
TLOU Reincarnation

A junkie with debts dies and meets the devil. He has two choices go to hell, or reincarnate in a doomed world. Which one did he choose?

magmabeam · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Where the fuck is my money you fucking bitch!"


A man shoved onto his own floor of his home as he has been dodging loan sharks ever since. The man was gasping for air as blood started to show on his nose as he was just punched.

"I'm only asking a simple question, you fucking sit there for like two minutes like an idiot who's never socially interacted before."

"I-I don't have your money…"

"You don't have it huh... " The man looks at a family picture and the man who was shoved noticed as well.

"I swear! They don't have anything to do with this please don't!"

"I'm afraid David, I'm afraid I might have to harvest your organs while you are alive just for the money."

David starts to cold-sweat at the idea of death being that painful. It's heartbreaking that he might have to go to his family to ask for money.

"F-fine I'll go to my family and ask for some money…" He gritted his teeth as it hurt his own pride as he had run away from his family years ago.

"Good boy." The man kneeled and clapped David's face twice more.

After a couple of hours of walking back towards his home, he is greeted with his mother and father's home.

Each step had its own weight behind it as it started getting slower and slower, heartbeats are heard through his own heart as it pumped in and out of his chest.

Knock Knock

After a couple of minutes someone checked the window to see who it was and then came to the door.

The door opens.

"Oh look at you, David… coming to us in such a state."

David's mother said to him.

"Dad… I need money for something real quick, I swear I'll pay you back!"

A small pause as a sigh was heard from his own father.

"And here I thought you were finally coming back, just to beg for money? Are you fucking kidding David you disappear after 18 and decide to this to me!?"

The man said as his voice started out as calm and turned to tense and loud as he was sort of emotionally brought down.

"We bought you everything you wanted, the PS3 and you even got your own god damn room! What more could you fucking ask of us."

"Money, I need money or else it's my organs on sale dad!"

It took a while to process that information, but still, they wouldn't budge.

"I swear, I'll come back to the family please don't let me die, I don't wanna die, do you really want to see your own son on the news?!?"

They flinched as they thought about it.

Dad seemed to be really mad as Mom just wanted David to be safe.

"Fine, I'll give you the money necessary."

The man then came with only $300 worth of money.

David was distraught at first as this amount was so low, he looked at his parents with his eyes for a split second to see that they were sad to lose that amount.

He then changed his expression to a smile and just walked away as his parents once again tried talking to him from afar.

He decided to just go to his regular dealer after that. He knew that he was a dead man as his debt was in the upper tens of thousands.

"Hey! Tony!" He saw Tony as the small guy who was in an alleyway dealing with one customer already.

"Hey Dave, how ya doing pal"

"Oh you know, just handlin' might die tomorrow or somethin."

"Alright then, whatcha want"

"Give me the usual but extra, I got 300 on me right now to spend."

He then gives me the usual amount of weed I get but they seemed to have some sort of chemical in them. I didn't really care, after all, I'm going to die soon.

"Hey, mind giving me something to make these into joints man?"

"Sure I'll help I have some free time anyway."

Tony then followed David into his own small apartment; it could even be mistaken as a studio these days.

They stood there and decided to start rolling the joints in. After a couple of minutes, they were done.

As David had one joint on his mouth he got a lighter and decided to light it up.

After its lit, David takes one huge inhale of the stuff. He quickly exhales an amount of smoke that then puffs.

"Thanks for comin' with me man"

David said to Tony.

"Oh, no problem I got to go, I don't really smoke my own product man keep the rest."


Just laying there and smoking a couple more joints David got more and more into his own brand new world. He had different types of trips all along the way.

He once had this terrible trip about him running away from a demon that kept spouting words at him, he couldn't see or hear what the words were, but he could imagine what they could be.

He decided to go outside and experience what else there is to live for. Going out with a joint or two in his pocket to climb the stairs all the way to the roof.

After that, he then saw the most awe-inspiring view of his life. It might be because of the drugs as New Mexico never looked this beautiful.

Looking at the desert with different colors of blue, green, and yellow. Seeing the buildings dressed in red and purple felt all too surreal. Though it wasn't the first time for David as he had seen this multiple times when he feels down.

David was part of a middle-class family. He had privileges that other kids didn't even dream of having. He had almost everything he ever wanted in his life. Though addiction was one of the things he regrets to this day.

If it hadn't been for the pressuring of his peers to get him hooked on the thing, he wouldn't have failed school.

He once got caught by his parents and paid the mighty price for it as well. But after the first smoke, it never ends.

What got him into this debt though was because of college that boring ass life didn't suit him. Who wanted to stay in a class you didn't care about? What use is it to drop a class when it's your only class remaining?

Though he decided to work in a part-time job during that as it filled his schedule he managed to even own an apartment as low tier as it is just because he knew the owner's son.

Before all of this happened he was a happy boy. Had his parents that loved him and did school work at least. He had the trusty PS3 his parents bought him as he was just at the ripe age of 12.

There were a lot of games that he loved to play as it was just amazing seeing them.

Playing the co-op games with his father as they experienced it was amazing.

Though at the time he was also focused on other things of interest, such as movies/shows, and music. He loved the guitar as it sounded amazing. He at that time in 2013 loved zombie stories. The post-apocalyptic world that was shown was just amazing to find.

The walking dead series was the first one he found that he loved. He found one of his favorite YouTubers playing it at first. PewDiePie was clearly still the best at all times.

He himself decided to play it and got engrossed with it too. The ending was tragic as he had bonded with the character as well.

Then The Last of Us came out.

God did he love that game. Its Universe was just very fun to explore and the trek through the United States was just as Amazing.

He always wondered how he would do in those types of situations that the main characters go through. He would probably die within the first few days of the pandemic or start of the outbreak.

Just as it was fun theorizing whether what Joel did was good or not. It wasn't guaranteed that the Fireflies were even good people. They were terrorists for god's sake. They would use it to overthrow the government pretty much.

Though that really didn't matter as Joel didn't think of that. Joel did what Joel would have done, save his daughter.

It was very cool seeing this sort of melancholic ending as well. I sort of wished for a sequel, but then thinking of the idea would be idiotic as it would never be nearly as good as this was.

Though 2020 now I see some news of a sequel being released. I didn't have a PS4 at the time as I am broke at the moment. I only watched the playthroughs and reviews that happened for the game. I watched the story and couldn't really grasp it.

A revenge plot with forgiveness at the end. Alright… I don't get it. I feel empty after seeing the end though. Many characters were left unfleshed out and the side characters, that I killed as Ellie, I feel nothing for.

The graphics were amazing and I could say the gameplay is good, but for a game that is in the works for at least 6 years, it was disappointing that all they added was proning, and different sorts of enemies.

The story feels rushed and forced at some points. Maybe if it was chronologically done right it could be a decent story. I felt like Joel had his death coming, but I didn't expect it in the first 2 hours of the game.

Well enough of that, I don't really care anymore about that sort of thing. I am way into this videogame for no reason at the moment.

As I sit there on the edge of the roof high as hell, I just stared at the Moon in the sky.

After that, I closed my eyes as my tiredness and stress went away. I then start falling down and down towards the ground. I then felt a slight pain in my head and then everything went black.

After a couple of minutes, I'm just there as if I am sleeping just dreaming of whatever.

"Oi… Wake up asshole."


"Hey! I said wake up motherfucker!"

"What!?" I woke up.

As I open my eyes and see an old man with a suit and see the table that was shown.

"The fuck am I at?"

"Try to guess dumb idiot"

"Why so rude?"

The question goes answered as I get up and start walking to the desk and the chairs were then popped out of nowhere to show.

"Oh, this must be one of those dream trips I keep hearing about."

"Huh? What dream trip?"

The old man looked at me. Curious about what I meant.

"Nothing" I mumbled under my own breath.

"Okay, Name."

"David Ortega"

"Alright, let's see here. Okay, we could either send you to hell or bad reincarnation, your pick at this moment man."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't really accomplish much, as you enjoyed what you had rather than caring for people. You also were an addicted junkie that didn't pay his debts."

"So? I can explain myself right?"

"Yeah there might be some context to what happens but what happens, happens man."

I just laid there on the chair with a thinking face at the moment. Do I go to hell? Or just go with this terrible reincarnation. I guess I'll take the second one.

"So, If I pick the second one what happens?"

"Well we spin the wheel for what universe you land into, You then choose one realistic ability that you have in that world."

"You won't be going to heaven or have a reincarnation after that though, hell is all you will be going to."

He said without any thought on what he said as if it was normal what he did.

"I- Alright fine… let's get this over with."

The room then changes into a stage just like a stage from "The Wheel of Fortune" Instead I felt like it was the wheel of demise.

The man walked over to the wheel and looked at me. He spun it as it kept on going and going and going. I saw names flashed over a long time before finally, the wheel slowed down.

>Attack on Titan


>Dry Paint Simulator

>Jurassic Park

>Saints Row 4

>Grand Theft Auto

>Fallout 76

After a couple more names pop out the last one it stops on was this

>The Last of Us

"No way, this has to be a mistake" The old man checks as it was then confirmed that it was true.

"Welp, your world is this one luckily"

I just sat there with a smile on my face, without looking at the demise I might go through in this though.

"Well since you know the world well enough, and all that it seems to be pretty good for you. I guess I'll just add a difficult scenario to start with I guess."

The guy then just changes to the room back and I am sitting right across from him.

"Okay, now to pick your ability."

"Please, give me the intelligence of einstein!"

"Nope, no can do."



"Ugh Fine."

"Okay give me something that will always let me be calm in situations when I need to."

"Alright done."

"Have a fun time David."

"I never got your name, What is it?"


just writing to vent out frustrations on whats going on wont be taking this fanfic seriously

magmabeamcreators' thoughts