
To Love & To Hold

"Shhhh," he cut me off, his palms spreading on the revealed skin of my abdomen. His index fingers made their way into the waistband of my sweatpants as he pressed his front closer to my behind. "Don't shush m-" I tried to argue. "I said so," he stated, his tone going deeper as his hand went lower, this time to the waistband of my panties. I couldn't control my breathing anymore, more so as his teeth lightly grazed my neck. "So you better obey." ^^^^^^^ They say "A night in Vegas can change your life." Rachel didn't think this saying would apply to her. Well that was until she opened the door of her hotel room after a crazy night out. As a marriage certificate is shoved in her face, she notices a glistening diamond on her ring finger. The piece of paper turns out to be legit as stated by the lawyer who presented it. What's more shocking is that her said husband is Lorenzo Caden Peters, one of the best actors in the world and soon to be CEO of the biggest textile company around the globe. How would their life turn out?

FreshyGore · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs


__Trying to please yourself or something?__

Rachel's POV

"Hey Dad," I answered after spitting out the paste in my mouth. I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth when my phone rang. I just had my bath, got dressed and recalled I hadn't cleaned my mouth yet. I know, that's weird.

"How is my only daughter doing?" His gruff voice inquired through the connection.

"I'm good dad," I responded and rinsed my mouth before walking out of the bedroom. "How are you? How about your heart condition?"

"I'm fine dear," he informed. "My heart is fine all thanks to God."

"I hope you are sticking to your medications and not slacking?" I queried in a serious tone and he chuckled bringing a smile to my face.

Dad could be as stubborn as me whenever it came to drugs, however I was different because whenever I knew those drugs were my lifeline, I'd try my very best to gulp them down.