
It Was Inevitable

Izzy couldn't believe what had happened the past month or so. Getting asked out on her first ever date and casually dating someone was weird enough but then Julian had to go and confess his love completely out of nowhere!

As much fun as she had talking to Darren, she wasn't able to enjoy herself very much after she got into that fight with her (unbeknownst to her at the time) jealous best friend. Once she came to terms with the fact that he truly was romantically interested in her, it was a no brainer to stop seeing Darren since it had never been in an official capacity anyway. 

She never would have imagined dating Julian because he didn't seem like the type to date anyone but she couldn't deny that she cared about him more than anyone aside from Roz. They had been on fairly equal footing in that regard until this happened and he became her boyfriend.