
To be Prince of Europe

This is medieval Europe, yet not the real Europe. Because here, in addition to everything original from medieval Europe, there inexplicably exist mages, demihumans, monsters, and all sorts of dangerous and powerful creatures. Damian, who reincarnated here by accident, how will he survive in this strange European continent full of magical colors? "Don't worry, everything will be fine," Damian smiled after looking at the war system interface in front of him. "If it's just about surviving here, there shouldn't be a problem." The adventurous courage and passion, the blood and fire of war, the intrigues and power struggles of the court. Defeating dangerous enemies, gaining reliable allies, upgrading one's own system abilities, cultivating a powerful army unique to oneself, encountering various charming women, and finally——standing at the top of Europe amidst the adoration of the masses. In fact, he originally just wanted to survive on this medieval European continent. But unknowingly... power, wealth, authority, women, everything silently fell into his hands, until he became the prince of the entire Europe. "So, who exactly is spreading rumors that I became the prince by relying on my lower half??"

Savnd · Fantasia
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59 Chs

Urgent Task

"Are you kidding me? Can't even handle such a small matter properly? I gave him fifty boys and a thousand jars of wheat for nothing."

Outside the besieged Bovendon village castle, the 48-year-old steward, Howard, was furious upon learning that Countess Conosa had unexpectedly escaped unharmed, rescued by the militia gathered by his brother Scoke's subordinates.

With a unibrow, a large beard, a square and flat face, a fat belly, this was Howard's appearance. He stood about five feet four inches tall, and his family crest depicted a blackbird.

The name Howard was actually English, and their family were descendants of Danish people settled in Gottingen County fifty years ago. These Danes, after conquering territory in England, were eroded by local culture and eventually settled in various places.

Fifty years ago, the Vikings attacked the Lozarengia Principality along the Rhine River. The weak duke at the time, to prevent further havoc, ceded many territories to the Vikings, allowing them to settle as vassals.

Most incompetent lords faced with the Vikings made similar choices.

This seemed to explain the wild genes of the two brothers.

However, the consequences of appeasement were the current tragic situation. The nation was in turmoil, order had collapsed, bandits roamed freely, and people were forced to live with monsters.

In Bovendon village, over a hundred households had taken refuge in the Bovendon family castle.

The village lay in ruins, with fields, ponds, and riverbanks strewn with the bodies of travelers inadvertently killed, as well as various excrements and garbage left by rebels.

Stepping out of the triangular marching tents, Howard pointed towards the castle and said, "Quickly, attack the castle. That damn Damian Bovendon can go to hell. After all, I've already killed his brother."

Just outside the city gates, hundreds of meters away, stood dozens of crosses, each marking an enemy who had been beheaded for opposing Howard.

Among them, at the top, lay the body of Damian's brother... the knight Schneider Bovendon, who should have inherited Bovendon village.


"My son... my poor..."

Madi Bovendon, Damian's father in this dimension, lay prostrate against the earthen walls, crying as if he were already dead.

Due to the war, Madi had first lost his eldest son, Schneider, who should have inherited the family estate. He then lost his wife, Damian's mother. When his wife succumbed to despair over the death of her eldest son and died, Madi wished he could also commit suicide to join her.

"Father, please be strong. The Bovendon family still needs you to support it."

Amelia, Schneider's newlywed wife from the neighboring county, was equally distraught. An unexpected civil war had cost her husband, her mother-in-law, and even their new home, which was now ravaged and desolate.

The Bovendon family was small, with only five knights: father Madi, eldest son Schneider, an uncle, and two distant relatives from the same village. Leveraging their advantage in transport routes, the family business had been flourishing. Even when Schneider got married, the Bovendon family invited many friends and garnered significant attention.

But now, only Madi and Amelia, the father and daughter-in-law, survived. The others... were all dead.

Of 120 vassals, thirty percent were dead.

Of the five knights, three were dead.

Of the seventeen professional warriors, only six remained.

On the castle walls, there were only a few dozen young men guarding.

The farms were ransacked, and the vital mill was occupied. The entire family had lost everything.

"I'm fine, of course. But... the family has lost its heir. Who will...?"

Madi struggled to stand up. He knew all too well that the Bovendon family, already heavily battered, could not withstand a second blow.

"And your younger son. I heard the people below shouting that Damian Bovendon has rallied the militia and just rescued the countess." Amelia tried to comfort her father-in-law, and this meager piece of news was enough to console Madi.

Indeed, Damian's performance has eased Madi's mind considerably. One could even say that Damian being alive is Madi's sole belief. There must be a son to carry on the family legacy.

However, Madi has another hidden concern: the dowry. Once this matter is settled and Damian returns to the Bovendon estate from the monastery, he must consider getting married and starting a family.

However, the Bovendon family has lost everything. Even Amelia is already a widow, and she can remarry with her substantial dowry, putting the Bovendon family deep into debt.

Thinking about survival, Madi begins to wonder if they can sustain themselves and let the bachelor and widow in his family sort out their own affairs. As for defending against Howard, it's not entirely impossible.

In the medieval era, as long as the enemy couldn't establish siege engines, most of the time, the outcome of war was just the stronger side ravaging the weaker side's fields.


Several miles away, Damian is unaware that his adoptive father has started considering the optimal strategy for his marriage.

"I have 280 men now, two squads of spearmen, three squads of pilgrims, one squad of longbowmen, and one squad of peasant archers. Honestly, this force is enough to dominate a count's territory, but how do we defeat Howard?" Damian scratches his head in distress.

Before his reincarnation, Damian was also a military enthusiast, albeit not a professional, but he had some basics.

Typically, a count's territory is akin to a county, with larger areas like Gothingen County being relatively affluent but still relatively small. Here, anyone with a few hundred men could be considered quite powerful.

However, Howard's rebellion involves many factors, such a large-scale surprise attack, and wouldn't he have accomplices?

Looking at the rudimentary map, everyone can't help but feel discouraged.

"Don't be discouraged," comes the reassurance from Conosa von Nosnberg, who is not adept in military matters.

She ties her jet-black hair into a bun and lowers her voice, saying, "There's still a chance. Although I don't understand military matters, it's like slicing roast pig at a banquet. Whoever can slice it well, considering the nobles' status, age, and hierarchy, is qualified to manage the overall situation."

Damian nods. In simple terms, the more helpers Howard brings, the more he'll have to pay. But does Howard have that much capital? Ultimately, it's about offending a few families, appeasing a few, and compensating with a large sum of money.

Outside help may be easier to handle, but what about internal conflicts? With so many wanting a piece of the pie, who will take the biggest slice?

With such intense internal conflicts, Howard's rebellion seems like a raging fire, but it actually lacks a foundation and can be toppled with a push.


As Damian ponders intensely, the door is suddenly pushed open.

Sir Wagner walks in with a cold smile.

"Damian, you'd better not think about strategy. I've received news that your brother Schneider has been killed by Howard. As for you, prepare for the funeral first."


Damian is shocked. Although his parents abandoned him between brothers, Schneider was not reckless. Why would this happen?

The Countess and the Knight Commander also wear grave expressions.

[Urgent Task: Avenging a Brother's Death! Requirement: Directly attack Howard's army, kill Howard for revenge. Reward: A randomly selected elite cavalry squad!]