
TLOU Reincarnation

A junkie with debts dies and meets the devil. He has two choices go to hell, or reincarnate in a doomed world. Which one did he choose?

magmabeam · Videojogos
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4 Chs

Strange Noises

I need to get patched up, it has been a couple of days since the incident and I've been busy, you know killing Infected or trying to find other people who aren't psychopaths.

Well, right now I am walking through the side of the road right now on the tree line, and its been pretty quiet.

I found a gas can and I tried siphoning from other cars but no luck other than a small amount.

I found a car to siphon some fuel from, it was pretty small and looked like a 2012 build of a Mitsubishi, looks like dad's car when he was young huh.

Oh, David you just had to be Immune where people will extract your brain for that reason.

How am I gonna get all these bites out?

I guess I'll cover them up for now

While I was in my own monologue in my own head I heard growling and some teeth sinking into my back.


I then used the car as a boost to stun the infected to the ground.

He got a bit of flesh and I was bleeding a little bit.

I picked up my sword that was laying right beside me and got into a stance that had the blade above my shoulders and pointing towards the target.

It took 1 second before the Runner could get back up and he was running right back at me.

I then hit his legs and knocked him down on the ground, now he was crawling towards me.

I put my boot to his shoulder and then stuck my sword somewhere around the neck until it stopped breathing.

God my own daydreaming almost got me killed.

I've gotten used to the smell of Infected, it's crazy what the human nose can adapt to, compared to when I first smelt it I felt like I was gonna vomit.

Going to get some of bandages and alcohol from my backpack I then heard a loud horn from out of nowhere.

"The fuck?"

That came from the right side, I'll look into it after treating the wound.

I poured the alcohol and with it came some gritting of the teeth. After a while, I rapped some bandages over it.

The sun was up and the heat was just about killing me.

I got my gas can and my backpack back on and started searching for my throwing knives.

I haven't found any sort of gun as I haven't been to one of the Police stations or gun shops around town, guns don't just show up in Houses like that.

Though the rules were different back in 2013.

Okay, time to find out what that sound was about.

I had some ideas in my head but it seemed like they were attracting Infected.

I heard another horn once again.

"Okay, now they're either just communicating or manipulating the Infected to go somewhere."

I muttered under my breath.

Okay, let's take some precautions and get some of my ranged weapons.

I then had some sharp throwing knives three on hand.

Did you know decapitating ahead was harder than it sounds?

Okay so the process it likes this, the head of the zombie is flailing around looking for your flesh to eat up, you have to aim it at least at the neck while it's moving like that.

This is including the strength needed to do it in one try, now that I see my body isn't really your normal athletic build.

Okay, time to stop that.

I was beginning to go towards the sounds from the distance there were still some trees that covered it, then I saw it some sort of antenna.

Getting nearer and nearer I heard the loud horde that was all over a tree.

I hid near some bushes and a tree to see what was going on.

These fuckers were on trees so I have to watch out for that.

Right beyond I heard a loud horn once more and it attracted the Infected to the right.

There must be an escort or something going on.

Right then I heard rustling in the leaves and it was a lot of people sneaking about.

Two guys and one woman, and then some sort of kid around 10.

I around the tree I had to switch corners so they wouldn't see me.

The Infected right now we're a bit too busy on the sound so they didn't look right at me.

Okay so after a couple of minutes I was basically staying in the same area, and it seemed the rustling had stopped.

I followed the tracks of the people and made sure to not be seen from above at the same time to the best of my abilities.

It seemed they were on their way towards a settlement it seemed to be pretty safe at the moment.

Right as I was going to start going there I then heard some wood stretching, it was a bow.

"Okay, I don't know who you is but I'm telling you stay quite and civil about this."

Alright lets think here, one person with a bow probably aimed at my head I just got injured earlier and I sort of dont wanna get killed at the moment.

I could just turn around and rush him and throw a knife right at him, but what if he started yelling and his friends came by?

I heard a sort of middle-aged voice from a man, it seemed like this guy had smoker lungs or something that made his voice sound like it is.

"Now would you kindly rotate your face towards the sound of my voice?"

I turned around to see at least four people with bows aimed right at me.

Well, that's a surprise I sort of heard just one person bow it seemed they didn't extend theirs.

"Oh, thought it was just one."

"Could you drop that sword thing you got back there?"

I dropped the broadsword that I had and then they got to work.

They took my backpack and found the medicine and tied my hands, then they laid me near a tree.

The group then started discussing it.

"He's just around 15-16 don't think it's worth killing him here."

"Looks like he's by himself, how the hell has he been living?"

"Well with trouble increasing around us new blood could help guard the tribe."

"Okay Daniel, this is a risk but first we gotta question the guy."

Then after a while, they talked and then looked right at me and then walked towards me.

An Interview huh, haven't had one of those for uh let's say a couple of years after graduation.

"Okay, what's your name son."

It seemed like it was an older guy than the last one this one's voice seemed more charismatic and trusting this time.

"Names David, Dave for short."

These guys didn't really know who I was and they are probably the only ones who knew at the moment.

If something were to happen, that got me hunted down then yeah I would be more secretive of my name.

"Alright David names Clint, now for the first question"

"Why are you around here?"

"I heard some horns while trying to get some gas and followed it, saw some escort, and followed the tracks toward here."

"Still, that's how you got here why are you here?"

"Supplies, shelter, and maybe even the comfort of a woman."

I then heard a small chuckle from afar and some cringes that were around me.

"You ever heard of the Red Brigade?"

"Red what? No, I don't even know who those guys are."

I said with a confused face

"We're taking you with us just in case you are apart of them we will interrogate you properly when you have an empty stomach, do you understand?


The man then looked at his team, they didn't look at me with trustworthy eyes.

"Alright, blindfold him lets take him there."

They blindfolded me and then we took a quick 30-minute walk I had some small talk with some of them and got to know what sort of place I was going into.

It was the place of natives that had foreigners come in and help, they were the best for hunting and maintaining the amount of ammo that they have right now.

I wasn't given any more information just basic information anyone near the area would know about this community of people.

I heard the birds chirping and sometimes the death of runners that came upon us, I heard some clicks here and there but it was still dealt with.

After a while, I started hearing civilization people finally you know the conversations and such.

"We're here."