
What is the next step

After getting back to home Hyena got a call from Elisa. Hyena picked up the call and asked Elisa what's the matter . Elisa replied do to the court issue almost a civil war broke in the island the people who work under Eva and people who are against them started fighting. Which lead to the government collapse here . Hyena said fine we will come up with a solution for this and kept the call . After keeping the call Hyena understood what Arthur plan is and also she understood why Arthur filed a case in the court even though he knows the case will not be accept to demolish the government that is supporting the Eva.If it is not there he can start getting command over the people over there .

Meanwhile in the island government house every minister started shouting . A minister said how can we allow a massive destruction over here what if this zeal company step on us at the end .Another minister said what is wrong if we make collaboration with them . This is not a crime even if it is crime there is no court to punish us . Another minister said because of this a civil war has broken in our island who is going to pay for this at the end people are going to question us . Another minister said even to question there should be people can't you see people are dying because of this drug. Another minister said we should suppress this topic as early as possible. orelse soon other nations will know about this and world will laugh at our authorization. And every minister over there accepted to it first they said we need to find a solution for the choas that is causing in our country . To that we have to cut the ties with zeal company and profit their drugs and we should stop sending our man power to them . They asked minister to vote for this desicion. 55percent of ministers accepted to this and 45 were against this but democracy wins and the government have sent papers to them .

The next day morning Eva received the papers of canceling the company agreement with island . She immediately called Oliver and conveyed the message . Oliver now understood why Arthur has taken the case to court . Just to reflect on the issue by the island government he understood and took the next step . He called Eva and said don't accept for the cancelation of agreement. Call the ministers who have issue with the collaboration let's talk to them they may get changed . Eva accepted to it and called the ministers each one and said if you have any problem with our collaboration come to our country we will talk about it I think simply by signing the agreement your government may also face losses . The fifty five percent ministers agreed to it . They all took flights and reached the country . From there a car came and took them to negotiations. Arthur and Hyena got to know about the situation . Hyena asked Arthur. What do you think might happen now . Arthur said Oliver will show his true colours . Hyena said what do you mean by true colours . Just wait and see said Arthur. Meanwhile Sam came inside Arthur's cabin and said sir you have a sir you have a parcel . Arthur asked to bring it . Sam bought it inside . After opening the parcel they saw a ministers head with bleeding blood in it . Hyena asked this is what you mean by true colours . Arthur said yes this is what I mean . He removed his mask now . Hyena said won't this be a problematic situation to us . Arthur replied no I am already prepared for this . Hyena asked what do you think exactly might happened at the place of negotiations?