
Jake Sick

Kaiden's classes for the day ended by mid-afternoon.

Due to how distracted he was throughout his lecture sessions, he felt gratitude when the entire rigour ended. He had a couple of things bugging his mind anyway.

Kaiden walked out of the auditorium; Zev with him.

''Uh seriously man,'' Zev uttered to him, ''I can't believe that Prof. Wilmer's course was the last result to get pasted from last semester.''

Kaiden heard him talk but deliberately chose to stay quiet about it. Reason being that they were well headed for the notice board anyway, so what good was it worrying over something that has already been made open; pasted boldly for every public eye to access? 

If there was one thing Kai could pick out from his friend's tone right now, it is the fact that he was clearly nervous about getting to see his result for that course.