
To My Dearly Detested...

"The thin line between love and hate slowly disappeared when he felt her touch." Being the first born child and next in line to take over after his father, Desmond Fedorov was bound to his duties. After losing an important person in her life, Elsa dreaded the thought of losing another family member. In order to ensure the safety of the two powerful Mafia families, Elsa Marino and Desmond Federov were forced into an arranged marriage. Getting involved with a Marino was not even the last thing Desmond wanted but he had no other choice. He swore to never cross a line with his arranged wife. He wanted to be married to her only on the vows they had taken. Elsa also had no expectations from the marriage. Love was not something she expected of her new husband. She knew she would be his wife only in name. But with the growing tension and chemistry between them, how long will they manage to keep their hands off each other? With new secrets unfolding itself and the looming danger threatening to tear them apart, will the couple ever find love and peace? …… Excerpt: Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "Let me go—" Elsa tried to push him away. He tightened his grip around her waist. "Didn't you say I could touch you anywhere I want? I am your husband after all." He gently grabbed her chin. She jerked her face to the other side and scoffed. "You wish. You are my husband only in name, remember? You want nothing from this marriage and neither do I." Keeping quiet for a while, Desmond shook his head. "I changed my mind." She frowned. "I want many things from this marriage.” He brushed the corner of her lips with his thumb. “And that includes you." …… (This is the first book of the Mafia hate and love series.) Instagram: author_sofia05 Discord: https://discord.gg/rxjSSJrzRF …..

Sofia05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

First woman?

Elsa tried to walk away without explaining herself and that annoyed Desmond. He grabbed her arm. "Will you please care to explain what you are trying to imply?"

Keeping quiet for a while, she said, "I don't know how many women have been there." The way the guard at the door suggested to bring change clothes for her was enough to understand that this wasn't the first time Desmond had brought a woman over.

She didn't care what kind of relationships he had before but she was clearly not okay with sleeping on the same bed as his other women.

Without saying anything, Desmond grabbed his coat followed by her coat and purse. He then grabbed her hand and guided her out of the penthouse.

"Where are we going?" Before Elsa could question him any further, he dragged her towards the elevator.


[Inside the elevator]

As the elevator descended to a floor right below the penthouse, Elsa looked at Desmond suspiciously. She didn't understand what he was trying to do or where he was trying to take her.

But before she could question him, the elevator door opened.

He once again grabbed her hand and guided her out of the elevator, towards the nearest apartment.

He then punched the code to unlock the door. "After you." He stepped away, making room for her to enter first.

Without saying anything, Elsa entered the apartment.



The apartment was clearly smaller than the penthouse above but it was still luxurious.

"I will slip you the code of this one after you say 'I do'." He tossed the coats and her purse on the couch.

"This apartment was recently renovated." When Elsa looked at him, he took a step towards her. "No woman has ever stepped foot in this apart from you."

He stopped right in front of her and ran his fingers through her hair. "You are the first one."

It was true that he had taken women for pleasure in the penthouse a few times. But that was several months back and before he was betrothed to Elsa.

He didn't think it mattered until Elsa told him the reason behind her reluctance to sleep in the bedroom.

This is why he brought her to the apartment downstairs. He didn't want her to feel any discomfort.

When his fingers brushed her cheeks, Elsa shivered. Her heart warmed up a little but it didn't last long.

She quickly took a step back. "I am the first one here but will I be the last?"

She waited for him to answer. For some reason, she wanted him to tell her that she would be not only the first but also the last woman to enter this apartment.

But Desmond stood there, staring at her without uttering a single word.

Elsa sighed and helplessly shook her head. Was she really expecting him to assure her that starting today, she would be the only woman in his life?

"Go freshen up, I'll arrange some clothes for you." He walked out of the apartment without waiting for her reply.


[Twenty minutes later]

Greg gave Desmond a brown bag. "I couldn't find anything branded so I grabbed whatever was available at the store."

He took the bag before closing the door. But Greg stopped him.

"Hold on now." Greg placed his hand on the door. "What do you tell a friend who brings change clothes for your girlfriend despite his busy schedule?"

Desmond glared at him. "I am really not in the mood." He slapped his hand away. "And she is not my girlfriend."

Greg placed his hand on his chest. "Oh pardon me, your wife."

He scoffed. "She is not my wife yet."

"Woah, why are you being so cranky?" Greg rai

sed his brows. "Is sister-in-law giving you blue balls?"

… .

[Authors notes]

Greetings Readers :)

My laptop crashed a couple of weeks ago so I had to give it for repair.

It's still in the service center and I'll get it around Thursday this week.

This is why I couldn't continue writing all my books. Typing in phone is very difficult as it strains not only my eyes but also fingers.

But I tried today and managed to pull off this chapter.

I'll give you all a mass release as soon as I get back my laptop.

Until then, please don't mind the irregular update.

Thank you :)