
To Have You Back

Aira lives a typical college life. Her life takes a turn when she encounters a handsome yet mischievous guy, Ashton. Love beings to blossom yet there are secrets that can change their lives forever. But then again, he suddenly disappeared. Where is he? Thus begins Aira's search. How will Aira be able to cope up with the new changes in her life? Did Ashton purposely left her? Will she be able to find him? If so, will she accept Ash along with his secret or is it the end? What decision will Aira take? Read in to find out.

Bobaholic_girl · Fantasia
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Alice comes to me making a wrinkle nose and pouty face "how can you make such adorable faces hmm" I just shrug "it's natural".

Karen and Sofia come up to me "Hey Aira, how did your test go?" "Good, I think I'll pass", I tell them.

My best friends Alice, Karen and Sofia are the people on whom I can rely on. They are kind hearted, helpful and funny although Karen is a shot tempered.

Alice is a tall slim girl with curly blond hair; Sofia is average size girl with jet black hair flowing down till her waist. She is a carefree girl and more innocent as compared to us three and well, Karen, She is our mastermind, the topper of our class. She is a bit chubby and cute. Her eyes are radiant blue highlighting her pale skin perfectly which makes her look like a doll. I look at them quarrelling playfully and smile. That's how we are.

All three are staring at me with open mouth or so I thought it was me. I turn around to see Darren Scott coming to the class. He is the most popular guy in our college and all girls, almost all girls drool over him. He is the rich brat and the sassiest jerk as I believe him to be. I just don't understand what all these girls see in him.

He looks like a crap but other girls including my best friends find him to be the hottest guy in college. I just don't see any good stuff in that fellow, all I see in him is a rude rich brat and jerk of a guy.

Well, he is heading our way to his desk. I look at Alice, Karen and Sofia and all I see is the lovey dovey hearts in their eyes.

I shook them from their trance, "Hey wake up girls, he is already gone and don't you'll have your boyfriends to stare at?"

Yeah right! Alice, Karen and Sofia have their boyfriends. Alice is with Evan, Evan is a good guy but he flirts with every girl he knows however I think that he truly loves Alice as they are in relationship for more than 3 years.

Sofia is heads over heals with Blake, a cool dude. He is a dancer just like me. Oh by the way, I didn't tell right, I'm a dancer at RYM Dance Academy. I have known him since the time I joined the dance academy. He is like a big brother to me so I trust him a lot. He cares a lot about Sofia and vice versa. They both make a cute couple.

Karen is in relationship with Jack. I don't know much about Jack though but I am happy for Karen if he makes her happy.

And as for me I am single. I don't like guys that much so I keep my distance from guys and so I got a nametag as Tomboy.