
To Make Him The Emperor

Losing her eyesight at a young age, Ishelyn, however, had inherited her mother's divine power that allows her to get visions of the future. One day, she wakes up from a dream seeing the empire in ruins, and a silhouette standing in the middle, being the reason behind all of this. Terrified, Ishelyn works to gain further vision and find ways to prevent this. Circumstances lead to the second prince coming across the divine power she kept so long a secret from everyone else. He extends a strange offer asking for her hand in marriage so that they can work together to save the empire. Ishelyn decides to help him. As time passes and discoveries and secrets unveil, she has to make her own choice regarding who to trust, and whether to love, the more she gets closer to revealing the identity of the man, or men, who is or are, about to bring the empire down to pieces.

parkscript · Fantasia
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7 Chs

/7/ Secrets

Maybe to no one's notice, but the ambiance in the room must have changed. I feel the pitch of the voices has turned low, deeper. The light chitchat from before is gone, as if the meeting has turned to its new phase of only holding serious conversations. I expect Rivenfel to take part in the conversation, but he is surprisingly taciturn. Maybe I was quick to determine what his personality is like from the jubilant way he greeted and entered the dining room a while ago. But the Rivenfel from that day also knew how to hold a conversation. Why is he not talking much today? But again, what do I want him to speak about?

I shift uncomfortably at my own thoughts and focus on the food. Father and His Majesty are the ones talking, mostly on diplomatic issues, most of which I am not fully aware of. I should listen at least if not partake. The vision I received must be a consequence of any of these, if not a war for the throne. I don't know how to change the vision. Considering my little fame in high society and power as a fragile daughter of nobility, no matter how powerful Father may be, in my case, I have none.

The servants come in, taking away the empty dishes. I sit and wait for what happens next. The Majesties must reveal the actual reason behind calling me and Father today, and why Rivenfel is a part of this.

"Thank you for inviting us to the dinner. The meal was delicious." I bow holding my skirt respectfully. The empress speaks softly to me, "Oh dear, your skirt seems to have caught onto some mud from the garden. How about you change and freshen up a bit? Laura will show you the way to the dressing room."

I lightly touch around my skirt to know its condition. The path from the gate to the palace through the garden was mostly concrete. It hasn't rained lately, so it's more unlikely there can be any mud formed. But if the empress says so, I should just follow.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty Please excuse me." I follow the maid to inside.

After she helps me change up, I take a while to fix my hair which was disheveled on the way due to the breeze, trapping the hair locks behind my ear to stop getting them on my face. As I walk out to the hallway to head back, a faint footstep follows from behind. It's not Laura. And I now somewhat know who the person is.

He stops a few steps away from me, facing my back. I wait for him to greet me first but he doesn't initiate the conversation, making me grow impatient.

"Is this a habit of yours - making your encounters with strangers through creating inconceivable scenarios? What pleasure do you achieve from this? Does this make you feel content at succeeding to appear uncanny, Your Highness?"

He grins.

"I didn't know you realized I was here."

I feel offended, "If you think so, then shouldn't you have greeted me first?"

"Apologies, my Lady. It's only fair that you don't know me from before and I also didn't mention my identity back at your abode. Are you angry with me because of that?"

I don't reply to his question, but rather ask instead, "What is your business with me?"

"My, that seems quite crude. Why do I need to have any business to deal with to meet such a pretty lady as you?"

I scoff, "Flattery is not going to work." I am sure now the reason I am invited alongside Father to this dinner is connected to Rivenfel somehow. So it's only better if I ask him directly, "May I know why I was invited to the dinner and why you are attending it as well?"

"Oh. Simple. I asked Mother to invite you to it."

"And what is the reason?"

"I just wanted to see you again."

Cut the crap. I grit my teeth. His silvery voice itself is slowly becoming a source of annoyance now. I whisk on my foot, "Okay, if you are done seeing me, then maybe it's all right if I take my leave now."

"Don't. Father and Mother are sharing a talk with the Duke right now. I suggest we should go back in after a few minutes."

"What talk?"

"The reason you are here today for."

"What reason am I here today for?!" I am on the verge of starting to yell right now, I try my best to keep myself in check.

"It's a marriage proposal. I am seeking your hand for marriage." He says lightly.

I stand motionless. As clocks tick the seconds away, the anger inside me begins to creep up and take over me, breaking the restraint I have over myself.


The way he speaks so nonchalantly is making me want to punch his face, "You heard me right. It's only nice I am informing you now."

So far, it all seems like the empress's scheme to send me in for changing my skirt and having Rivenfel meet me here like this. I clench my fist.

"I don't want to marry you, ever."

"Why? What's wrong with me?" He feigns being hurt, "You might not know, I'm called the most gorgeous man in this capital even more than my brother. He was the one before I arrived in town, but now it's my reign over everywhere."

"Such a gorgeous man like you knows no chivalry and loves to sneak into ladies' rooms who they are about to visit on no notice." I yell, "If a man like you is loved and admired by all, then your followers are blinded only by what you show. Such loyalty is too feeble if you may not know, they'll disappear once they see a trickle of ugly tears on that face you are so proud of!"

He goes silent. I halt, maybe I've gone too far with my words.

Pretty soon, he comes back with a cheeky laugh, "So you knew that I sneaked in your chamber that day before you met me in the garden? Why didn't you ask me so?"

"Change the subject person of that question. Why didn't you tell me so why you did that?"

"Okay. It's time I told you about it anyway. And besides," He says, "You're the most perfect ally I will ever get."

"Ally? What for?"

"Ishelyn," His drop of formality and directly resorting to calling me by my name pricks at my ears, "I know about your ability of seeing the future."

My jaw drops.