

Suddenly A foreigner transferred come to my house to live for the next 6 months. Where my sexual life completely changed. Author's note: I do indeed appreciate your votes/comments/feedback on my stories. If you are indeed enjoying this one, drop me a note, let me know if this series is one that you'd enjoy seeing me continue. As always, I truly do appreciate hearing from you.

Cultivator_nerd_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 5

Bella turned around in it, of course, expecting my input. "Nice...but not me," she finally said before I'd even had a chance to respond myself. Grateful for it. "Let's try the next one," she added stepping back through the curtain, though I noticed as she did that, she didn't fully draw it closed this time, leaving a small gap that allowed me a fairly good view as she stood there inside, removing the dress. A full-length mirror filled the wall facing her, so that gave me an added advantage of seeing her entirely, no matter how she moved. It was wickedly erotic watching her undress, especially when she looked directly into the mirror, smiling. I knew then she could see me as easily as I could see her. I quickly glanced back at the sales clerk. She gave me a brief warm smile too, glanced towards the dressing area, and went about her business. I looked back, Bella was still naked, not yet having tried on the second dress. She was playing with her breasts...teasing me. I laughed, shaking my head, glancing up at the clerk again as she approached.

"Everything ok?" She asked sort of looking over the curtain into the room. I couldn't help but wonder with the mirror there if she could see Bella, especially as she continued to stand there the way she was...entirely naked.

"Not sure about this size," she responded handing one of the dresses over the wall to the clerk. Maybe another size down," she suggested.

"Let me see what I can find," the girl said and walked over to the rack, finding the same dress in a smaller size, returned. Instead of handing it over the curtain, however, she stepped more into the opening, though using her body to shield me from seeing anything as she stood there for a moment.

"Wait there," I heard Bella say. "Let me see how this fits first," she then added as the girl looked back towards me, as well as back into the store as though wanting to ensure no one else had entered yet. No one had.

I watched then as the young woman moved on further into the dressing room, helping Bella with the zipper on the dress.

"You've got large boobs," the young woman said. "Everything else seems to fit pretty well, but you are a little tight across the bust-line."

Looking past the young woman towards me, Bella parted the curtain almost completely stepping out towards me. "Too tight huh?" She asked. Her boobs looked as though they were about to spill out of the dress even though it looked good on her. Unfortunately, the top did look a little too small. As though to confirm that, she pulled the front down, revealing her breasts as she stood there, much to the surprise of the young girl waiting on her. "Maybe it would look better like this?" She asked jokingly.

"Yeah, that looks good too, but I seriously doubt you could get away with wearing it around town looking like that."

Even the sales girl laughed at that one. "You already tried the size larger?" She then asked.

"Yeah, it didn't fit quite right either," Bella complained, and then slipped out of the dress entirely, once again standing there in the nude with the curtain wide open. The girl reached back as though to close it. "Don't bother," she told her, stopping her before she could do so. "No one's out there anyway, and I want David to see and approve of what I'm wearing tonight," she added.

Once again she tried on the other dress, this one a bit too tight as she struggled into it. I seriously doubted she'd even get the front of this one up and over her breasts. The salesgirl now standing behind, likewise seeing that, though without as yet commenting as she looked over Bella's shoulder into the mirror. "Damn...my tits are just too big for this one too," she stated, and then surprised me, cupping them in her hands. "See? I sort of want them to look like this in the dress," she stated, holding them together. She then dropped her hands, taking each of the sales clerks into them instead, raising the woman's hands, and then stunning me speechless as she placed each one of them on her breasts. "There...just like that," she stated, holding them a moment more, then dropping her hands again, though the sales clerk's hands remained, cupping Bella's breasts. "Think you have anything that will make them look more like that?" She asked.

The girl stuttered a bit, though still holding onto Bella's breasts as she did so. "I ah...um, sure we do...somewhere," she stammered, though her fingers were now specifically gliding over the hard little nubs protruding from Bella's tits as she said that. Interestingly enough, she made no effort to run off and find anything either. Unfortunately, that was also about the time that the little bell on the door rang, announcing that someone else was just entering the store. I saw movement, saw the clerk pulling the curtain closed once again, and then seconds later stepping out. "Let me see to this other customer, and then see what I can find for you. I'll be right back," she said almost breathlessly. As she ran off to attend to the new woman's needs who'd just entered the store, Bella opened the curtain again, partially. Enough so that I could see she was still naked, and now fingering her cunt there in front of me.

"I am so fucking wet!" She half-whispered. "Wanna make a new bet?" She then asked.

I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head. "What's the bet?"

"I'll bet you a blow-job, against a finger-fuck, out in the parking lot, that I can get her to show me her breasts...and even fondle them a little. Better yet, and do that, with you being able to see it!"

"That's a bet!" I agreed. After all, I really couldn't lose now could I?

Perfectly content to wait, the young woman hurriedly rang up the new customer and then all but ran over to a different clothing rack, picking out one or two dresses, and then running back.

"Here why don't you try these?" She questioned.

"Ooh, I do like this one!" Bella exclaimed, once again holding it up in front of herself looking into the mirror, her cute firm ass bare, the salesgirl looking down at it as Bella stood there. "Don't know though...sometimes it helps if I can see it on someone else first, then I get a better idea if I like it or not. Would you mind?" She asked.

"I ah...don't know, that's ah...not normal practice here for us to do that," she stammered again, though I'm fairly certain the implication of what Bella was trying to accomplish here wasn't lost on her either.

"Please? If anyone comes in, I'm sure David can pretend he works here and at least greets them. If anyone really needs anything, by then he can tell us, and then you can go back out and help them...so please?"

I heard the girl laugh. "Ok, but...help me with my dress then," she said turning around facing me as I sat there. For a moment it looked as though she were about to reach up and pull the curtain closed, but to my surprise, she didn't. Even as the dress she had on fell away. And though she wasn't braless, the fact she now stood facing me in her bra was interesting enough. Even more so when I saw Bella reach up, now cupping her breasts, even with her bra still on, and began kneading them.

"You have really nice tits," Bella purred looking over the woman's shoulders, just tall enough to easily do so, watching her own hands as she continued caressing the woman's boobs before suddenly reaching around back, undoing the clasp on her bra, which suddenly slid down the woman's arms. She was blushing, but smiling at me as Bella now cupped her bare breasts within her hands. "What do you think David? Doesn't she have great looking tits?"

Unfortunately, we all heard the tinkle of the bell again. And just as quickly as we had, I saw the young woman grabbing the curtain pulling it closed. I stood up, assuming my role and walked over.

"May I help you?" I asked. The thirtyish something woman seemed startled that a man might be working here.

"I'm ah...here to try on some new bras," she said a little uncomfortably. Luckily, that had been the first area we'd gone over and browsed through upon entering. So I knew where it was without having to look around as though not knowing.

"Follow me then," I said. "Stacy's currently helping another customer, so I'm sure if you have any questions, she'll be the one to help you here shortly."

I had of course noticed the name badge Stacy had been wearing. And upon hearing me say that, the woman relaxed noticeably. "Thank you," she said, and then began browsing through the garments as I slowly strolled back towards the curtained dressing room just as Stacy stepped out, once again dressed and looking properly attired, though a little flushed in the face before smiling and thanking me as we passed. Bella stepped out, now wearing a perfectly beautiful dress that looked damn good on her, in every way. It was the first one she'd even picked out.

"You knew this was the one from the beginning didn't you?" I asked.

"Of course silly. But if I'd just put this one on in the first place, we wouldn't have had half the fun we did...now would we?"

"I guess not," I said agreeing with her, when she then held her fingers up to my nose suddenly. I sniffed.

"You didn't!"

"Oh yes...I did! I told her, that until she let me finger her cunt, she wasn't leaving the dressing room, no matter what. Needless to say...she let me."

I stood there wide-eyed waiting for Bella to change again, and then followed her back over to the counter in order to make our purchase. Seeing us, Stacy left the new customer and sauntered back over.

"Oh yes, I do like that one," she said still blushing a bit. She began ringing us up. Glanced up, just as Bella fed me a finger to suck off.

"Doesn't she taste sweet?" Bella asked in hushed tones, tough certainly loud enough that Stacy saw and heard all of it.

"Oh yes...very much so," I said continuing to lick and suck her finger as the girl stood watching me do that. "And I must say...I'm now damn jealous!" I then winked at the girl causing her to blush even more, though she found herself, and hurriedly finished up the transaction. Folding our purchase, slipping it into a nice handy bag, she then pulled one of the stores discount cards out of its holder and turned it over, writing on the back of it.

"And with your next purchase, you'll get an additional twenty percent off," she stated all business like. She then handed Bella the card. We both noticed it had a phone number on it. "And thank you for coming in!" She then said.

"And thank you...for coming," Bella said leaning over the counter just a bit, and as she did, reaching out, her hand giving the young girls breast a quick affectionate little squeeze. "I truly enjoyed that."

The young girl was still blushing furiously as we left the store.

"Well...now that's two bets I've lost!" I said as we headed off to grab a bite to eat before shopping any more stores.

"Wanna try for three?" Bella laughed.

"Against what?" I asked, though not too inclined to get involved with any more betting with her today. I was already in deep enough as it was.

"See that older guy sitting over there eating his lunch?" She directed. We'd just passed a small outdoor café' area.

"Yeah? So?"

"I bet I can give him a hard on."

"Fuck babe...you could give a rock a hard on, if you know what I mean. But ok...I give, how? And how are you going to know he actually has one even if you do manage to do that?"

"Makes it an easier bet for you doesn't it? If we can't tell, then...you win right?"

I thought about it. "Ok, that makes sense I guess. So I hate asking this, but what's the bet this time?"

"Ok, if I win...you have to drive all the way home with no clothes on. And I do mean...nothing. If I lose...then I do."

"I don't know Bella...all the way home? What if we get pulled over or something?"

"Then don't break any traffic laws," she stated.

"I think indecent exposure is against the law too. At least here it is," I added. "And what if my folks are home when we get there? Which they probably will be. What then?"

"Didn't say you had to go inside the house naked, only drive home naked. We can certainly dress in the car again once we get there."

Against my better judgment, I agreed to the bet. She was grinning again. "Ok, let me handle this," she asked as we entered the open-air patio area, immediately greeted by a waiter.

"Lunch?" He asked prepared to move off with us, seating us.

"Yes please. But...I'd prefer sitting over there," she said pointing at a table that was just across the way from where the man was sitting. "I prefer a bit more shade," she said picking out a particular table that was indeed a bit more covered from one of the many palm trees dotting the area.

"Very well," he said seating us, and then handing us menus. "I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders." I began looking and browsing through mine. And then glanced over at Bella.

"What the hell?" I asked.

She had been wearing a simple tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Almost casually, she had lifted one side of it up, exposing her breast. "Shh...not so loud," she cautioned me. "Now...reach over and fondle it, as though you're trying to do it without anyone seeing us," she told me. "And keep doing it unless I sit up again," she added. "That will mean our waiters coming back, or someone else is. Other than that, keep doing it...that guys bound to notice you doing it sooner or later."

"You're crazy!" I said laughing. "But in a good way," I then added catching her brief naughty little pout.

"Crazy horny you mean. And you do make me that David, you really, truly do. "I'm already looking forward to having a threesome with you and Stacy."

"Oh yeah sure...like that's going to happen."

She smiled. "She told me she's already looking forward to that," Bella said eyeing me directly.

"No shit! When?"

"Not until I've gotten your cherry first, for one thing," she reminded me as I leaned forward, fingertips already tickling her extended nipple. "And when I'm sure you're ready to handle that. Then we'll call her. But not before then." Suddenly she sat back, and I took my hand away. Though I noticed as she did, she left her boob hanging out. Luckily, the waiter was standing just behind her and off to one side, so he couldn't really see her doing that. He quickly took our order and left. Bella was grinning.


"So...he's looking. He's definitely looking. I think he saw you playing with me earlier. But he certainly could see me when you took your hand away, and when the waiter came over again. He's still looking now I think," she said without turning her head to confirm that. And of course all I could do was sit there and enjoy her still exposed breast.

"Now what?"

"Well, he's just gotten his check, and is preparing to leave. So I'm pretty sure we'll know here shortly. He has to pass by here on his way out to pay."

Only then did I glance over his way as the older man stood. Sure enough, he was bulging out a bit, though not enough to confirm he actually did have a hard on. He could have had a big package, even for his age as far as either one of us knew. He stood, and began walking over towards us, which is when Bella knocked her napkin and silverware off the table, right in front of him, immediately getting up, almost running into him she had timed it so perfectly.

"I'm sorry," she said, now kneeling, scooping up what she'd dropped, her head eye-level with the man's groin as she purposely stared at it, and then slowly stood. "Nice package," she exclaimed, and then much to my disbelief, she allowed her hand to just nimbly, and lightly run up the length of it, grazing his pants. He looked over at me, smiled, shook his head.

"Nice tits too," he added. "Thanks for the lovely surprise, truly made my day," he exclaimed, and then excused himself walking past us on his way out. Bella sat down again just as the food arrived.

"You're unbelievable!" I informed her.

"I'm that...and horny too!"

She said that just as our waiter placed her dish in front of her. He almost dropped it in her lap.

"He's going to fuck me later this evening too," she said looking at him. "He's a virgin. I'm really looking forward to it."

He then looked at me.

"Man...wish to hell I'd been with someone as good looking as she is when I lost mine," he told us. "You're one damn lucky man."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. It was all too bizarre. But he was right about one thing. I sure as hell was that.

"Hurry up and eat," she told me then.

"Why? What's the big hurry? We still have the better part of the day."

"Well for one...you owe me a finger-fuck out in the parking lot. And two...a naked drive home while I finger myself watching you. And three..."


"Yeah...and three. I want to look really good for you tonight, and let you think about how nice it will feel when you finally slip that nice hard cock of yours inside me."

I'd have been ok with a glass of water.

To be continued...