small circle on the door, from where we could see dad.

After both mom and my brother peeked through the circle, it was finally my chance. They both looked like they were in the edge of crying. I was scared to look, I was anxious. But also curious.

I wanted to see dad so I peeked from the circle. It was a bit high for me so I had to stand on my toes to get a clear view.

As I peeked, I could see dad on a bed wearing blue hospital clothes and he had an oxygen mask on. His eyes were closed and his face looked a bit pumped.

As I kept peeking, the last thing I saw left me in shock and pure sadness. It broke my heart.

I saw some nurses were around him while a doctor was using that two machines which is used to restore the heart beat, like in movies.(it's a defibrillator)

I couldn't bear to see him in that situation. All the memories we had together, all the things we did and everything we had to go through, together.. they all came rushing back to my mind.

I could hear my mom sobbing and I looked at her to see her holding her chest while her mouth was opened as she cried and cried. I looked at my brother only to see him crying too.

He wiped a tear before looking back at me. I was on the edge of crying. I peeked from the circle once again and I saw that the doctor had given up and he had put that machine down.

Before I knew, I started sobbing as I started dropping to the floor slowly while still holding the door from one hand. I was sitting on the literal floor while sobbing my heart out.

'No.. you can't leave me, dad. I need you. Please.. Don't go.. don't leave me, daddy..."

Just then I heard the machine sound again. I peeked again and saw that the doctor had decided to give it another shot. One last chance.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I could almost hear it. My toes were hurting from standing on them for too long. I was gonna fall, almost. But I kept peeking through the circle.

The doctor started moving the machine close to his chest. Just when he put it on his chest... I fell. I fell on the floor! 'Ugh!' Before I could get up, I heard my dad's voice. He was gasping.

I quickly got up as tears started to fall. I wasn't the type to cry in front of others but at this point, I didn't even care. The only thing that mattered to me now was my dad's health.

Just when I peeked again, the door opened, hitting me and throwing me away. I fell on my butt again. "Ouchie ouw!" I looked up to see that doctor standing in front of me.

To my surprise, he, who was really tall and was wearing a mask and clothes that covered him from head to toe, wasn't wearing his mask anymore.

He looked like a teenager. He was beyond cute. Even my gay ass had a crush on him when I saw his darn beautiful face. He looked at me the same way I looked at him.

After a few seconds, he offered me his hand. I gladly took it and got up. The doctor was super tall. My neck was hurting from looking at him.

I was so happy that I hugged him and said, "Thank you."

"It's alright. I'm sorry by the way, I didn't know you were standing near the door."

"No, it's fine. Can I see my dad now?"

"Oh, it's your dad? Yeah you can but not yet. I-"

Mom came upto is and started to thank him while shaking his hand like a crazy lady. Then she asked the same question I asked to which he replied,

"Actually, I can't let you do that. He just got better. You should give him space and let him rest for a while. I will discharge him after a couple of days. Like two weeks, minimum."

"Can I at least transfer him to another hospital?"

"I'm afraid you can't do that. Sorry ma'am I gotta go. Ask this nurse for more information." He pointed at the nurse who was behind him and just left.

As mom started talking to the nurse, she started explaining things to her. For me, everything was blurred and I heard no sound at all as I kept looking at dad from the door that was slowly closing.

'Wow.' I felt like I was in a movie.

I started walking towards the door slowly only to be grabbed by a delicate soft hand. I turned my head to look at that person immediately.

It was Diane! I was surprised to see her here. Her granny was also behind her and I looked at my brother and saw him winking at me. Then I turned to Diane again.

Before I could say anything, she caught me off guard by suddenly hugging me.

Life is like a book. There are gonna be bad chapters and good chapters. Roller coasters of emotions.

Be brave and always be positive. A new, better and great chapter of your life is yet to begin.

-Your author.

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