

Dexton POV

"Rouges!" I heard the beta shout.

"Will they kill us?" my ten years old

self asks the beta shaking furiously.

"Oh shit! Get to the packhouse now Dexton" he roared at me

"Ok I gotta run along," I said running fast in the direction of the packhouse as the wind blew past me well, am a very fast runner though I haven't shifted am still faster than most people in their wolf form. Perks of being an Alpha's son. I reached the packhouse only to find it on fire.

"Dad, Mum" I shouted as tears rolled down my face. Running back to the training ground to tell beta what happened, I saw dead bodies littered everywhere some of them changed into their wolf, some in their human form, and some in the process of changing looking like half monsters on the floor.

"No" I roared. This can't be happening everyone can't be dead, they promised to stay with me forever. I fell on the floor crying at my loss I can't believe this is happening to me how can everyone be dead at the same time.

I searched for any sign of life amidst the bodies. "They all can't be dead" I chant to myself.

"Dexton are you there" I heard a weak voice calling out. "Run to the woods and don't come back the rouges are still out there you have to save yourself forget about us. "Aunty Lucy" I called out "where ar-

"just go" she cut me off. I saw a small hand tugging on the bottom of my pants Annalise! I can't believe I forgot my little sister in the middle of this chaos "we gotta run now" I told myself as I picked Ann up. I breezed past dead bodies as I got out of the Pack's territory I run past the woods heading towards nowhere making a mental note of where we pass through so I would know our way back. I saw a stream at my front stopping by it to wash my hands and face and that of Ann's

"Dex, where his mum and dad?" she asked. "Don't worry they are in a safe place watching us" I said assuring myself more than assuring Ann

Laura pov

I walked into the house and found the Alpha and his family, the beta, and some other pack members. I saw my mum sobbing on one side of the room and some people consoling her.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked as my eyes roamed the room searching for my dad and my elder brother.

"Mum, where is dad and Jackson?" I asked as she started wailing. "You bitch" she shouted as she came over to me and slapped me.

"You killed your dad and didn't you, you told them not to go to the woods today so you knew they were going to die right and you didn't stop them," she said as she continued to land slaps on my face. The realization of what happened drowned on me as let out a cry of pain. My father is dead. The room started spinning around me as I fell to the floor crying.

Nothing will be the same anymore. I loved my father than anything and my mum accusing me of killing him is too much to bear. My mum hated me from the onset and I wonder what's going to happen now that my father and elder brother are dead.

"Mum I did not do anything," I said between sobs trying to defend myself.

"I am not your mum and from right now you become the Pack's property"

I heard gasps from the Pack members as my mum sold my eight-year-old self to the pack.

What will happen when two different worlds collide. A cold-hearted Alpha who hates rouges and a girl bearing the prophecy of been a silver wolf but has no other option than to turn rogue when everyone forsakes her including her mum when her father died.