
TLC100: [On Hiatus]

In the ancient Monolith of Muri is a stone that carries great power that can only be wielded by the strongest individuals. If a strong mage can acquire it, that mage can easily become an Archmage. Silver’s dream is to become an Archmage in order to go down in history as one of the strongest mages in the world. However, this stone of power carries a challenge with it. Only when it is completed can the individual earn the stone of King Muri. [Your challenge: To sleep with 100 princesses by the end of 10 years. Here are the ground rules. Whatever you must do, you cannot sleep with the princess without her consent. So, you must be able to steal a hundred hearts by the end of these 10 years, Silver.] Silver is a relentless mage. He would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. “I accept.” *** Updates: 7 chaps a week {Need more chapters? Vote, comment and review! I shall post extra chapters for every 300 ps you shall donate!} NO NTR NO RAPE. Maybe Netori. There might be a harem way into the book with Silver, but there isn't one for a long time since the book is majorly focused on arc-wise story telling where Silver shall meet different characters every single arc. On his mission, only a handful will stick around. Since there are 100 princesses literally throughout the book, you can expect to have a huge number of waifus in the book with all kinds of personalities! Enjoy!

Dream_2100 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

C16: Suspicions

<Third Pov: Connor>

'Where are you, Princess?'

Connor asks himself, gazing at the Princess's door.

With all the mana shields applied to the walls of the Princess's room, it's hard to see whether anything exerts mana within that door. Plus, Princess Reya is not someone with an exceptional amount of mana either, so he is unable to sense what's within that door.

He turns around, his eyes falling on the guard.

"If you ever see that door open, be sure to notice me."

"Yes sir!" The guard replies, saluting to the general.

However, Connor's suspicions still disturb his mind.

'Reya never leaves the windows closed at this hour. She always replies instantly when someone who isn't from her family knocks at the door. She's an early bird. This is all wrong – or… am I just overthinking again?' Connor thinks, walking across the hallways, brewing a plan in his mind.

'I can't barge into the Princess's room, certainly not. How am I gonna?' An idea sparks in Connor's head, making him snap his fingers instantly.

'Rory is the one who knows the Princess best. I can get something out of her.'

Connor rushes down the staircase, out of the tower.

Just as he runs outside, the morning horns of Muri boom through the entire city. He looks up at the windows of the Princess's room, but she still hasn't opened them.

'Where are you, Princess?' Connor becomes more cautious.

'First, someone kills my Morgana. Now, the Princess starts behaving strangely. Something's going on in this castle without my knowledge of it. I have to find what it is. I can't let anything happen to Reya.'

The maids of the castle are usually in the kitchen at this hour. Soon, the feast will begin for the royal family. They are busy in the castle kitchen.

On his way, Connor sees two more generals passing by near the royal garden.

"General Connor? Good morning!" General Stan greets him.

"Son, where the hell are you going? Skipping duty to bang one of those maids, are you?"

This was General Conrad, the oldest of the generals. With old age, the perviness only increases.

"Haha, going to the kitchen for a certain matter, Generals. I'll talk to you at break time!" General Connor replies, hurrying past the two generals. He has no time to reply to all of the questions they'll be asking him.

And what were they doing strolling in the gardens, neglecting their duties? Connor ponders.

"Stan, did you hear him. He's going to the kitchen. Oh hell, he's banging maids in there for sure."

"General Connor! Good luck on banging those chicks!" The stupid Stan yells, just as he hears Stan saying this.

'What the fuck are they doing?' Connor asks himself, slowly shifting from a hurried walk to a sprint. 'Now I'm hoping for the princess to not be here.'

Connor steps down the white staircase beside the garden to enter the royal territory.

This is where the King's Palace is. While his tower is not as tall as the tower where the Princess resides, it is certainly majestic. The kitchen is on the underground floors of the castle and the entrance to the kitchens is usually behind the buildings.

Connor hurries down the cobblestone stairs past a goblin who is engaged in sweeping duty.

"Out of the way!" He yells as he runs down the stairs.

"Tch," the goblin wearing tattered and greased garments clicks his tongue, moving aside. He always loved to treat the goblins awfully. It's even more fun when the goblins bad-mouthed him, throwing in one or two curses.

Torches light up the gloomy kitchen under the castle and maids are running here and there, yelling orders at each other.

"Lola, dear, check that saucepan at that corner! Meiri, have the potatoes boiled enough? Barry, can you please check that roasted beef! We cannot mess that up! That is the King's favorite!"

"Yes, Mrs. Collen!"

"Yes, Mrs. Collen!"

"On it, Mrs. Collen!"

The senior maid is yelling at all the people working there, giving them orders. She is the one who is on duty in the cooking process. She has to guide all of the young maids and cooks through this so that the King can have a satisfying meal.

"Mrs. Collen, may I have your attention please?" He declares in the kitchen, standing at the doorway.

The entire kitchen seizes their work, turning their heads to the general of the royal guard who has just entered the room.

"Connor! What in the name of God are you doing here at such a time? Can you not see that I am busy!" Mrs. Collen scolds him without a second thought.

Connor begins to sweat as he realizes that he has messed up. "I – It's an urgent matter, Mrs. Collen."

"More urgent than the King's Breakfast?" The old maid demands.

Connor goes silent just as Mrs. Collen asks him this.

"Nothing to see here, kids. Get your asses back to work!" She yells at the maids and the cooks. Everyone instantly continues with their work.

"Please, Mrs. Collen. A moment from you is all I ask," Connor pleads again.

Narrowing her eyes, Mrs. Collen steps forth, taking the general to a corner of the kitchen. "What is that you want, son? I am a busy woman, you know."

"If you please allow me to grab one of your maids for a word, Miss Collen. It's an urgent matter."

"Huh, a maid? Who do you want a word with?" She asks suspiciously.

"Rory," Connor replies, gazing at the maid in the kitchen.

"Oh dear, Rory? The hot young blonde, for a hot young elf. Isn't that wholesome?" She smirks at me.

"It's not like that, old lady. I just need a word with her. That's it."

"Wow, the guy is the shy one, huh?" She grins.

"Can I please have a word with her?"

The old maid furrows her eyebrows in annoyance, turning to the young blonde girl. Rory is watching the dough of bread plump up in the ovens, biting her lip. Even Connor had to agree; she is hot. But – she is not Connor's love.

"Rory, dear! General Connor is asking for you. Meiri, please check the bread while Rory has a word with the General! Everyone else, chop chop!" The old lady claps her hands, making the maids and cooks work even faster.

Rory turns to the General with an innocent look. She doesn't smile upon seeing Connor.

'Those eyes. Rory is an innocent little kitten. I can tell if she's lying,' Connor thinks, gazing at her innocent puppy eyes.

Rory hurries out of the kitchen, past Connor, without making eye contact with the general. She's already giving up her act.

Connor steps out to the hallway, gazing at Rory.

Rory finally lifts her gaze towards Connor.

"Sir Connor, what is it that you want to talk about?" She asks, grasping her hand shyly.

"About the Princess. About this morning. What is it that you're hiding, Rory?" Connor suspects her right off the bat. Rory furrows her eyebrows and lowers her eyes.

Connor has interrogated many before her. He knows that people's reactions tend to reveal the truth when they are accused of something they did, or didn't do.

"No, I didn't even meet the Princess today, Sir Connor. Why do you ask? Is she gone?"

Connor narrows his eyes. Then, he pulls off his helmet, revealing his face to the maid. His long white hair falls down behind his armor and his sky-blue eyes fall upon the maid's face.

"Look me in the eyes, Rory. Say those words again. And if you're lying, know that the princess is in danger. The Morgana died only four days ago, now this. If something happens to the Princess, Rory. That weight falls upon your shoulder too."

Rory gulps, staring at Connor's eyes.

"General, I – I have no idea about what you're talking about. The Princess is probably inside her room. You should go check if you're suspicious of it," she replies, her eye twitching.

"Hm, is that so, Rory? If you are lying – I'll have to a longer talk with you." The General puts his helmet back on. "See you soon, Rory."

He turns around, taking his leave. Rory stands there, lowering his eyes with a worrisome look on her face. 'I kept my promise, Reya. Please be safe,' she thinks to herself, stroking her arms.


"Sir, you're back?" The guard asks Connor as he walks towards the Princess's door.

He's finally ready to knock on that door once more. If the Princess no longer answers it, it is a problem.

"Stand aside!" Connor orders the guard standing before the Princess's door.

The guard instantly hops aside. Taking a deep breath, Connor knocks on the door. "Princess –"

Just as his hand hits the door, it flings open gradually.

Inside, the princess takes off her wet dress, revealing her big breasts to Connor's eyes.

"ARGHH! OH MY GOD! CLOSE THE DOOR!" She screams out.

Connor nervously pulls the door handle and smashes the door shut. The guard and the general gaze at each other for a second.

"Haha, this didn't happen." Connor taps the guard's shoulder and takes his leave. He gulps as he walks away, wondering what'll happen to his life now.

"But – it did."