
Time travel (Bts's Jimin ff)

What happens when Yn accidentally travels to the past and meet the Cold king Park Jimin. Will their love story have a good ending?

Elsie_Yuji · Outros
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4 Chs

His past

No way im gonna stay here for whole life!!!!!

Just then two maids came and gave her their traditional clothes to wear.

She sighed and went to change her dress into hanbok and the maids helped her.

"Woahh you look so pretty!!"

"I agree!! She's looking like a princess"

The maids complimented her which made her blush cuz she doesn't get compliments often.

"I'm so bored.. Can you guys show me around the kingdom a bit??"

Her pov:

That way i can find my locket outside or else they will suspect me more if i tried to escape without anyone knowing.

end of pov.

The maids hesitated at first cuz they needed to take permission from the king but Yn insisted them and finally takes her outside showing her the entire palace.

Her pov:

As i am already stucked here why don't i explore more ancient things? Or maybe steal some..uhh just kidding.

end of pov.

She was exploring everything and roamed around the area..


"Isn't that the weird girl, king??"

King Jimin looked up and wondered who gave her permission to roam around like that.

"How can she roam around so freely without my will?? That's the first person i met in my life that treats a king like nothing special" he furiously went out saying this.


"wow and what is this thing calle-"

Just when she was amazed by the antique pieces He furiously went there to interrupt them.

"Your majesty is here" the maid said and bowed immediately seeing their King.

The maid eyed Yn to do the same but she couldn't care less instead rolled her eyes which made them gasp.

"You mannerless girl, how did you came out of the room?" He asked.

"By walking...?"

He became annoyed and asked the maids in a bit dominating voice.

"And who gave you two the rights to make her roam around like this?? Did i assured you that she's not dangerous yet??  Who knows what she is... So you better stay away from her! And everyone in the kingdom..got it? "

They nodded and bowed one last time before leaving nervously.

"Why the fuck did you scolded them for my mistake? Are you even serious? Ruling other people is all you know so called King.."

The king's men again pointed their weapons towards her but jimin stopped them. Taking step forward towards her he kept getting closer to her while she keeps backing..

"Listen you little girl, as long you're here you have to obey me no matter what or i won't show any mercy later if i lose my patience"

This time he said it in stern voice looking at her deadly which did scared her a little but she still remains the eye contact and he smirked..?

Her pov:

Wtf.. Why did he smirked at me..!! Mister king I'll definitely show you what i can do now.

end of pov.

Jimin was already gone by the moment and she was thinking of something evil while giggling all by herself looking weird.

"Uhh.. Miss King ordered to have your  dinner"

She nodded as she was hungry too.

The smell of the different kinda dishes made her feel heaven cuz it smells so good so it must be tasty too.. She took a bite and indeed it was delicious.

After eating her dinner when the maids came to take the plates Yn asked them something.

"Thanks for the tasty dinner!! Y'all have magic in your hand.."

They smiles and welcomed her.

"but can you tell me more about the king? "

The maid looked at each other and Yn said she just wants to know his family background or things he likes and dislikes blah blah..

"Our King maybe cold hearted or can be really rude sometimes but he is very kind. He's father wasn't like this at all.. He used to make the maids his slaves and..*sigh* use them. We thought that his son will be like that cruel too but surprisingly he's totally opposite of his father" one maid described.

"He treats everyone equally and cares for them. He never ever mistreated any women infact respected them. He was close to his step mother but his father treated her very badly. He already killed his child three times when he got to know that they were girl. He married another woman and she gave birth to king Jimin but the king used to argue with his real mother a lot so one day they had a huge fight and he killed his mother...But when king jimin was born His father's first wife treated him like her own son.. Poor her she never got the chance to experience motherhood but caring baby King in her hands she felt she won the world. She was basically treated as a nanny of king jimin. But thank god he isn't like his father at all.  Maybe bcz he always saw his father abusing his mother which is not even his real mother" another one explained.

Hearing all this Tears started forming in Yn's eyes unknowingly..

"are you okay??? "

Yn became emotional hearing his past story.

"that's really traumatic.. I can't even imagine what he has gone through..and i thought of him as.. *sigh*"

"Mam you're the first person that King has believed or if it was any other person they would already be punished for lying"

"but didn't he say.. He doesn't trust me yet?"

"It's just his nature.. Believe me all of us were shocked when he believed at whatever you told him. Cuz he's not the person to trust anyone so quickly"

"I guess you're somoene special!!"

The maids started teasing her again.

"Aishh what you talking about..i just came here today how can he like me"

"But if he's willing to change then only you can help him cuz we saw a side that we never saw of king bcz of you"

Yn thought for a moment about this.

Her pov:

Wait yn why are even thinking about this? I have to leave from here soon and i have to find the locket too.. God knows where did i lost my locket!! Tmrw I'll search the area where i first teleported here.

end of pov.

"okay I'll think about it...good night for now.. "

They nodded and left her alone in the room and she also lays down.


It was almost past midnight but she wasn't able to sleep cuz the whole room gave her weird vibes as it was old room. But then she heard some yelling so she got curious and went on tiptoe following the voices.

She hided behind a door and saw Jimin and a man talking more like they were in argument.

"Jihoon why don't you understand You're the next to be King please realize your behaviors and be serious!!"

"Hyung, how many times i told you i don't want to be a king so please stop lecturing me over this again and again!"

"Atleast learn to respect your elders!!"

"Really?? What did our father do being a king huh?? Are you very thankful to him?? "

"stop bringing him in the middle everytime we talk!!"

" i will what will you do??  Huhh??!! "

While they were arguing accidentally Yn made a sweak sound which made them look at her direction and caught her.

"yahh you mannerless girl what are you doing here?? "

Jimin raised his voice which made her flinch.

She came near them being nervous.

"Woah hyung.. You got a girl too?? "

"yahh shut up!! And you mannerless girl what are you doing here? Were you planning to escape??" he raised his eyebrow.

"First of all i have a name it's 'Choi Yn'and secondly i was just.. Finding the washroom..not escaping cuz I'm not at fault so why should i be afraid?"

"woah i like that attitude finally someone with my energy! Who are you by the way? " Jihoon asked.

"It's a long story forget it..and you mannerless girl go to your room it's already late"Jimin said in a cold tone.

She nodded and went to her room.

"can't believe you let someone stay cuz you never trust strangers.. I know where this going hyung.. "

Jihoon wiggled his eyebrows teasing Jimin and leaves him dumbfounded.

"you!! Yahh!! What did you meant and I'm not finished yet!! "

Jimin sighed in frustration and took a last glance at Yn's room and went to his room.

Meanwhile Yn over thinking.

Who was that man?? And looks like he's some family member but he doesn't resemble jimin...and whatever he is.. But why did i blushed when he said I'm his girl.. No way it is gonna happen..