

Jade Dion arrived at a gigantic mansion in New Orlando. He was dropped off by a private car that left immediately after dropping him there. He walked happily as he whistled his way into the mansion. At his arrival, he clapped his hands and the lights came on. He smiled as he scanned around the place. He made himself comfortable on an armchair and said:

"Show yourselves to me!"

People became visible out of the thin air in the mansion, and as they were manifesting themselves out of nothing but the fog around each of them went down on their knees and paid their respect to him:

"It has been a long torturous while my minions."

Jade laughed heartily as he scanned around all his people that have been in hiding since his capture.  He smirked at them as they all replied him saying:

"Hail lord Dion! Hail lord Dion"

Jade cackled wickedly in the mansion as he folded his arms and exclaimed: