
Time Travelers' War

When Vincent was in a hopeless situation while fighting against an enemy he never met before yet was weirdly familiar with, a God of Time appeared before him and offered him the ability to go back in time if he abides by the rules he created. At first, it sounded like a perfect deal, but after knowing more about it, Vincent knew it wasn’t as simple as it seemed, yet he needed to accept it because of his hopeless situation From then on, Vincent started preparing for the war and changing the past. What consequences will his choices have? How many choices does he have? And how many other ‘choices’ would he need to abandon to achieve his goal?

Writer2137 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Traumatic past 2

"You are finally home!"

His father said.

His hairs were long and unkempt, his beard scarce and uneven. Even though he sounded angry, his eyes were unchanging, it was as if he was already devoid of emotions. His pale skin made him the most visible thing in the dark house. The stench from inside made Vincent feel like he was back on the battlefield.

Compared to the reach neighborhood they lived in, this house looked out of place.

As a greeting, Vincent's father punched Vincent inside of the house.

Not that he was extremely strong, that Vincent couldn't dodge. It was because he suddenly felt as if he was covered in ice. He couldn't move at all.

Meeting his father brought his deeply hidden fear out of the depths of his heart.

He closed his eyes, trying to stabilize the rampaging unpleasant emotions inside of his head.

'I need to find a way to stop myself.'

Vincent thought as he started thinking of a countermeasure of his fear. He knew that this feeling was stupid and unreasonable, but he still couldn't get through this trauma.

'There is too little time for me to think! I need to find a way to fix this situation quickly.'

Then, a situation similar to this appeared in his mind, in fact, it was a surge of constant memories from situations similar to this.

'It's funny.'

He opened his eyes and looked at his enemy. His father had neither bulging muscles nor horns. He wasn't crafty nor cunning.

'How could I be scared while facing a person like this? I don't know why I feared him so much until now.'

Vincent got up from the ground.

This sudden change stunned his father.

He stopped in his steps and looked at his son with weird fluctuation in his eyes never seen before.

Right now, a horrible storm of thoughts was passing through his head.

'How is this possible?!'

He looked at his son with fear in his eyes for the first time since he was born.

Even when he was a heaven-defying genius, he wasn't scared of him, but now, seeing him getting up from the ground made him speechless.

The reason for this weird reaction was simple.

Vincent's father had a weird mind space. It was a mind space that could influence the emotions of other people!

Everyone who would know about the cruel past this son needed to endure before becoming a genius would notice that it was suspicious he didn't leave this person or even killed him!

How could someone stay with a person that beat them since childhood? Even a saint wouldn't do something like this.

'How could he break my skill? I enhanced it every day. It is almost impossible to break it at this point! It never happened before!'

Vincent's father gritted his teeth as he found another aspect his son was better at than him. He was controlled once by this spell too, yet he couldn't break it!

In his state of agitation, he wanted to hit Vincent once again to relieve his anger. By now, it was his habit to use this son of his as a tool to get all the anger he suffered in everyday life out, but this time, it was different. This defenseless son of his gripped his fist and looked at him with extreme anger.

His hands were shaking, looking as if he could barely stop himself from murdering this father of his.

'I can't do it yet. I can't do it yet.'

Vincent repeated the same thing in his mind as he looked at the person before him with intense killing intent.

This heavy mood almost suffocated Vincent's father. He already tried to flee, but Vincent's palm was gripping his fist and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free himself.

"We can talk this out, son. Don't you have-"

Before Vincent's father could finish, the son he was talking to repaid him the pain from the attack that he suffered a moment ago with the same move.

He fell to the ground after slamming into a wall.

"Don't try anything stupid, you don't know how hard it is for me to not kill you right now. And don't call me your son anymore. We both know that you never treated me like one."

Before he could even end coughing, Vincent warned him and went to the other side of the room.

'No wonder I never noticed this weird clinginess and fear. I was controlled by a spell. Weird, I remember he told me that at that time, he lost and his mind space broke down, it seems I will need to take more information out of him. But it can wait.'

Vincent closed his eyes and planned his next moves.

'I need his money right now. Even though his job isn't paying him a lot, I can't spend my free time on making money. There are many useful things to buy and there are even many useful people to buy.'

In this world, the slavery system was slowly collapsing, but it wasn't destroyed yet.

When the war started, many people thought that more slaves will appear, but there was a person who destroyed all the dreams slave traders had.

She was called a slave of liberation. After being a slave for a long time, she couldn't endure it any longer and became one of the first people from a new type of mind space that appeared.

It was called mind space evolution.