

Raziel questioned looking confused and wondering to himself when he had arrived to the point of bashing up those men. While he was still thinking and wondering Arian replied him:

"Yes! you. Who else would I be talking about. You bashed up those men for me so I am grateful. Thank you Raziel!" 

  Arian smiled in the bathing compartment as he was drying up his body. Raziel replied sounding confused:

"Arian I don't know what you are talking about but I didn't bash up these men. If you remember clearly I asked you; why do you always do that?"

Arian hurried out of the bathing compartment and dress in clean army shorts and shirt. He creased his browse and reaffirmed Raziel's words while looking at him:


Raziel nodded and before another second Arian dragged him out of the shower room when they bumped into another Lieutenant on the way: