
To the girl I love..


_Tiny_Devil · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

A conversation with the father-in-law

Being in her arms made me feel relaxed and happy in a way I can't describe. I didn't even want to ask her how she came here and how she knew I was here.

All I wanted was to keep hugging her. I closed my eyes as I hugged her back. She smelled like vanilla. I felt like I was melting in her arms. I wanted to feel her warmth even more.

'Gosh what has gotten into me lately?'

Shrugging all those thoughts, I sat on the waiting bench with her where my brother was also sitting. I was in the middle between Diane and my brother on that silver colour bench.

Mom was still talking to the nurse. Diane's granny also sat beside her. There were only four seats. I talked with Diane. I was still anxious and sad but she being here, made everything feel a bit calmer.


"I know.. you must be surprised but I thought I would just come without calling you first. Your brother actually called me and sent me the location."

"Ah huh.."

I turned to my brother and he had a cheesy smile which was confusing me but I didn't think about it that much and turned to Diane again.

"So, how is your dad Lucy?"

"He is okay. He is alive, thankfully.."

"You seem.." She paused and hugged me again. Then she told me, "It's okay, don't worry. Everything will be okay!"

I smiled and nodded. Diane was so cheerful and her calm presence made everything seems to be okay.


Lucy smiled and nodded while I patted her back, comforting her. Then I introduced her as my best friend to my granny.

"Oh I remember this gal.." Gramma said and we kept talking and Lucy smiled several times which made me feel really happy and proud thinking that I made her day at least a bit better.

I honestly felt so bad for her, as she had told me before.. her dad was everything to her. I prayed to God that he would be like he was and everything go back to how it was.

Lucy didn't come to school the next two days but after that, she came everyday and we would go see her dad together, after that she would always ask her brother to take me back to the cafe.

A week went by and Lucy's dad wasn't still talking to her at all. I felt really bad because she was heartbroken over it. One day, I decided to talk to her dad.

I didn't care about any circumstances. I just wanted to help my best friend. I didn't want to see her that miserable. I waited till I got a chance to be alone with him.

Thus, when Lucy went away to talk with her mother, I started a conversation with her dad. This was the first time I was talking to him. Even though I came everyday and he saw me everyday.

I didn't dare to talk with him. I didn't even look at him. He didn't either. Lucy talked to him all the time while he just listened without saying anything at all.

"So, mister. How are you now?"

He looked at me, surprised before uttering, "Good."

"I am Diane by the way.."

He gave me a weird disgusted look before asking, "Are you Lucy's girlfriend?"

I laughed and waved my hands in the air vigorously before answering his question.

"No no, sir. I'm her best friend, and I'm straight."

'..I guess....'

He suddenly burst out laughing and told me that I looked like the gayest person ever. I laughed and agreed. I really did look like that. We both laughed and got into talking.

Even though it was small talk most of the time we talked about Lucy, it felt really wholesome and genuine. I was feeling really happy. I felt like I was talking with my own father.

'Weird. But, weirdly beautiful.'


I was sitting on the sofa beside my father's bed with Diane when mom suddenly called my name from outside the room, in a hurry. I quickly went outside.

"What's wrong mom??"

I asked from mom who was in a hurry in checking her purse.

"Lucy, do you have 5 bucks?"

"Duh, I do. But what for?? Don't you have like a ton of money??"

"UGH. I forgot my card. My bank card, you know that card that has mon-"

"I know mom! I ain't a kid."

"O-okay! Five bucks."

I took my small purse out from my pocket and gave her a 20 dollar note. She thanked me and was about to leave to pay for father's medicines when I suddenly grabbed her hand.

I said sorry and let her hand go. She tried to leave but I shouted 'wait!' to which she furiously replied, "What Lucy?? I have to go pay quickl-"

"How are you feeling?" Mom looked at me really surprised as her mouth was agape. Then she cleared her throat and talked with me before she left.

"Ahm. That was out of the blue.. ahh. I'm okay. I guess. Yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay.." I smiled. Although she didn't smile back, I was feeling happy and really proud of myself while I kept looking at her departing figure.

"Well, well, well.."

"Oh great heavens!"

My brother came towards me as I held my chest and looked at him in pure shock. I was searching for that moron. He was no where to be seen but now he suddenly appeared.

"You sounded just like a villain in a story when he makes his first appearance in the movie. Dang bro!" He laughed and I laughed a bit too before asking where the hell he has been.

"Well, I was talking with my side chic. She dumped me."

"Wha- you're not even sad??"

"She was my SIDE CHIC bro.."

"Ew, bro. I never knew my brother was a playboy. DISGUSTING!"

"Wha- Don't say that! Do you have any idea how many boys cry in the washroom every week because of you??"

"What! I haven't even been in a single relationship yet. I don't even like boys!"

"Yeah idiot. That's the reason. Everytime someone tries to confess they find out you're gay and immediately gets heartbroken over it."

"That's not MY problem. What the heck!"

"Yeah but still, you're involved in some way."

"You know how many girls have confessed to me and I've turned all of them down?"

"Not even a side chic-"

"NO! Not even a side chic. They don't cry in the washroom like that. Stupid boys!!! ugh. Men."

"What the- I can do that too. Ugh. Women."

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Shut the f*** up b****"

"I'm older than you. How dare you! little piece of sh*t."

"You sc*mbag."

"You ***********"

And just like that, we broke into a fight. Yeah, in the middle of the hospital hallway to dad's room. Yeah..

Everyone started looking at us like we were some kind of animals and honestly it was the most embarrassing thing ever.

Suddenly, we heard a sound and a trolly was coming towards us in gods speed. I froze on the spot. Just when I thought it was about to hit me, I heard mom's voice.

"Lucy! Watch out!"

'Family' is a gift. Not everyone in this world is lucky enough to have a family. Good or bad, if you have a family, I consider you lucky.

Cherish the moments you spend with your family before it is too late. Because every moment becomes a memory one day.

Try to be a good one.~

— Kreshi^^ <3

_Tiny_Devilcreators' thoughts