
TLOU Reincarnation

A junkie with debts dies and meets the devil. He has two choices go to hell, or reincarnate in a doomed world. Which one did he choose?

magmabeam · Videojogos
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4 Chs

Waking up

Ugh... Where the fuck am I? Am I naked?! What the hell is going on at least put me in some shelter, you asshole devil!

I woke up in the middle of a forest somewhere around the north. Is this Canada or something because its cold as hell.

I started feeling some sort of cold skin around me. Then the smell came into my nostrils. I puked as I just realized I'm in a pile of bodies.

What the hell sort of situation am I in!

Scrambling amongst the people in the place I start getting up and start feeling dizzy over the smell.

I start walking more and more out of the pit of bodies.

Rising from the pit itself was the hard part as it was pretty tall.

I climbed and climbed, though falling down once or twice.

After scrambling with myself and my hands on my knees, I sighed as I raised my head and saw the field of trees around me.

The pure disgust on my face after smelling the whole pit of bodies came into my nose.

I then started walking forward, I didn't really know where I was though this is the LOU Universe.

Hopefully, I don't run into any of those infected.

I'm still walking around the forest and I found a trap, it seems I'm near a settlement.

It could be the people who dumped this body in the pile so I should be wary for people at the moment.

Seeing some wildlife I decided to just start hunting as I was hungry.

I got a branch from a tree and tried to use it as a blunt weapon.

I got close to a bunny with my breathe being calm, everything seemed to be focused on this one action.

No sense of fear coming from me as it didn't even feel my killing intent.

I aimed at the head of the bunny and swung it downwards.

I instead hit it on the leg which crippled it, but I then swung it on its head.

I don't have a knife… why did I hunt without one?

I guess I'll try and find a sharp stick or something.

I walked around and found something pretty sharp it looked like a used arrowhead but it could work.

I skinned the rabbit pretty badly but still got most of the skin out of it so I could try to cook it.

I felt pretty cold at the moment, I had to find some sort of clothes right now.

I then heard a longing grunt around me and I was stunned for a little.

The Infected was near me and I got ready with a blunt weapon to try and ambush it.

It got more and more near and I decided to use the rabbit I just skinned as bait.

As it got closer I saw the figure of a man walk closer and closer to it.

I got behind the guy and he had some clothes I could take he seemed to be freshly infected.

I slammed the branch to the head and I heard a loud grunt though I kept going.

I kicked the guy's legs to make him trip and then stomped on the neck to stop oxygen from going into the brain.

The guy was still going crazy though so I then slammed the branch onto his neck.

After a while, I had blood on my skin and was sitting beside the body breathing hard.

I decided to take his pants and then his torn hoodie which seemed pretty old.

Though the clothes were too big for me I still wore them as they fought against the cold more.

After searching the guy he had a quarter and a lighter.

It wasn't much but the lighter could help with the fire I make.

Though it was risky I didn't really have any other food.

I got some dry sticks and branches around me together and started lighting it.

It lit and I got started putting a stick in the rabbit.

I put the rabbit on top of the small fire and rotated it a lot as I didn't really know when to stop cooking it I just waited till the skin looked good to eat into.

It was cooked as it was a little burnt but I felt it was good enough.

I took a bite and it was not as good as I thought it would be.

Though I still ate as it satisfied my stomach.

After eating most of it I decided to stop the fire as smoke was going up I didn't really wanna catch any attention.

I wanted to climb a tree with a branch that was sturdy enough to handle me but I wasn't that good at climbing.

I decided to travel more forward toward me as night was close I decided it would be better if I got into a building or something like that.

I then started seeing some buildings near me, It seemed like I reached a village or small town of sorts.

I started seeing the street signs around, It seemed sort overrun as most of the place was foilage with green surrounding a lot of it.

I decided to check out the first building I saw which was a normal family house.

I tried opening the front door but it was locked, I decided to walk around and found an open window with some blood on it.

I then heard some growling from the dining room.

I was then met with a family tied up with and bit they were growling and then I saw a note on the table.

"Please leave me and my family alone." I read aloud

I followed with the instructions and decided to check the kitchen for any supplies. There was a kitchen knife which I then took and held onto it with one hand.

After finding a leather bag from the dining room from one of the people it was the son, I found his journal within there, it was a pretty sad read.

It seemed like he was the last one left after the whole family turned, he couldn't bring himself to kill them as he was starving himself he decided to tie himself with his family.

A truly sad and tragic tale, but still a better fate than most get.

I always wondered what was a good death, well no death at all to be honest. I mean seeing my grandfather die because of diabetes was a sad sight, though was celebrated and comforted in his last moments with his family at his bedside.

I didn't really know the guy, we only met once or twice though he was a good guy for all I could tell, he just liked the sugar more I guess.

After that, though I decided to check the bedrooms and set up an outfit at the very least.

I took off the hoodie and messed up pants and decided to get a normal shirt and then a vest on. After that, I got a leather jacket on just for the cold weather that was upon me.

It felt like it was around November or October, I couldn't really tell though winter was on its way.

There was an attic upstairs that had a variety of things.

There was one thing I stood upon, it was a flute, though I never used one before it would be cool to learn.

I took it and decided to search more and more throughout the place. I then stumbled upon a locked drawer, bashing it open was enough to get it open.

What awaited me was a sight well seen, a steel collector made from a famous blacksmith I cannot name.

A sword.

Though it was weird to see one being stashed just like this, I have seen the portraits and paintings and saw a little bit medieval here and there.

It had engravings on it as it were old but mighty.

I first tried to reach for the handle and grab it, trying to lift it up was a challenge but it got less hard as I used both my hands.

It was very heavy though I could see the sharpness from the sun's reflection upon it.

There was a scabbard and I decided to put it on my back as I can handle it being on my waist at the moment, as I am at my weakest at the moment.

That was all I could really find at the house. I decided to climb outside the window into the roof to see what was around me.

I then saw the mall which had some infected and then I saw two more inside the mall that had a sort of mushroom grown on their heads.

"Clickers" I muttered under my own breath.

I decided to not go against them and decided to break into the house nearby by jumping onto the top of the large wall and then jumping on the roof.

I then saw something rush at me and then push me down to a wall.

Luckily I had my leg retracted and then extended it pushing the zombie away from me.

The room we are currently in is the main bedroom and I pushed the zombie toward the bed and it fell but instantly came back up rushing once more.

I was prepared more this time as I got the knife out from my back and kicked the legs and then knee the head.

I then stabbed towards the neck, hearing the gurgling sound and then it fell to the ground, it stood there and I decided to be more cautious when getting inside a building.

Ugh, why does my foot hurt?

This time I had the knife out at most times and checked the whole place.

All was well before I tripped through the stairs and it was the pain on my foot that had surprised me.

Did I get bit? Are you fucking with me right now?!