
To Save The World I Became The Villan

I fall to my Knees once again short of breath. I use the last of my strength to look up at that damned demon, looking at me with those eyes full of hate and malice. If I fall here then I know what It'll do again. Though the Mind is willing, yet the flesh is weak and gives up to limitations. I feel my consciousness drifting away... dammit I failed again. back to square one, I go and as always that wretched old man enters my vision, lazily dangling his fishing rod and whistling at the dock of our clan lake. Slowly he starts reeling in his hook and smirks "how many attempts does this make?". I grit my teeth in an effort not to drown the old man. Meticulously putting bait on his hook with the experience of a thousand lifetimes he asks"how many times are you going to watch them suffer? how many more heads will roll BOY?" Searing anger and shame filled my lungs. "I've tried EVERYTHING!" His eyes cast a condescending gaze "EVERYTHING?" I fall to my knees. "Every path a take ends in failure!" The old man throws his hook into the lake. "hmm.. there's a path to success I know of......but it requires a great sacrifice". My chest puffs up with confidence."A hero knows how to sacrifice! I'm willing!" "Who said you had the hero to save the world?" "What?" Just a WARNING I'm probably going to revise chapters a lot because I always have a feeling the story could be better. (Tragedy, Psychological, Fantasy, Villain, Mystery, Romance.)

89thBAMM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chpter 10. Dead Timelines

Deep in the forest of the wildlands two giant crescent moons, one blue and the other yellow hung in the night sky over a giant hill, poking from a dense fog hanging over the borderland forest. A navy blue boy lay asleep in the branches of a Wilted wisteria tree. His long ruddy copper locks swayed in the night breeze. The lids of his eyes Gracefully fluttered revealing his fiery golden eyes. The boy touched his eyes as if to confirm their existence. Touching his chest, he sighed in relief at the pulse of his beating heart. "I guess this time to head back."

As The boy jumped out of the tree he received a telepathic message. " Boy, we have guests from the crown. They are located in the Southwest part of the forest. Take them to one of the teleportation gates. Report to the Acropoliswhe when you are finished." With a new objective, he ran down the hill into the foggy forest below. The mighty wisteria tree, which once stood proudly over a hundred feet tall atop the hill, crumbled into ash and blew away with a mild wing, leaving the once beautiful hilltop empty.

Prince Hebzucht had finished recording his message in his transmission stone, injecting some mana into it it glowed for a second then faded. "The men are ready to move out my prince. On all our patrols we've yet to find any demonic activity." General Jahad walked into his castle chambers unceremoniously with his report. The prince disinterested ignored his words." Any discovery of precious metals or enchanted stones?" The young Griffin's brow twitched at the prince's one-track-mindedness." Yes caught a behemoth Rhino its mirthle armor and horns should make for fine armor, though most of the mana crystals found were light attributed so Josephine collected them in service of the church." The prince's face sunk at the harrowing revelation delivered by the white-haired youth." Tsk, fine this will go to my years of missed tithes. Let's do some more investigating for potential demonic activity."

The company packed up and made their way to the gate of the newly built Hebzucht fortress, leaving two squadrons to man the fortress. The company stood before the castle gate as its gears ground against one another, and slowly lifted the heavy barrier. To many surprises, the lift gate revealed a tiny blue boy in samurai-armored tribal attire. A black wolf pelt hung over his shoulders, and atop his head sat a black rammed horned wolf skull. In his arms, he carried two black wolf cubs. The child's burning gold eyes glowed under his bone helmet, and the dark gloomy forest behind him painted an unsettling appearance. The archers readied their bows assuming what stood before them was a demon.

A heavy scowl befell Josephine's face as she glared at the boy.'I've never sensed such a pure light affinity, not even within the order of the saints. How come mere beasts also carry the same affinity, how preposterous.' Taking out her notebook she began writing. The strange child performed a curt bow with grace only taught to high nobility." This humble child of Nàdur pays his respect to his majesty. I will be your guide to the village please follow My lead." The boy turns around and heads off to the forest. The prince looked down at his transmission stone glowed brightly for a second." He's a Nàdur, he can be trusted."

Jahad nudged his Griffin and followed after the ominous boy while grunting." Be on your guardsmen." Prince Hebzucht nodded a sparkling glow was kindling in his blue eyes as he intensely stared at the two wolf pups in the boy's hand. Pulling up beside the boy Jahad offered his hand." Sorry for my name General Jahad of house Griffin, Hop on traveling mounted is faster." The boy nodded, taking his hand, and climbed onto the Griffin.

The prince pulled his winged unicorn beside the pair." How much for the two beasts?" The tiny pups as if insulted by the label began growling." I'm sorry your eminence these are my children If I give them to you I will surely die. "Prince Hebzucht chuckled taking his strange denial lightly in stride, and his intense gaze shifted from the pups to the boy himself. "Then how about joining my company? Every young man needs an adventure. There would be no shortage of honor and Valor in defending the Empire under my leadership not to mention RICHES." A look of melancholy appeared on the boy's face as he looked off into the hazy distance. "Believe you me my lord in every other timeline that was an inevitability. But this time I must follow the wishes of patriarch Koel and fulfill my filial piety. I pray to the Great Spirit you find it in your heart to forgive my insolence. But worry not I will send a clansman to your aid more useful to you than I."

The boy's nonsensical yet passionate speech both confused and pulled at the heartstrings of his audience. Josephine who had originally assembled her opinions on the Nàdur as the crown's abominable transgressions from temple archives forgot her lowly opinion of the child and a motherly instinct to protect such a pure heart. 'Maybe I should kidnap him and instruct him in the ways of sainthood.'

Even the prince whose heart was normally not moved by such formalities but by the weight of gold and silver was left stunned. 'Wouldn't he be more profitable if I recruit him as my representative in the crown court?' Sensing that they had arrived at their destination the boy hopped off the Griffin. "We've arrived." Forming some hand seals a torii gate rose from the earth. Lightning struck the gate from the heavens and a portal opened between its pillars. "Follow me." Not looking back the boy entered the portal.

On the other side of the portal, the company witnessed a stunning sight. A village decorated with many beautiful Buddhist monasteries and temples. Purple wisteria trees littered even the great walls that closed off the village with their petals. Looking around themselves they saw massive hundred-foot-tall torii gates a kilometer in the distance keeping the fog at bay.

At the village gates, they confirmed their identity with the gate guards and were led to their living quarters. The first thing Jahsd noticed was the lack of men even the gate guards had one man commanding them. As he looked around he saw all of the people who roamed the streets were jubilant, silver-haired, and advanced in age, not a child to be found.

Josephine was holding in her urge to destroy all the paganistic statues of gods that populated every corner of the streets. 'Why does every person I've seen so far have such disparate appearances from the archives and weak forces?'

Arriving at the barracks, the boy bowed to show you the Nadur's hospitality I give you each tears of the wisteria tree. Swallow it and in the time of great danger, it will fully unlock your potential and max out your talent in whatever style or magic you are most proficient in." the boy put six crystalized tears in each of the three's hands. "I recommend you give one to each of your strongest warriors. May the Great Spirit bless you all."

As the boy finished his word two men one clothed in white noble robes with a regal presence the other in a red toga and a crystal crown atop his head, entered the courtyard of the barracks. "The task is done, I will be taking my leave Patriarch Koel, Grand Elder Spiorad."With a bow to both the elders, the boy took his leave. the Patriarch's eyes followed the boy's movement and stayed on the gates that he exited for a while. His cold eyes retargeted onto the prince and his retinue. The elders gave a slight bow, though the patriarch's eyes never looked down, his cold silver eyes like a white tiger gazing at his prey unsettled the trio. "this humble clan leader greets his highness, I'm sure we have much to discuss."

Sorry, it's been taking me so long to update been trying to get this chapter perfect.

Even though I'm not satisfied with it I hope you enjoyed

give me Two more power stones and another chapter will come out tomorrow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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