
Time Travelers' War

When Vincent was in a hopeless situation while fighting against an enemy he never met before yet was weirdly familiar with, a God of Time appeared before him and offered him the ability to go back in time if he abides by the rules he created. At first, it sounded like a perfect deal, but after knowing more about it, Vincent knew it wasn’t as simple as it seemed, yet he needed to accept it because of his hopeless situation From then on, Vincent started preparing for the war and changing the past. What consequences will his choices have? How many choices does he have? And how many other ‘choices’ would he need to abandon to achieve his goal?

Writer2137 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Battle class 1

When he heard it was time for the battle class, he was repeating the same scene in his mind.

More precisely, his fight with one of his best friends in the future, red beard!

'Since it's still so early, it must mean that he can't control these annoying flames. If I remember correctly, his fighting style back then, or rather now, is immobilizing his enemy and then head-butting with his forehead covered in flames.'

Vincent was full of confidence since he knew perfectly well what to be wary of until he got up from his chair and felt the heaviness that was pressing on him

'So what if I know how he fights?! In my current state, I won't be able to move a finger before he smashes me to the ground or squishes me in his arms!'

The only way to win with this giant was to make him miss all the attacks.

He slowly made his way to the big class that was filled with small squares drawn on the floor. In a few of them, other people were already fighting or preparing to fight. They were from another class. More accurately, the weaker class.

'Oh, the reason I was beaten up so badly was that we had a class together with the people from another class. They wanted to use me as a punching bag to let go of their pent up anger accumulated by comparing themselves to the 'elites' from our class.'

He sighed and squeezed his fist. He knew perfectly well that there is only one way to avoid becoming a punching bag. It is defeating the red beard and scaring them away.

After teachers from both classes greeted each other, the first group of people went on their stages. When all of them were full. They started fighting.

Vincent knew that only a few of them had some decent abilities just by looking at them.

The basic use of mind space is to strengthen the body. There is no simple explanation behind this, but most of the people that can garner the energy of the mind space know how to do it from the very beginning.

It's the most common use for mind space, which is also used by most people. The fact that it's common doesn't mean it's bad. The previous owner of Vincent's body was a heaven-defying talent while using only this common strengthener.

If someone experienced looked closely, he could easily notice the few people with an abnormal quantity of this common power. It was barely visible at the beginning of the fight, but it will become more noticeable later.

The reason behind it is that the stronger the mind space, the more of its power the owner can endure for a long time. It's not like it is the only benefit of it, but the difference between the people with stronger mind space is more visible when comparing the durability.

Then, there is unordinary mind space, which is extremely rare. Unordinary mind space has no power levels. It's too hard to compare the differences between certain powers and segregate them.

Especially when a new unordinary power strong enough to destroy the current ranking at any moment.

The unordinary mind space could be anything. From the red beard's power to control flames to the great upgrade in swordsmanship possessed by the swordmaster from the demon war.

These are only three of them on this battlefield, counting in the red beard. Another person with this weird mind space is the girl that was looking at Vincent when he was experiencing the pain in his head. Some people think she can see a glimpse of the near future, but actually, her observation skills are great and she can predict the movement of her enemy with only slight hints that even her opponent can't notice.

Then, there was a third person with unordinary power, it was the meek kid who was scared of troubles back in the class. He wasn't as good as the other two in using his ability if not for the strange feeling that was coming from him, and his somehow higher battle strength, no one would've known that he even possessed a mind space.

After the first round of fighting ended, the thing that sent Vincent to the 'hospital' in his first try happened. All the people from the weaker class lost.

Now, they only had angry looks on their faces. Only later after two or three fights, they attacked Vincent, who back then was sure that in that hopeless situation he would awaken some kind of powerful skill.

"Now, let the other group enter the battle stage."

The teacher of the stronger class said while the other one was consoling his students that lost. He knew they didn't stand a chance, but he hoped that they would grow stronger on the hatred they would build today.

When Vincent heard this voice, he entered the stage with the number that he had in the school diary on it. As expected, the red beard went onto the same one. No one could ignore his presence, especially his loud laughter.

"Hi, I'm Bernard. I heard you were a powerful fellow a few months ago! It's a pity that I can't face you when you were at your strongest, but I hope we can have a decent fight even now!"

Bernard said. Everyone easily noticed the sincerity in his voice.

It made all the students feel weird because they knew he had no chance to win against this monster when he was at his highest point in life.

Some of them were embarrassed that he was their classmates, while others were admiring his courage. There was also a small group that pitied Vincent.

Vincent on the other hand felt nothing special. He was slightly annoyed by these words but at the same time; it was obvious that Bernard didn't do it on purpose.

He knew that what this giant said were his sincere thoughts. After all, they were friends once.

"Yeah, I will try my best."

Vincent said and signaled to start the fight.

Fourth chapter! It's the last one for today! (Give me your power stones... please.)

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