(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book
Kai continued on his leisurely sport, ignoring everything and everyone else. The Rap he was listening to was the kind to centre his mind on just one thought.. Solitude.
As he kept at his jogtrotting, his gaze swiftly swayed towards the skies to behold the heartwarming view of the sun setting soon in the horizon. His face twitched into a smile and his focus remained on the reddening of the skies until he mistakenly bumped shoulders with someone who just breezed past him.
"Hey! Watch your-"
Kai was about to curse at the boy but halted midway. As if in Slo-mo, his neck twisted along with his eyes from watching the pretty boy sprint further away from him. His eyes glowered with twinkles and for that person, time seemed to stop!
Who was he?
The exciting fragrance of this charmer was the kind that enveloped Kai's overall senses. The boy's features seemed soft and delicate. Kai was simply too blown away to even speak. His heart began to beat up a strange rhythm as his insides beamed with incredible happiness just for seeing that boy run past him like he'd just done.
What an impression to leave on him!
Kai followed the beautiful runner with his eyes, observing him sprint so sexily. His skin was perfectly fair and the wind did good to his auburn-blonde hair while he ran. Did he dye it by the way? Kai could not help but consider if this boy was a K-Pop star or something similar. Was he?
He observed the boy run so energetically until…
Keisha? What was he doing running towards Keisha? Does he know her or something?
His mind broiling with curiosity, Kai pulled out his earphone altogether and began to trot back to catch up to the duo from how he could see them.
He sauntered long strides until he heard the strange boy calling out to a certain name.
''Jason! Behave!"
As Kai neared the scene, he heard the boy speak clearly now.
"I'm sorry. Please pardon my dog. I'm incredibly sorry about Jason's behaviour."
"Dog? What- Oh! A Rescue!" Kai remarked from seeing the burly dog. It was at this point that Keisha ran clumsily to seize him by the waist.
"Kai… " She cried softly while snaking her hands around his waist.
"Keisha… "
"Thank goodness you came to my rescue. That monster dog almost tore me to shreds."
Next minute, Keisha began to roll down her sobs into his shirt, bending her head to lean pressed against his broad chest. How desperate was she?
Kai ignored her and instead settled his focus on the pretty boy who was presently scolding his dog.
"Bad boy, Jason. You shouldn't have to do that to anyone. Ever! Got it?"
Jason gasped with his tongue out as he got reprimanded for being naughty and Kai who'd never owned a pet before became interested in the whole affair. The chemistry between those two- dog owner and his dog was the type of situation to leave him… Jealous?
Who the frick was this guy?
"Hi!" The boy said standing up. His peaceful blue eyes were all Kai could see at the start. "I'm sorry for the scare honestly." His words were directed towards the sobbing girl whose name he'd just learnt to be 'Keisha'. Next, he steered his gaze back to Kai. "And I am also sorry for breezing past you like that. I just needed to catch up to my dog."
Kai listened, saying nothing in a hurry but instead taking in every bodily gesture the speaker was making. His hooded brown eyes sizing the boy all over. Keisha should have noticed this but she chose to ignore as she faced the other boy instead.
"You!" Keisha vented, moulding her face into a snarl. "Your dog nearly bit my hair off. If only Kai hadn't come to my rescue, I would have… "
Her words trailed off at this point and she returned to her former place of sobbing over Kai's clothes.
Jake chose to shrug off her ridiculous drama in his mind of course.
"Alright buddy," He then turned to face Jason. "We gotta go."
As soon as Kai observed the pretty boy flip a turn aiming to leave him, he noticed his heart start to race very fast. What was the meaning of this?
"Wait!" Kai yelled.
'Huh?' Keisha lifted her head from his torso and he hastily shoved her aside. "Hey! What's the matter with you?"
"Go home, Keish." Kai hurriedly said without looking at her thus he did not see her grit her teeth and frown her face. Still, she waited, folding her arms together amidst her pouting.
Jake turned around to look at the boy who'd just called at him and said. "Yes?"
Kai leapt forward and for some reason Jason would not bark at him. Instead, he wagged his tail sweetly for Jake to see he approved of this boy. Jake hummed a soft sigh as soon as Kai stopped directly in front of him.
"I… Uhm… " Kai stalled.
Keisha stopped to deliberate in her heart.
Was he stuttering!???
When did the Almighty Kai ever stutter?
Her brain cells were slowly tearing apart.
Kai quickly collected himself as best he could and began to speak. "Yeah. You apologised to me and I didn't say anything yet. Were you really gonna leave just like that?"
Jake stared at him for a quick confused minute and said. "What do you mean? Shouldn't I leave yet?"
"Nope. Too soon."
"Too soon?"
Kai twisted his neck to the side this time and fired a warning stare at Keisha who quickly understood.
"Whatever! Suit yourselves." She charged at Kai before running off somewhere, sobbing on the way.
Jake was watching.
"Great! So you're one of those bullies huh?" Kai turned back around to face him.
"I certainly didn't expect you to be." Jake added, before whistling at Jason. "Com'on boy! We've got things to do tonight."
Except that Jason would not acknowledge him yet.
"What now?" Jake rolled his eyes towards the heavens and back, "You also steal the heart of loyal dogs too?" He posed his hands on his waist, both sides of it, allowing his elbows to point outwards. Something about his nagging cracked Kai up so bad.
Kai began to laugh so much that he had to hold on to his gut to keep the substances back in.
Jake was all smiles as well. Beaming like the sun from how Kai could admire his set of sparkling white teeth.
Kai contained the rest of his laughter in time.
"I think we should start all over. Hi! My name is Kai-"
"Kaiden Chase. I know you. You and Larry, are literally the richest kids on Campus."
"Great. Should I feel awkward about such a description of me and my brother? Rich boys? Sounds less exciting when it's being said like that."
Jake shuddered a light laugh at this.
"Well there's no denying you're rich. And I guess that also explains why you have a sophisticated girlfriend like her. So hey man, on a literal note, I'm sorry Jason had to scare her off like that."
"Scare who off and what girl?" Suddenly realisation dawned on him and he cackled lightly, "You mean Keisha?"
"Hahaha. How could you even think of her as my girlfriend? I mean, hell no!"
"NO." Kai declared with creased eyebrows to show he was serious now.
"Oh well, what do I care about any of that? I'm sorry nonetheless and should prolly get on my way now."
He was about to set off when Kai pulled up to him again.
"What now?" Jake muttered under his breath even though he liked the attention Kaiden was giving him.
"Uhm I still don't know your name yet."
"Oops! My bad!" Jake told him. "I am Jake and it's nice to meet you, Kaiden." He pulled out his hand for Kai to shake with him.
"I think Kai is okay. Just call me Kai." Kai stated, holding longer to his hands whilst they locked eyes directly for a passionate moment.
"Can I get to know you?" He asked, feeling cheap. "I mean, a bit more. If you don't mind."
"Well. Sure. I could let you have my number and maybe we could hang out sometime.. As boys!"
Did he really need to add the last part? Kaiden mused secretly to himself.
"I think that's a great start."
"Cool. But it'd be nice if you gave me back my hand first."
"Oh sorry. There you go."
As Jake reached from behind his shorts to bring out his phone from the back pocket, a familiar voice rang in the distance to alert them both.
"Hey! Is this where you've been all this time?"
2 x chapters coming through. Consider voting your powerstones if you like this story. Happy holidays!