


Ethan Vecton

/"Why are you so quiet?/" Lucas asked

/"What do you want me to do?/" I asked completely not interested in talking at the moment

/"Is there something wrong?/" Crystal asked

/"No/" Actually I don't want to go. What a coincidence that the event that I will be attending soon is Kim's company's event. I really want to avoid this

/"Hey you can find girls here/" Lucas tried to cheer me up

/"I'm not interest Lucas so stop trying to cheer me up because it won't work/"

/"So why are you being so grumpy?/" Crystal asked


/"You're acting like a girl on their period/" Crystal commented and I rolled my eyes

Not long after that we arrived at the venue , the others already here too. We got off the car and walked inside. I felt my heart beating weirdly while I entered the ballroom.

First of all , we gathered together. The 7 Gold Lifes Kids and the others of course.