
Chapter 6

Bella looked fabulous in the short black dress she had picked out to wear for dinner. Mom and dad had taken us to a nice Italian restaurant. And though it was an Americanized version of Italian food, Bella quite enjoyed it, or at least, very much enjoyed being there.

Almost from the start she had begun teasing me...right there inside the restaurant! We had taken a semi-circular booth in order to watch some of the floorshow that went along with the meal. Skimpily clad women who danced, entertained, and performed wild flame spinning acts that defied description with baton's of fire. It was hard keeping focused on that though, Bella had my undivided attention elsewhere.

Having slid into the booth, I sat on one end, dad on the other with the two women comfortably placed between us. As I said, almost from the onset, Bella had her hand down in my lap, teasing me mercilessly. The dig of her fingernails along the outline of my shaft was only the beginning. The periodic squeeze of my rapidly hardening prick. Though it was the decadent teasing of my other senses that simply escalated all that. Bella of course hadn't worn any undergarments. No surprise there really. She'd have been hard pressed to wear a bra with the dress she'd selected anyway. Her breasts bulging just a bit in the low-cut squared opening. Something I had noticed my father early on enjoying...while trying not to. Even mom had commented on how nice she looked in her dress, wishing when she did that she had the breasts to pull that off. Personally I thought she still did, but her far more conservative attire was no match for the way Bella's body seemed to just scream out "I wanna be fucked". Something I was looking forward to doing later on that evening if I had my way.

Thank god I had taken her advice and worn dark slacks to dinner. I could feel the wetness of my own lubrication saturating my briefs. Another precaution, though I quickly learned with certainty the fact Bella hadn't. Twice she had hand fed me some appetizers, the unmistakable aroma of her pussy-slick fingers being wafted below my nose, and once even being directly smeared against my lips while mom and dad's attention were focused on the dancers. Bella was a tease of the first order, but I was definitely enjoying it far more than I could have ever realized.

At one point she had even taken her spoon, slipping that down between her legs very cautiously, and then bringing it back up as though it had something in it...which it did, but not what mom then thought it had when she'd fed it to me.

"Try this sauce," she had stated slipping the spoon into my mouth. I could taste her funky essence, the frothy slimy syrup of her cunt clinging to the spoon as I drew it into my mouth licking it off.

"It is tangy isn't it?" Mom said trying some herself, but certainly not from the same place Bella had procured it.

"Oh yes...very much so. Very delicious," I said keeping a straight face. "If we weren't here in a restaurant, I wouldn't mind burying my face in it and eating it all up that way!"

Mom laughed. Dad looked over. I honestly believe he had an inkling of what was really going on. After that, I noticed that he tended to keep more of a focus on the two of us than even the dancers out on the floor. And they were showing more skin than Bella was! Now aware of that perhaps, she went back to a bit more cock teasing beneath the table, though even then, I think the angle of her hand hinted at what sort of cock-tail play she was actually doing as she sat there sipping her drink. Dad's bemused smile told me that much.

Even on the drive home after dinner as the two of us sat in the backseat of the car didn't hinder her ongoing teasing of me. Twice she had opened her legs, spreading them, taking my hand placing it between them so I could feet just how wet and juicy she was. We'd almost gotten caught once in fact when mom turned in her seat, asking Bella a question. I'm not sure I got my hand back from between her legs when mom had turned, though she didn't seem to act any differently. The flush in my face however would have been a dead giveaway however, had it not been just dark enough perhaps in the back seat to hide the fact I had turned crimson.

But, as I said...I honestly think mom and dad were far more aware of things than either one of them were willing to admit. I mean after all...Bella was gorgeous, she obviously liked me, and she'd be living with us over the next six months. They'd have to have been blind to the obvious sexual electricity that seemed to be surrounding the two of us every time we were together.

"I'm looking forward to a late night swim," she soon announced as we pulled up into the circular drive.

"Dark enough, I think it would be perfectly permissible if the two of you just want to skinny dip," dad quipped.

"Harold!" Mom laughed, though she said nothing else, thus sanctioning perhaps this slightly against the rules scenario, though adding. "Well...I know you won't be skinny dipping anyway, I have other plans for you," she then added, which made Bella giggle. It seemed even having her around was having some sort of an effect on my own parents, which wasn't a bad thing. I enjoyed seeing the two of them having fun, acting like hot and horny teenage kids themselves again. It was nice not having prudish, straight-laced parents that tried to pretend they didn't have the same desires and urges that everyone else did. Especially when dad asked...

"You still have those old high school batons of yours?"

"Yes, but why would you ask that?" Mom questioned.

"I was thinking...perhaps we could wrap them with a bit of cloth, douse them in some lighter-fluid, and then you could give me a little performance," he snickered.

Mom giggled, blushed, which I could see her doing there in the front seat, though she leaned over whispering, making dad blush. She never was good at whispering quietly however when I heard her telling him. "The only fire you're going to see, is the fire between my legs baby," she said and then kissed him.

Bella held a smile, glanced at me, and then slid out behind me rather than waiting for me to come around and open her door for her.


"What's good?" I asked as we followed my parents into the house a short distance behind them.

"Good that they'll be plenty busy themselves from what I see...which means," she left off not really needing to add to that.

"Oh yeah. Very good!" I agreed as we both headed out back, not even bothering to head up stairs to change clothing.


It's truly hard to put into words just how sensual Bella could make the simplest of acts, the simplest of things become something so highly erotic. We had stepped out onto the dimly lit patio area, just beyond, the pool still lit up with the underwater lights. I had stopped at the outside bar preparing to fix us a couple of drinks before joining her. As I did, Bella continued on, first kicking off her high heels. I watched as she reached around behind her back, deftly and easily undoing the zipper on her dress, enough so, that she just seemed to shimmy out of it. The fact it was a brand new, fairly expensive dress didn't even register on me at the moment. She left it laying crumpled up in the damp grass as she continued on towards the pool without a look back towards me. Only the outline of her totally nude body as she suddenly leapt into the air, taking form, and then diving into the pool with a grace that was almost Olympian.

Mom was standing off to one side and behind me. She's seen this almost ethereal looking nude ghost shimmer into the air, and then into the pool just as I had.

"Thought you could use these," she said smiling handing me a couple of towels that she had grabbed off the shelf for us which we kept just inside the patio doors leading out. "Have fun," she then added, kissing me on the cheek, and then turned chuckling to herself as she headed back inside the house.

"More than you know," I said to myself, and then kicked off my own shoes and proceeded to head out towards the pool area.


I sat our drinks down on the small little table and then slipped out of the rest of my clothing. Though unlike Bella, I somewhat folded mine, taking the time to drape them over the back of my chair. I saw her splash, saw her feet come up briefly, and then she sunk beneath the surface of the water. I walked over looking in. Where before she'd looked like some sort of apparition, she now looked more like a mermaid. A very, very beautiful mermaid, her long dark hair flowing out in every direction at once, swimming below the water on her back, eyes open looking up at me as she did so. She had her hands down between her legs...she was masturbating. I was standing there mouth agape, watching a mermaid masturbating. I stood there looking down, watching her, feeling my cock stiffen even more than it already was. I couldn't help but wonder what I must have looked like standing there on the edge of the pool looking down at her as she did that. Finally she just seemed to float upwards, still stroking herself, breaking the surface.

"Nice trident there Poseidon," she teased me looking at my blood engorged shaft. "All the better to fuck me with," she then said, changing direction entirely...now reciting nursery rhymes.

"Is that what you'd like? After all...I did lose the bet," I reminded her. "Or bets rather," I added.

I had indeed finger-fucked her there in the front seat of the car in the middle of broad daylight right there in one of the parking stalls facing a small little bakery. I had done that, the two of us watching people run in and out of the store, the entire time, my fingers teasing and manipulating her clit, her sopping wet pussy as we'd sat there doing that. Though we had in fact received a number of curious looks from people passing by, or coming out of the store, no one had at least ventured over close enough to have seen what was actually going on. Even if they had, I seriously doubt Bella would have shoved my hand away. By then, she had already had one orgasm, and was well on her way towards another one when she suddenly cried out in ecstasy, startling a young kid on a bike who'd been unaware of us, until then anyway.

"Time to go," I'd said taking my still slick, slippery hand away.

"Whoa sport...not before you pay up on the other bet. Take your clothes off first."


"Yeah baby...right here," she said.

I just managed to remove my jeans and underwear easily enough without anyone taking a real notice of that. But when it came time to remove my tee shirt as well, I saw a woman standing there just inside the bakery looking at me as I finished removing it.

"Ah oh," I said looking straight back into the woman's face.

"Don't worry about it," Bella laughed. "Had it been me sitting here doing that, then she'd have every right to wonder. Guys drive around shirtless all the time, and there's no way she knows you're sitting here naked," she stated. Which would have been true perhaps, had she suddenly not tossed my briefs out the window as I backed the car out of the lot. "Now she's wondering..." Bella laughed as we pulled away, looking back through the mirror as the woman came out of the shop, wandered over and looked down as though confirming her suspicions.

"You're nuts!" I said half seriously. "What if she calls the cops or something?"

"I doubt that," Bella laughed openly, "she just waved."

I looked into the mirror, she was just then bringing her hand down. "She did? Really?"

"Oh yeah...she did. Now...let me see that cock of yours," she said reaching over to fondle it, which she had done the rest of the way home, including as we reached the property pulling up into the drive. Andy stood off to one side leaning on the shovel he'd been using, wiping his brown, acknowledging us as we passed by him. Though even he seemed to wonder curiously why I was driving with my shirt off. For one...I never did that. And secondly, I am also sure he was wondering where Bella was. She had taken that moment to lean over out of sight. Not that I minded...be we were now home.