
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Ação
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21 Chs

First mission (5)

      I was so sure of if, my eyes and memory never deceives me.

"that's the guy from the supermarket!" I nudged Conny.

"are you sure? "

"affirmative. I never forget a face "

"alright " he said then got up.

"where are you going? "

"to get more info "

"I'm coming with you "

We both left our hideout and walked towards the Excalibur building. We were disguised so we wouldn't have to face the problem of being recognized.

We walked towards a group of talking men.

"ah excuse me sirs " they turned to look at us.

"what! " one of the guys spat.

"ah, we were supposed to deliver a package to a Mr Siffredi " Conny said bringing out a parcel.

Wow, he can't up with something fast, And Mr Siffredi?

It took all the will within me not to burst out laughing. Did he really just made that up?

I looked at the men and I changed my thought immediately.

"who the hell are you " another guy asked.

"we're just messengers "

"who sent you " the first guy asked.

"Mr Lee sent us "

He collected the package and dismissed us

"alright now, get outta here "

"we'll take our leave now " Conny said then turned around and I followed suit.

We turned to the corner where our car was parked and entered. Once we were inside I faced Conny.

"what? "

"you were holding a parcel all along? "


"why didn't I know of this? "

"you're too slow when it comes to comprehension "   ouch

"also, Mr Siffredi? and Mr Lee? "

"Siffredi is the leader of the Excalibur and Mr Lee is one of our close clients "

"oh, that explains the reactions, but why did they react like that when you mentioned Siffredi? "

"it's because he doesn't like to being addressed like that, he prefers 'death'"

" 'death'? That's pretty lame "

"hmph, tell me about it "

"so, about the Mr Lee's package "

"the Lee Corporations deals a lot in the uranium business so it's natural that Mr Lee and the Excalibur will have dealings "

"oh,  so that's why they fell for it " he nodded his head.

"but what's it that was inside the parcel "

"it's a secret, can't tell "

"come on, pretty please " I gave him the puppy eyes.

"yeah, that doesn't work on me " he said before starting up the car and pulling onto the streets.

"you're colder than I thought "

"I'll take that as a compliment "

"weirdo "

"says the guy who hates illegal stuffs but still enjoys the thrill of it "

Damn! He was way colder than I expected.

And that concludes my first mission. Though scouting wasn't as fun as I thought, I still enjoyed my time with Conny. It made me know a little bit more about him.

I'm glad I was nervous over nothing, and I still had a fun time on my first mission. But hold up? Did we get all the information we needed?

"uh, did we get all the information we came for? " I asked nervous

"yeah, why? "

"well, we pretty much just spoke to those guys without asking anything "

"we don't need to ask before we know things "

Woah! That is one hell of a word of wisdom. I have a lot to learn from this guy.

"I'm supposed to say that I understand but I honestly don't "

"aside from asking questions, one of the ways to get information is by observing "

"you were observing while talking with those men? " he nodded

"wow, I've got so much learn then "

"yeah, you do. " he said before focusing his attention back to the road.

We got home hours later due to the heavy traffic we faced. When we got home, Julian and Mike were in the kitchen preparing dinner.

We greeted and asked about each others day. Then Conny went upstairs and Mike left saying he should go take care of him.

What a caring big brother. I wish I had one. Anyway, I stayed to help Julian set up the table, then went up to take a quick shower.

By the time I was down, Nico, Harry and Jeff were already seated at the table in the kitchen.  For how long was I in the bathroom?

I joined them and soon afterwards, Mike and Conny came down and joined us. We all ate dinner in good spirits. Mike was his usual chatterbox self and the rest of us contributed to whatever topic was brought up. Even Nico joined in the conversations.

So odd.

After eating dinner we all went to the meeting room to give the report on the missions carried out today.

Conny did the talking for our report while I just sat there being my nervous self. They commended me for spotting the spy but deep within me, I knew I could have done a better scouting job.

So therefore, I'm determined to learn and improve myself for more missions in the future.