
Not Just Anyone Could Pull That Off

Rosalind wasn't sure what she was supposed to do about this new development. Was there anything she could do? Anything she SHOULD do? Should she let things happen on their own? 

"Roz?" Izzy prompted. "I asked you why you needed to know. I've never seen you act so urgently about anything."

She could NOT tell her mother that she knew her father. Doing anything that might risk the future development of their relationship was out of the question. In 2018, she had a hard time accepting the fact that she would marry Julian Shea so she wasn't about to tell her who he was now. 

She used the only excuse she could. "Curiosity. This feud of yours has been going on for a while now so I wanted to know what his deal is."

Izzy laughed. "I wouldn't necessarily call it a feud but it might seem that way from his perspective. He didn't believe that anyone was capable of being nice without having an ulterior motive so I wanted to prove him wrong and bought him M&Ms.