
To Love And To Loathe

When Tara agreed to the marriage of convenience between her family and that of the Blackwaters she didn't know what to expect nor did she have an opinion about it being the only child of her father. It was common knowledge amongst children from Mafia families that they were not free to marry just the way they like, it would always be with proper consultation and strategy to ensure the marriage was a form of reinforcement for the family. Power comes before Love. However, as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. The Blackwaters coated their words with gold but underneath them were plans to have revenge. Revenge shattered the world of Tara who had completely fallen in love with Lakan against the advice to be always watchful. For the sake of the true love she had in her heart the universe decided to reward her with another opportunity to be watchful but how does she go about it when she is still struggling with the fact that the death of every member of her family still seems like a dream to her? Excerpt. Tara walks into his office with uncertainty in her heart. She wasn't sure of what to expect but was sure it would surely contain some secrets after all why would he say "Of all the rooms in this house my office is out of bound to you. You should never find yourself inside even by mistake " Those were the clear words he gave to her from the day of their marriage and she had always heeded those words. But not today. she was determined to find clues that Lakan and his family were making plots against her family. She has made it her life assignment since that dream or since she came back in time. she was still yet to conclude on that. She noticed a red file on the table, the only one with that color, and headed straight for it. "Do you have a death wish? She heard a cold voice ask from behind her. Fear gripped her as she turned slowly, she already knew who it was. There he stood staring at her with a fierce look on his face, his cold eyes penetrating her heart. How could he have entered without making a sound? And I thought he was sleeping. " Do you have a death wish? He repeated this time advancing toward her with steady steps his eyes not looking away for one second. She swallowed hard and wondered what possible lie would save her right now or if this was the end for her.

Delta_Line · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Saving Sarah

"I will take whatever punishment that comes sir " Tara heard a female voice say after some minutes of silence while she was still contemplating what to do.

"That must be the voice of Sarah, she was the only female member in that group of ten" Tara reasons to herself as she became alarmed that something might happen to Sarah someone she was already planning on making friends with. She must do something.

"Are you sure you want to be that person? Lakan asked his voice sounding very cold this time. Tara could imagine what they would do to her. She must intervene

" Yes boss, I am ready I believe it was my fault I was supposed to be on the lookout for suspicious faces " She replied with a calm voice that surprised Tara.

"Stupid girl you better keep quiet " Tara cursed in her heart as she kept looking at Lakan to read his next move before she makes her move.

Another second of silence followed as Lakan seem to contemplate what he would do to her.

"Fine, take her to the dungeon " He ordered.

Before the men could lay hands on her Tara decided to enter. She knew he it would be a risk but one she was ready to take for the sake of herself.

Everyone was shocked when they saw her enter as they were not expecting anyone. No one dared interrupt their meeting. One of the men immediately decided to walk Tara out by taking her by the hand.

Before Tara could say anything Lakan barked from his seat.

"Get your hands off my wife, Jacob" his voice sent shock waves even through Tara who never expected he would defend her like that. This part of him she didn't see in her first marriage.

"I am sorry boss" He apologized as he withdrew his hand immediately like he touched something very hot.

"Sorry for yourself " Tara replied to him giving him a bad piece of look as she regained composture of herself

"What do you want? Lakan asked returning to his cold self as all attention shifted to her.

" I want her " Tara said pointing to Sarah.

Her reply came as a surprise to everyone especially Lakan who was wondering why she would want Sarah.

"Why would you want her, you don't even know Lakan pointed out looking at her closely.

" I remember seeing her at the wedding and I know her name is Sarah, Tara replied not sure she was saying the right things at the moment.

Her boldness seem to surprise everyone but none could say anything. Every other person kept their face to the ground.

"Why do you want her? Lakan asked further wondering what she was thinking. He would have walked her out but he had never warned her about not entering this room. How she even knew the direction of the room was another question In his mind.

" I want her because I need someone to be my bodyguard, I have observed her and she is the one for me" Tara replied without shifting her gaze.

"Everyone leave us" Lakan ordered as he stood up on his feet to take some steps towards her.

They all walked out immediately but not without Sarah exchanging eye contact with Tara.

Tara observed Lakan very well as he walked toward her. She was determined not to be intimidated by the look on his face as that was always his way of getting into her head. He walked so well as if he was never shot yesterday. How was on his feet conducting his business was still a mystery to her? She could suddenly feel the room become small and hot for her

"I seem to be missing something about you. From yesterday I observed you have changed a lot. I thought maybe it would be a one-day something but here you are boldly asking me for a bodyguard on your second day in my house. What am I missing about you? What do you need a bodyguard for? Lakan asked by this time he was standing very close to her.

Tara could feel him right in her face. It was his method and she knew already but she will not allow him to get to her head.

" I need a bodyguard because it is my right. As a wife of a mafia boss, I need my protection. You said yourself yesterday, that you have many enemies " she replied managing to maintain eye contact but her heart was racing

Lakan looked at her with a steady gaze also. A lot had changed. She was able to hold his gaze something that was not possible during the time of their courtship. Was she pretending or did marriage change her? While he was going to observe and see things as time goes by.

"Why her of all people then? He asked again. This time going back to his seat

" As I said before I have observed her and I know she is also the one you have in mind for me." She replied with confidence.

"And how will you know that? Lakan asked as he chuckled

"You would not want to give me a male guard because you don't trust any of them with your wife " she replied as a smile broke out on her face. She knew that was the main reason Lakan gave her a female guard even if he might want to deny it.

"You are so full of confidence about so many things , it is impressive but also suspicious. Anyway, you can have her, I will send her to you soon" she informed her.

" Thank you, I guess you will have to forget about punishing her also, she is now mine " Tara added wondering where those words were coming from.

Lakan wanted to say something else but decided against it. But the look of surprise was on his face.

Tara made to leave the room but he stopped her with his next words.

"This should be the last time you will enter this room, or eavesdrop on any of my conversations in this room. You wouldn't want to dare me " He added