
Getting To Know You

The turtles were leaving with Venus, quickly following close behind them after placing Mimi on the couch, following them to their home. She looked around to the main room in was a spotlight on the grate on the ground in the middle of the room, in front was a large TV with a couch between two armchairs, on the far left was a kitchen with a conjoined room. Then a security system with many different size computers hacked into the city cameras, the right was a long hallway with different rooms, then a room with a huge metallic sliding door. Leonardo went to the conjoined room next to the kitchen while the others showed Venus around their home. When Splinter and Leonardo walked back out of the conjoined room, the boys stopped to bow to their Sensei.

"You must be Venus; Leonardo told me there was another turtle. I'm Splinter, their father, and sensei," introduced Splinter with a soft smile at her.

Venus smiled back at him, bowing to him, saying, "Nice to meet Splinter."

"Leonardo told me about you changing into a turtle, which makes think Eric Sacks still has mutation from our last encounter," explained Splinter.

"Yes, your sons told me about how you all mutated. I lived outside Tokyo, Japan, with my parents. My father taught me in the Art of Ninjitsu when I was 4. When I was 7, I lost my mother to a serious viral heart infection, and gave me her golden heart-shaped locket. At 12, I discovered I was a Shinobi like my uncle who lives here in New York or did until they moved back to Japan 4 weeks ago. Anyway, when my uncle went to New York, our house had caught on fire, and my father died because a gas leak in the stove caused it. I moved to New York to live with my aunt and uncle when I got Mimi, my pet turtle because the rules were not to have any dogs, cats, or birds; I didn't want fish. My uncle continued my training in ninjitsu and Shinobi. I told you how I mutated into humanoid turtles," explained Venus.

"I apologize for our losses; this is a real honor for you being here, Venus," said Splinter.

"Thank you, but it's okay. I have a piece of them with me. My mother's necklace symbolizes hope and my father's yen and yang symbol on my belt symbolizes balance," explained Venus.

"Master Splinter, what's a Shinobi," asked Mikey.

"A Shinobi is someone who's intoned more with the spiritual world," explained Venus.

"Would you care to demonstrate," asked Splinter.

"Not at all," answered Venus.

She walked to the dojo with the others following, wondering how she would show them what being a Shinobi was. She went onto the floor to mediate though Raph was about to say something when they saw an aquamarine aura coming off Venus, which continued to grow brighter and brighter. They had to shield their eyes but saw her start to get off the ground, which was a foot off the ground. They were amazed by how she could do this without knowing what was happening; then, she started gently going back onto the ground with an aquamarine aura going out before she opened her eyes. She then showed them how to channel enough energy into a blast or orb, throwing it onto a target, not missing the bull's eye each time.

They were impressed with Venus, but Leo was great; he met Venus, for he was not the only one who believed the same way as he did about training and her dedication to both arts. Venus went back home with her having new friends who were like her every way through them being boys and just ninjas, not Shinobi like her. She noticed Leonardo was the most impressed by her than his brothers. She couldn't help feeling he was crushing on her because she was a turtle, or was it something else. Whatever the reason, Venus was crushing on him too.