
To My Dearly Detested...

"The thin line between love and hate slowly disappeared when he felt her touch." Being the first born child and next in line to take over after his father, Desmond Fedorov was bound to his duties. After losing an important person in her life, Elsa dreaded the thought of losing another family member. In order to ensure the safety of the two powerful Mafia families, Elsa Marino and Desmond Federov were forced into an arranged marriage. Getting involved with a Marino was not even the last thing Desmond wanted but he had no other choice. He swore to never cross a line with his arranged wife. He wanted to be married to her only on the vows they had taken. Elsa also had no expectations from the marriage. Love was not something she expected of her new husband. She knew she would be his wife only in name. But with the growing tension and chemistry between them, how long will they manage to keep their hands off each other? With new secrets unfolding itself and the looming danger threatening to tear them apart, will the couple ever find love and peace? …… Excerpt: Desmond wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "Let me go—" Elsa tried to push him away. He tightened his grip around her waist. "Didn't you say I could touch you anywhere I want? I am your husband after all." He gently grabbed her chin. She jerked her face to the other side and scoffed. "You wish. You are my husband only in name, remember? You want nothing from this marriage and neither do I." Keeping quiet for a while, Desmond shook his head. "I changed my mind." She frowned. "I want many things from this marriage.” He brushed the corner of her lips with his thumb. “And that includes you." …… (This is the first book of the Mafia hate and love series.) Instagram: author_sofia05 Discord: https://discord.gg/rxjSSJrzRF …..

Sofia05 · Urbano
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24 Chs


After the night when he took her to his apartment, Desmond did not see Elsa. He asked Greg to pick her up in the morning to drop her home.

He did not contribute to any preparations that were made for the wedding and neither did he show up for the rehearsal dinner.

He took some time off everything to clear his mind and prepare himself for the changes that were about to happen after he married Elsa.

But later guilt surged his heart when he saw pictures of Elsa standing all by herself on their rehearsal dinner. He was supposed to be there with her but instead he chose to avoid it and leave her alone.

This is one of the reasons why he wanted to meet her before the ceremony started. He wanted to apologize.

But things didn't go as planned and he ended up hurting her more.

At this point, he was very sure that Elsa hated him. And he wanted her to hate him.

But even though this was something he wanted, why was it bothering him so much?

"Listen—" Greg placed his hand on Desmond's shoulder. "I know you are the boss but right now, you are only my best friend. Being your best friend, I would like to give you some advice."

"We have been together since we were kids and I have seen you do so many stupid things but this, whatever you are trying to do is one of the stupidest thing you have ever done," he exclaimed. "You did not show up for the rehearsal dinner. It was not cool. You took it too far. Imagine how Ellie must have felt when—"

"Ellie?" Desmond raised his brows.

"That's the nickname I gave her," Greg smiled. "Don't be surprised, we are close now."

When Desmond scoffed, he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you are not willing to show her any kindness or affection then someone has to. Carl, Justin and I have taken that responsibility."

"You are kidding me, right?" Desmond frowned. "Greg, I love you but if you ever try to make a pass on my wife then—"

"Woah.. hold on there mister," Greg raised his hands in the air. "First, Elsa is my sister-in-law and I would never even think of her that way. But that can't be said for the crowd of men who were ogling at her during the rehearsal dinner. In fact, if not for Justin, Carl and me, she would have been hit on several times that night."

"Who was it? Give me names." Desmond gritted his teeth in rage and frustration. How could anyone even dare to look at his bride that too at his rehearsal dinner?

"Well, if you really care you should have been there with her." Greg causally shrugged his shoulders which made Desmond even more frustrated.

"Desmond, what are you doing here?" Henry Fedorov, Desmond's father, approached them . "All the guests are waiting for you and you both are chit chatting here." He glared at Desmond. "Are you planning to escape the ceremony the same way you escaped the rehearsal dinner?"

Henry was still mad over him missing the rehearsal dinner.

"We were discussing something," Desmond replied before walking inside the hall.
