

Italian v. the attempt to revive a long-finished love affair.

Waking up disgruntled, the noises downstairs had Jaehyun frantically move around to fix himself. There were clanking of the kitchen utensils, a few excited greetings of "hi, hello, we missed you," and a handful of sobs seemingly infiltrating the conversations they were having.

By the time he looked presentable, his palms could not stop sweating and his heart would not stop pounding irrationally fast as if any moment from then it would burst and leave his chest. With defined bags under his eyes, he eagerly took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down.

Truthfully, he had been up since 6:00 AM. Jaehyun did not know but preparing the clothes he would wear and the lines he would say turned to be one of the biggest struggles in life. That no matter how much he tried; his preparation just seemed not enough.