
To My Dearly Detested...

"The thin line between love and hate slowly disappeared when he felt her touch." Being the first born child and next in line to take over after his father, Desmond Fedorov was bound to his duties. After losing an important person in her life, Elsa dreaded the thought of losing another family member. In order to ensure the safety of the two powerful Mafia families, Elsa Marino and Desmond Federov were forced into an arranged marriage. Getting involved with a Marino was not even the last thing Desmond wanted but he had no other choice. He swore to never cross a line with his arranged wife. He wanted to be married to her only on the vows they had taken. Elsa also had no expectations from the marriage. Love was not something she expected of her new husband. She knew she would be his wife only in name. But with the growing tension and chemistry between them, how long will they manage to keep their hands off each other? With new secrets unfolding itself and the looming danger threatening to tear them apart, will the couple ever find love and peace? …… Excerpt: Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "Let me go—" Elsa tried to push him away. He tightened his grip around her waist. "Didn't you say I could touch you anywhere I want? I am your husband after all." He gently grabbed her chin. She jerked her face to the other side and scoffed. "You wish. You are my husband only in name, remember? You want nothing from this marriage and neither do I." Keeping quiet for a while, Desmond shook his head. "I changed my mind." She frowned. "I want many things from this marriage.” He brushed the corner of her lips with his thumb. “And that includes you." …… (This is the first book of the Mafia hate and love series.) Instagram: author_sofia05 Discord: https://discord.gg/rxjSSJrzRF …..

Sofia05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


[Dressing Room]

"All ready?"

Elsa looked at her brother and smiled, "You came." She gave him a hug.

Marco sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "How could I miss your big day?"

"Well, you missed the rehearsal dinner."

"The groom missed it too so I guess my absence is forgivable." When Elsa did not say anything, he added, "How are you planning to spend the rest of your life with a man like him?"


"I know you are doing it for the family, you are doing it for us but is it worth it?" He cupped her face. "How can I stay in peace knowing that my little sister is getting married to a man like Desmond Fedorov who doesn't give a shit about how she feels?"

"It's okay." She gave him a hug again. "I don't give a shit about him either."

Marco sighed and helplessly shook his head. "I don't know what to say. I just want you to be happy El and I don't see that happening after you marry him."

"Elsa, Marco." Enzo Marino entered the room. "It's almost time."

Marco pulled away and gently pinched her cheeks. "Well, it's time for your father to deliver you to the devil."

"Are you really going to make a scene today as well?" Ricardo placed his hand on Marco's shoulder. "Why don't all of us calm down and be happy today?"

Marco was about to retort when he felt Elsa's hand over his.

"Please—" She pleaded. She wanted her family to be with her today. After today, she would have to move out and start her new life. Though they would always be a part of her life, things would be very different.

Marco sighed and gently caressed her cheeks. "You look so beautiful. I wish you would have never grown up. I want my little sister back."

"I will always be your little sister." She hugged Ricardo and Marco together.

"Yes you will." Ricardo kissed the top of her head.

"If you both are done, it's my turn to hug my daughter." Enzo approached the trio. He then grabbed Elsa's hand. "After today, you will be a part of another family but don't you ever forget that before being a Fedorov you were and will always be a Marino."

"Your brothers and your father will always have your back no matter what happens." He gave her a hug. "This is not how I wanted things to be but since it has already happened, I want you to make the best of it."

Elsa hugged him tightly as she nodded.


[Ceremony Hall]

The crowd stood up at the sight of the bride.

Desmond's eyes were fixed at the direction in which Elsa was walking down the aisle with her father. The white gown hugged her body perfectly just like he had thought it would.

"Damn, she looks gorgeous." Carl patted Desmond's shoulder. "For the first time I regret not being born first."

Desmond did not say anything. He couldn't take his eyes off his bride who looked breathtaking.

Elsa on the other hand shared a completely different feeling. She was nervous and anxious to an extent where she wanted to run away. And the sight of Desmond standing right in front of her didn't make things better.

She knew life would Desmond wasn't going to be easy. But she still had a little hope in her heart that maybe things would work out.

When Elsa took a deep breath, Enzo tightened his grip on her hand. "I know you are nervous. I know this is scary but I want you to stay strong."

She took another deep breath and nodded. She did not have any other choice, she had to stay strong. There was no way she could run away now.



Greetings Readers,

I hope all of you are doing well.

With a heavy heart I would like to inform you all that I lost my father three weeks ago. He was battling cancer for the last three years and finally lost his battle.

We finished all the rituals last week.

I stayed with my family for another week before flying back yesterday.

I will try my best to update regularly starting today.

I want to thank all of you for your patience and understanding.

Thankyou ♥
