
Genius and Madness

"Soooo, where did you see these formulas?"

Professor Chen changed his kind and jovial expression and suddenly became serious.

Being interrupted by the checking and deduction, Su Su realized that both Professor Chen and Gao Yi stood behind her, looking at the formula she had written on the white paper and deduced.

"Mentor, here's the formula I saw on this application."

"I felt as if there were a few things that made sense, so I tried to make a deduction."

"But... It doesn't seem to deduce."

Su Su hurriedly stood up and handed Professor Chen an application form with densely written information in her hand.

Prof. Chen and Gao Yi both scanned the project section of the application form.

Plans for a Nuclear-Powered Robotic Armor

Looking at the title of the project, Gao Yi's brows suddenly furrowed slightly.

What's all this?

Nuclear-powered mechanical battle armor?

You think you're in a sci-fi movie? And nuclear-powered mechanical armor!

Simply by seeing the name of the program, Gao Yi already felt that it was ridiculous, and the probability was that it was just another claptrap application statement.

Is this a locked up fantasy?

Just seeing the name made him feel very outrageous.

Gao Yi shook his head slightly, his mind already made up its mind.

In future, the application criteria for prisons should be more stringent, and such unrealistic and claptrap application reports should never be brought to the R&D Institute.

However, at this moment, he did not notice that the expression on the face of Professor Chen beside him was exactly the opposite of his.

After seeing the formula on this application statement, a flash of essence flashed within Professor Chen's eyes.

As a very senior expert in nuclear kinetic energy in China.

Although he couldn't understand the relevant parts of material mechanics as well as human body mechanics on the statement, he could understand the beginning part of the formula about nuclear kinetic energy.

Just from the fact that the other party was able to write these few formulas, it was obvious that the other party had definitely done research in nuclear kinetic energy related fields.

And the attainment is not bad!

"Soooo, give me this report."

Professor Chen took the application report from Su Su, picked up the presbyopic glasses on his desk, and began to look at it carefully.

The formulas he had just seen Su Su write didn't look like any nuclear power formulas.

Instead, it's kind of like... Kind of like the formula for the derivation of nuclear fusion!

Just as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Professor Chen felt a bit absurd.

An inmate from prison writes deductive formulas about nuclear fusion?

It is important to realize that even a group of top experts in the nuclear field would need at least a week or so to correctly derive the derivation formula for nuclear fusion with the help of advanced computers through.

How could it be written by a prisoner.

It is important to know that nuclear fusion is currently one of the main directions of research in various countries, and experts in this area are even more rare in existence.

Every country babies the hell out of it.

How could it be put in jail.

Professor Chen looked down at these formulas on the application report and couldn't help but pick up the carbon pen on the table and start writing and drawing on the white paper as well.

Because of the length, Li Bing could not write all the formulas from one to the other face to face.

Some extrapolation steps will be omitted in between.

This also led to the fact that there was no way for Susu to fully understand the formula written on top of the report.

"This man... I'm afraid he really does have some knowledge of nuclear fusion."

After Professor Chen finished writing the first line of the deduction formula, he looked at the densely packed application report and took a deep breath.

These first few lines of deduced equations are not too difficult, but it is difficult for someone without knowledge of nuclear fusion to fully understand them.

It's as if Susu, for example, couldn't understand the formulas.

"Nuclear fusion?"

"Mentor you say that the formula written here is the formula for the derivation of nuclear fusion?"

"That can't be right."

Su Su froze, looking at the application report with some disbelief.

She had once devoted time to learning about nuclear fusion, but they were so obscure that she gave up after only a few days.

Without decades of experience in nuclear power research, I'm afraid it's simply impossible to understand.

Even her mentor, who was not well versed in nuclear fusion.

A prison inmate can write the formula for nuclear fusion, and deduce it!

"And... And... The application project written in this application report is also not researching nuclear fusion ah, but nuclear-powered mechanical battle armor!"

Suu gulped.

Although both are related to nuclear, they really mean different things.

Today's nuclear-powered power transmissions are products of nuclear fission, such as the nuclear power plants in various countries today.

There is no way that nuclear fusion can be used as an energy driver.

If one is going to godlike nuclear-powered mechanical battle armor, shouldn't the formula written be that of nuclear fission?


However, in the face of her doubts, Professor Chen shook his head with an odd expression on his face.

"The nuclear power mentioned in this application report... I'm afraid it's controlled fusion!"

Although he couldn't be one hundred percent sure, he guessed the odds were eight or nine to one.

The odds are that this report is the formula for the derivation of controlled fusion that scientists from all over the world have been dreaming of!

Anyone who could write this report is either a supreme genius or a complete whimsical lunatic.


"These formulas are derived formulas for controlled fusion!?"

"This man is a madman, isn't he!"