
Time Travelers' War

When Vincent was in a hopeless situation while fighting against an enemy he never met before yet was weirdly familiar with, a God of Time appeared before him and offered him the ability to go back in time if he abides by the rules he created. At first, it sounded like a perfect deal, but after knowing more about it, Vincent knew it wasn’t as simple as it seemed, yet he needed to accept it because of his hopeless situation From then on, Vincent started preparing for the war and changing the past. What consequences will his choices have? How many choices does he have? And how many other ‘choices’ would he need to abandon to achieve his goal?

Writer2137 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Conversation with the God of Time

"I don't have a name, but you humans know me as a God of Time."

The being standing before Vincent said.

Its moves were flawless and mesmerizing. Unlike everything else around Vincent now, it wasn't colorless.

God of time resembled a young boy; he had white glistening eyes with clear sharp black edges, making all parts of the eye easily distinguishable. He was wearing an exquisite white smooth coat with weird gold patterns on it. His hair was white as well.

He had a playful smile on his face, his voice was light and clear, making it comfortable to hear.

"Won't you say anything? We don't have a whole eternity to talk…"

He looked at Vincent for a few seconds.

"Why aren't you laughing? Didn't you get my joke? Wasn't it funny?"

Vincent didn't answer because he was wary of this person. His power was something immeasurable.

"I'm a God of Time, not a God of reading in mind. I'm here to help you, you shouldn't behave like this, or I will just go away. Don't you want a chance to meet your friends again?"

Hearing this, Vincent's eyes trembled. This was an offer that he would accept no matter what. Even if he only spent two years with them, they were through countless life and death situations together, their friendship was something unforgettable.

"What do I need to do?"

Vincent immediately answered after hearing about an opportunity to meet his deceased friends.

"Well. I don't need to tell you that no matter how unreasonable the thing is that happens to you, there is also a cost that is equivalent or at least similar to it."

While God of Time was playing with his walking cane, Vincent was savoring the bitter feeling of these words.

He was actually a transmigrator. When he first appeared in this world, he thought he will be like the protagonists from his favorite novels, but he understood he was wrong on the first day of his transmigration.

The body he got into was previously occupied by a genius stronger than anyone before. At first, Vincent didn't make a fuss about it, since he believed he could surpass this person. Only when he entered someone's else mind space, he understood how big the difference was.

When he was inside his own mind space, he saw a giant round ball that was so large that he couldn't see the end of it. It was probably full before, but now it was blank. In this mind space, there were countless shackles placed on him, he couldn't even budge.

When he entered once a mind space of a friend of his, it was incomparable. The two of them could barely fit inside.

It was like comparing an ant to an elephant.

Since then, this overlapping shadow of the previous owner was looming over him, like a giant stone on his back. The pressure of bearing the title of a fallen genius crushed Vincent every day. Especially when others were talking about him, which happened often since his fall was the most interesting topic until the apocalypse started.

"So, what's the thing that I need to do if I want to see my friends again?"

Hearing this sentence, God of Time smiled. He was waiting for this moment since the conversation started.

"Well, there are some rules, but you shouldn't be overly worried. I will simplify them so that you can easily understand them. Let's start with what will happen to you now. You will go back in time to the moment when you transmigrated."

'So he knew from the beginning.'

Vincent confirmed the fact that God of Time knew he was from another world.

"Now I will talk about rules and then about side effects. The most important rule is that every time someone goes back in time, there is a new condition that you need to abide by. Until now, there are three conditions:

No one can know about your time travel,

You can't reveal anything about the war to others,

Every time you get a warning about abusing your knowledge to inform your subordinates, you must immediately stop. "

God of Time said seriously.

"Then, there is a rule that you can't commit suicide regularly. If you do it too often, then I will punish you. It's not like I'm ruthless or anything, it just wouldn't be fun if something like this happened, don't you think?"

Vincent noticed the hidden threat in these words as well as the difficulty level.

'This game he created must be really hard since he needed to forbid suicide.'

"This time, there is actually a rule that helps you! 'God of Time can't abuse his strength on his time traveler'. Hurray!"

God of Time started behaving weirdly to lessen the effect of the previous rule.

"Now, it's time to explain the side effects and punishment for breaking the rules. Side effects of time travel are either soul damage, which will heal in some time. Another one is mental illness. We don't know what is the reason for it, but it happens sometimes."

After saying this, God of time made an awkward laugh and then coughed a few times.

"Ahem, let's get to the punishments for breaking the rules. In most cases, it's just some minor soul damage, but if you push your luck too hard, you will get reincarnated and only you will get an additional rule."

He said with a stern voice. After a moment of silence, he came back to the cheerful old him.

"There is not that much time left, are you going to agree or not? Just to make things clear, if you reject, I won't help you with the current situation."

Vincent sighed after hearing this.

"I agree."

There was no other choice. He needed to submit for now.

"Now, there is only one thing left to do."

After these words, God of Time came closer to Vincent and pierced his head with his walking cane.

Vincent fell to the ground immediately.

A few seconds later, another being appeared behind God of Time.

"Are you sure he is a suitable candidate? Candidates #1 #2 #3 were a lot stronger, yet all gave up or were destroyed after 3 to 5 tries."

It said with a weird disfigured voice.

"Don't worry, even if it doesn't work out, we still have a few more tries. Besides, he is a transmigrator, even if he seems normal, he isn't. Don't you know what kind of positions other transmigrators occupy right now?"

The God of Time said, and then, without waiting for the answer, activated a watch that was in his left hand.

Vote for me, okay? You won't be disappointed! The beginning is slow, but the story will get faster later on! MC Just needs to make some choices first before we can see the consequences!

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