
My business

Victoria's POV

“Am so sorry for my son's behavior”. Mr Thomas pleaded on behalf of his son.

“It's okay sir, we need to be at work by now “. I smile at him and left the party with Sonia.

“What did he do to you “? Sonia asked while we were leaving the party

“I don't know, he was just acting weird”. I replied, 

“He didn't hurt you anywhere, right “. she asked concerned.

“Not really “. I replied,

 “What says the time”.she asked, 

I touched myself and realized my phone wasn't with me. I might have dropped it on the floor when he held my neck.

“Wait here, Sonia, I have to go get my phone”. I ran back to the party and looked for Mr Thomas, but I couldn't find him, so I decided to go to the room myself.

I climbed the stairs and without knocking I opened the door only to see a naked Eric standing before me.

“Shit”. I shouted in fear and looked away.

I could hear movement in the room as he tries to put on sweatpants.

I felt my heart beating as I hear his footsteps coming to me. Without warning, he turns me around so that I was facing him. I swallowed nervously as I came to face with his furious eyes.

He closed his eyes, like he was trying to suppress his anger or something, before he opened them. I met eyes with him and noticed the color of his eyes were darker.

“Holy Mary”. I shouted and tried running away, but he quickly grips me and pushed me to the room and closed the door.

“What are you doing”. I asked, 

He stares at me but did not say a word.

I remove my gaze from him and looked around the room, only to see his girlfriend on the bed sleeping naked .she looks like someone who was really exhausted, and I wondered what he meant have done to her to make her look this way.

“Why are you here “.his voice was low, probably because he doesn't want to wake her up.

“I'm here to take my phone”. I spoke in a shattering voice.

He hissed and ran his fingers in his head before staring at me.

“Find it and get the hell out”.his voice came out rough.

Without wasting time, I move around the room and saw my phone on the floor. I hissed in relief and picked up the phone.

“Found it “. I murmured and was about to make my way out of the room when he held me and pushed me to the wall, 

“Leave me alone”. I shouted, but he covered my mouth with his hand.

He stares at me and I felt myself intoxicated by his gaze .he moves his stares from me, and before I knew what was going on, I felt his breath on my neck.

“Let me go “. I pleaded when I realized what he was about to do. He ignored my plead and pin my both hands on the wall.

“You smell good “. He groaned. I felt hot lips on my neck like he was licking my skin.

I felt my body shivering and my legs shaking and was about to fall, but he held me back.

His lips felt so good that I couldn't help but moan softly.

“You taste good”.he stopped licking my neck and I could feel his teeth on my neck, 

“No, no”. I spoke in tears, 

He ignored me and kept on brushing his teeth on me.

“Please, I beg you“. I sobbed in tears.

For a moment, he stopped, and I could no longer feel his teeth on me .he hissed angrily and moved away from me.

Our eyes met, and I could see the color of his eyes were now brighter, but I could notice anger and hatred in his eyes, 

“Get out “.his voice echo in the room. I open the door and quickly left the room. I ran downstairs and let the house.

“What's wrong “. Sonia asked when she noticed my mood. Without a word, I pulled her to me and hugged her.

“What's wrong “.she asked while stroking my hair.

I hissed and released her from the hug, 

“Let's talk about this when we get home “.she agrees, and we left for work.

We got to work a bit late, but we made up a good excuse. I changed my clothes and started working.

Few hours from working, I noticed a DOM sitting on the chair. I smiled and moves closer to him.

“Anything for you “. I asked, 

He chuckled softly and stared at me 

“look like you don't remember me “.his voice was familiar. I thought of where I could have heard that voice then realization hits me .this was Master Mike . the moment I knew it was him, I frowned my face but decided to stay professional.

“What do you want, sir”. I asked with a fake smile on my face.

He chuckled softly, and I could feel his eyes on me even if he was putting on a mask.

“You will make a good actress”.

I frowned at him but did not say a word.

“Tell me what you want ". I spoke in an angry tune, I was getting irritated by him.

“You, I want you “.he said those words like I was sort of a drink in the bar.

“We don't have such a drink here, but I'll inform the manager”. I said those words while staring at him.

He chuckled softly and stares at me.

“I like you already”.he said those words like he meant it.

I hissed in anger and held myself back.

“Anything else “. I asked 

“I said I want you “.he said those words in a rough dominant voice.

“Why do you keep wanting other people's things “. I heard a voice besides me.

I looked around and found a DOM smiling at me. I met eyes with him and became uncomfortable with his gaze.

“You should mind your business, Kelvin”. Mike spoke in anger.

I stared at him and realized it was master Kelvin, the one that dropped us off and the one I also met at the party.

Master Kelvin chuckled softly and sat beside Master Mike, 

“She is absolutely my business”.he said those words while staring directly in my eyes like he was trying to pierce through my soul.