

Victoria's POV

I felt pain and heart break as I left the bar stand.

I swallowed the tears in my eyes and was about leaving the club when I mistakenly bumped into someone, 

"I'm so sorry ". I raised my head and realized it was a DOM, but I don't know this DOM 

"It's okay ".he muttered out those words while staring at me.

I lock eyes with him and felt so intoxicated with his eyes that I couldn't look away, and neither could I move away from him.

"Come with me ".he smiled at me and took my both hands and led me back into the club.

All the organs in me were screaming asking me to stay away from him, but I couldn't, all my bones were weak, and I felt drowned to him. 

"Sit".he ordered 

Immediately I sat down with his eyes still on Me

"What's your name ?" He asked in a low dominant voice 

"Victoria " I murmured

"Victoria ".he repeated after me like he was trying to spell out my name.

"Nice name Vicky, you work here right "

"Yes". I murmured 

"Leave Vicky, leave now" .the word rang in my head and I stared at the DOM in front of me, and he reminds me of DOM Tim.

He has two sets of blues eyes and a well trimmed bears. 

I stared around and noticed DOM Tim eyes on me, we lock eyes with each other and I could sense he was staring at us.

"What will you like to have ".he asked, 

I wanted to reject his offer and tell him that I was okay but seeing that DOM Tim was staring at us a stupid thought came into my head and I wish to make him jealous.

"Anything strong ". I murmured

He chuckled softly before calling the Waiter 

"Get us a bottle of whiskey and two glasses".he muttered out those words while staring at me lustfully.

I swallowed nervously and look around, but DOM Tim was out of my sight. 

I hissed and stood up from the chair, 

"I think I will have to take my leave ". I spoke firmly and was about leaving when he spoke up, 

"Victoria ".he calls out my name with authority.

I turn, and we lock eyes with each other, and I couldn't look away.

"I command you to sit and merry with me". Hearing those words from him immediately, I sat on the couch with my eyes still locked with his.

I wanted to say no and go away,, but I couldn't, it feels like I was been controlled by a supernatural power.

The drink was brought in, and he ordered me to drink.

I took the drink and drank all to his command.

He stares at me with lustful eyes and licks his lips.

I knew what he wanted, and I wanted to stand up and leave,, but I couldn't, it felt like a force was pulling me down.

"I like you and will like to taste you ".he spoke firmly and brought out his hands to me 

"Follow me ".he ordered

Just with the sound of his words I stood up from the couch and followed him.

We walk and pass few rooms before he stood in front of a room and opened the door wide open for me to go in.

I stared at the door and was forcing myself not to go in, but I couldn't, the power that this DOM held was too powerful for me to resist

With shaking legs I walked into the room, and he was about closing it when I noticed DOM Tim at the door.

I signed in relief and lock eyes with him, begging him to save me even though I couldn't say it out loud.

"Is there a problem ?". Dom Israel asked DOM Tim with anger. 

DOM Tim ignored him and push him away and walked into the room staring right into my eyes like he was trying to Pierce through my soul.

I lock eyes with him, and before I knew what was going on his eyes became darker, and I could see how angry he was when he turned around and faced DOM Israel 

They both lock eyes with each other without saying a word, but it feels like they were communicating with each other.

Before I could process what was going on, I noticed DOM Tim push DOM Israel to the wall and slam his head on the wall with anger without saying a word.

He turns back and stared at me before speaking up, 

"Get out ".he ordered.

Immediately, I walk out of the room and stood by the door.

I knew something was wrong,, but I just couldn't tell what was wrong.

Few minutes, DOM Tim came out of the room with blood in his hands.

He noticed me and walk up to me still staring into my eyes, he hissed softly before walking away 

"Follow".he whispered, but I could hear him.

I followed him and climbed the stairs until we got to a door, he opened the door and walked in before I followed him. 

When I got into the room I noticed how big the room was and how everything was in place.

"Sit" he ordered

I swallowed nervously and sat on the couch, 

He stared at me one more time before going to the bathroom.

In a few minutes, he came out with his hands washed.

He sat on the bed and stared coldly at me, which brought a Cold shiver all over my body.

"Do you know what happened over there?". He asked 

I thought for a while before speaking up, 

"I think I was under a spell, or I was charmed". I whispered 

"You are correct he used black magic on you, and you are still under the influence of his charm".he spoke firmly 

"I know " I murmured 

We sat there in silence until he stood up 

"In order to break that charm you have to be kissed by someone, so I suggest you go to the club and probably search for someone to kiss you ".he muttered out those words and stood up from the couch 

"Let's go"

I stood up but refused to move an inch 

He stared at me for a while before speaking up 

"What is it".he asked in a cold low voice 

"Can you kiss me ". I did not know when that left my mouth.