
Love hate

Victoria's POV

''Eric is here.'' hearing those words from him, I felt my legs heavy and couldn't stand anymore,

''Easy.'' Elliot rushed to me and held me before I could reach the floor. He made me sat on the couch before he sat beside me.

I felt fear and panic rush all over my body as I realized Eric was here, it just two years, and he already knew where I was.

When I thought I have already succeeded in hiding from him, I never knew he could find me so easily.

''Is he here because of me?'' I asked in fear, 

''No.'' Elliot shook his head, 

''He is here for a business meeting, and will only stay here for three days.'' he murmured those words with an assuring smile.

I took in a deep breath to calm nerves as I heard those words from him, at least all this will be over within the next three days.

Elliot was about saying something when his phone started ringing, he took the phone from the table, stared at the phone for a while before picking it

''Yes.'' he spoke up

The person on the phone spoke for a while and all Elliot did was to listen

''Thank you.'' he murmured and ended the call 

He kept back the phone on the table and stood up from the couch while he walked nervously in the sitting room, seeing in this way I knew something was wrong.

''What's wrong.'' I asked, 

He took in a deep breath and shook his head before speaking up.

''I think Eric know you are here now.'' he whispered those words to himself

''That can't be true.'' I murmured in fear, 

''It is, he is searching for your flight record to be sure you are here.'' Elliot shook his head and moved around the sitting room while in deep thoughts.

I felt a cold shiver run through my blood as the thought of Eric finding me went through my head. I thought I have gotten rid of him and the pain he made me went through, but I never knew fate has a different thing installed for me.

''Don't worry, your record are clean he won't find you through that record, but you have to stay at home for the next three days until he is gone.'' Elliot muttered those words and took the couch before me.

''For how long.'' I murmured in anger, 

''How long do I have to keep hiding from him.'' I muttered out, frustrated as I stood up from the couch

''I left my country and everything just to run away from him and the pain he made me went through, but he still wouldn't let me be.'' I yelled in anger and moved around the sitting room with so much anger in me

''If he finds you he will never let you go.'' Elliot murmured 

''So be it, let him find me, but I will never allow him have his way with me anymore, gone are those days when he thinks I'm that weak and naive Victoria, I'm not weak anymore.'' I muttered out angrily in tears.

Elliot took in a deep breath and shook his head before speaking up 

''I know you Victoria and I can say I'm proud of how strong you, I will stand by you in whatever decision you have to take.'' he stood up from the couch and stood before me 

''Stop crying, you know I hate to see you this way.'' he whispered those words and wipe off the tears from my cheek, so tenderly and slowly that I had to moved away from when I noticed Jennifer standing by the door staring at me with a death glare.

''You are back.'' I flashed Jennifer a weak smile and moved away from Elliot.

''Catherine is still at practice, can you please go pick her up.''

''Don't worry, just go upstairs and have some rest.'' Elliot flashed me an assuring smile and sat on the couch.

''Thanks.'' I murmured those words and climbed upstairs, I was almost in my room when I heard murmuring from Jennifer, but I was too far to hear her.

I opened the door of my room and slowly went in, I sat on my bed and pulled off my shoes before laying on the bed with my back.

I closed my eyes and memories of two years ago flashed in my head.

I remembered how I fell in love with Eric, thinking he was someone else, I remembered how Eric played me for a fool just for his selfish motives and I remembered how I lost my babies just because I had to pay for Eric's sin.

I released an heavy sigh as the thought of him finding me ran through my head, I wasn't scared of him anymore, but I wish not to see him.

I knew I hated Eric, but the feelings I have for him when I thought DOM Tim was another person was still in my heart.

How possible was it to hate someone and at the same time still love him.

The opening of my door got my attention, I opened my eyes and saw that it was Jennifer walking in with a big frown on her face 

''Is there a problem.'' I asked while sitting on the bed. 

She stared at me with piercing eyes but did not say a word before she moved over to my closet

''Can I borrow your jacket, the weather is too cold, and I did not come with any jacket.'' she did not let those words finish from her mouth before she opened my closet and brought out a jacket.

''Thank you.'' she murmured those words like she was being forced to say it before leaving my room.

I shook my read and sighed softly at her behavior and lay back in the bed.

Jennifer and I were never friends neither are we enemies, I've tried several times to talk to her at least start a friendly conversation with her, but she always gave me space.

I knew what was going through her head and believe me I don't blame her for it.

The attention Elliot was giving to me was too much and as his mate I knew it was right for her to feel jealous and insecure, that's why I have already rented at apartment without telling Eliot.

I just need to buy my furniture and look for an appropriate time to break the news to him.