

When Reiji arrives at the office he sees his sister. "What have you done to her?!" He yelled looking at his sister. "I did nothing she believed it was you. She enjoyed it so nothing to worry about. She will act as if nothing is wrong, because nothing is wrong." Their father said in a threatening tone. He telles him to leave with her when she wakes. "Iris I'm so sorry he did this to you." Reiji said holding her an hour later she woke. She looked at Reiji and smiled before kissing his cheek. "Be careful Reiji, we don't want our brothers getting jealous." she said mischief in her eyes.

Iris pov

Reiji walked with me into the ball room. Once we were spotted the Vampire bowe in respect. I spot my father and Asato sitting till they spot us. My father stood making his way to us. He offered his hand to me making our way to the dace floor. My brothers were not happy watching us dace. I know he is a bit of a ass, but he is our father. "you look beautiful tonight Iris. Your mother would weep tears of joy seeing you marry." He said knowing that is a tender spot for me. "Mom was more interested in Shu don't lie to me." I said Glaring at him. "I think its time you let someone else dance with her." Kaname stepped in. "Ah yes good point by all means" My father bowes to him. Kaname started to dance with me. "I saw you were in need of rescuing. I was happy to offer my services." He smiles down at me. "Thanks Kaname I owe you." I said happy before passed around and dancing with other male vampire. This was one tradition I had no problem with. the last dance I was with Takuma. The song stopped so Asato and my father could announce our engagement.