


Arlo had straddled Jaden he was seated on his thighs with his legs wrapped around Jaden's waist. Jaden caressed his cheeks against Arlo's cheeks as he took in his sweet strawberry scent mixed with his pheromones.

He trailed his pointed nose down to Arlo's nape and stick out his tongue and licked his nape up to ears. Arlo moaned as he caressed Jaden body with his gentle touch.

Looking into each other's eyes with passion Jaden pressed his lips against Arlo's lips and begged for access into Arlo's mouth with his touches. The two moaned as they kissed each other ravenously with desire.

Arlo was breathless by the time they cut their deep kiss. Jaden pushed Arlo to the ground lightly. So that he was now lying down naked in front of him. the two were looking into each other's eyes incessantly as Jaden took off his pants.