
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Ação
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21 Chs

First mission (3)

   The next morning I woke up to the sun burning almost blinding me. I stood up from my bed to close the curtains and almost stumbled upon my feet.

Harry was sleeping in a bent position with his knee up to his chin and he was cuddling his pillow.

I found it kinda cute but wait! He was still sleeping by this time?! How tired he must have been.

Since I didn't want to wake him, I carefully shut the door after me then went to the kitchen to get water.

Today was my off day so I decided that I was going to spend the day with the other guys and Harry.

I was still sipping from the glass when Conny walked. Conny was a lot like me, quite and introverted. He was the polar opposite of the elder brother Mike.

"good morning " I greeted him.

"good morning " he greeted back then opened the fridge to take a bottle of water.

He sat opposite me as he drank from the bottle. I don't know how to start up a conversation so we were just taking glances at each other. I noticed the bags under his eyes.

"so um...did you sleep well? " awkward.

"not really " he was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"it's hard to get a good sleep with everything going on " ah, I get it.


"I just wish it could all be over " he said holding his head, his elbow resting on the table.

I didn't know what to say or do so I just kept staring at him. I'm not good with interactions so I don't really know how to comfort someone who needs it.

"we're going to get through this " I said taking my hand in his to reassure him. He just looked at me wide eyed. Then quickly, he turned his head.

"I-I should probably go back upstairs " he said flustered by my gesture, then stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

I should go upstairs too, in case Harry wakes up. I enter the room to find Harry awake, but he was still lying on the bed.

"good morning " I greeted

"morning bud, how was your night? "

"it was fine but shouldn't I be the one asking? "

He looked at me with so much focus and I knew he knew what I meant. We had a little stare down challenge.

"alright go ahead " he said defeated while I beamed.

" so how was your night? "

"it was great actually, best sleep I've had in weeks "

"aww, does poor baby need a massage too?" I said cooingly.

"as if you could give a good massage " he taunted.

"I can, I've been learning " I pouted.

"yeah right but no thanks. I'm not going to be your practice tool "

"you'll enjoy it I promise " I said giving him the puppy eyes I knew he couldn't reject.

"ah! fine!, get over with it " happily I jumped on his bed as he laid face down. Then I began to work my magic.

     <time skip>

<sigh> I gave Harry the best massage ever! 

Yeah, I was just kidding. My fingers were practically as hard as rock when I kneaded his cramped muscles. He cursed the whole time of the massage and said something along the line of 'if I ever need a massage, I'll just ask masseur'

I'm officially the worst masseur that ever lived give or take. He ended taking a hot bath to help in calming his tense and sore muscles.

I guess the shower is a much better masseur than I am.

So right now we're all sitting at the meeting room with Nico at the high table going over the missions to be carried out.

"Jeff, you and Julian will be on guard duty for the main time. Make sure to lay as low as possible, I don't want any screw ups " Jeff and Julian both nod their heads as an affirmation that they understood their tasks.

"Harry, you'll team forces with Edgar and his boys. You're in charge of defense " Harry nods his head.

"Cole... " I sit upright at the mention of my name.

"....i really don't want to do this but I have no other choice. I'm sorry you got dragged into this... " I didn't know how to react to Nico's apology.


"I'm pairing you with Conny. You're both on scout duty. Cole I want you to be very vigilant. We have a spy in our midst and I want you to find him " that last part was directed at me.

Since I couldn't get words out of my mouth, I just simply nod my head. I can't believe I'm about to go on my first mission! Somebody pinch me, I have to be sure I'm not dreaming.

I've always envied the other guys whenever they went on a mission. It was like they went on an adventure with the way they always shared their experiences.

Looking at the gravity of the situation at hand, I'm not so sure I'll have so much as an adventure. But oh well, I might as well still enjoy the thrill of being given my first mission.

A thought of my partner flashed through my mind and my thrill instantly faded away.

Conny, how was I supposed to work with Conny on this mission? We barely talked even while living under the same roof.

<Sigh> this was going to be a long ride.

"Mike, you'll be with me " Nico said and Mike nodded, then he stood up.

"I'm counting on you boys, don't let me down " he finished then left the room.