


Camilla Medilton

/"I can't come mom, I have to go to Bora-bora/" I said to my mom through the phone

/"But your boyfriend is there/"

/"Mom, I have work. I can't cancel besides Kimberly is more important. I'll comeback home before she'll go to London/"

/"But without you it won't be complete/" I rolled my eyes when she said that

/"It's just a dinner mom/"

/"But still you never introduced me to your boyfriend and I want to see you together/" She said disappointed. I sighed since he's not my real boyfriend. People kept asking me that and kept telling me that I'm lucky blablabla.

/"Next time mom, next time/" After last week, Blane never contacted me again. I mean I was hoping a little bit for him to contact me but I don't want to get my hopes up.

He is still madly in love with Lauren and he even thought about getting her back which is impossible. It's his life, I can't do anything about it.