
Time paradox

AngelOfTheAbyss · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

Subject A1 (part 1)

Time: 12:30 AM, Day;6, month:7, year:1246 BC

location: 42.7284° N, 73.6918° W

the smell of iron was thick in the air, the houses were burning, and painful cries can be heard from every direction, as if red was common colour in the city of Troy it can be seen everywhere!

I was a warrior that these words had never been seen before, fuck this is a pathetic way to die. In the hand of a boy who more looks like a woman, I still don't believe Parise is a boy but whatever I'm going to die soon,

A man in bright bronze armour with reinforced silver ankle protection was standing inside the temple of Apollo, with the help of his sword, the pierced arrowhead can be seen on his ankle. Blood was constantly dripping out of it. After a few moments, his heart stops beating,

A jet-black-coloured portal appeared out of thine air on the top of a fallen warrior and vanished after a few bits, if one can see the body of the fallen warrior, before and after the appliance of the portal they find nothing missing!?


Date: 13/9/3466

Time: 10:15 AM

New York City,

"as we all know with the use of particle collider and element 206 we can create a loop in the space-time fabric, with the help of that loop, time travel is possible" Just as Dr Michele finishes her words many hands start rising,

"yes you there with the yellow jacket"

"Isn't it impossible to humans to enter in space-time loop, so what is the motive behind project paradox?" said a journalist, with a rather confused expression on his face.

"what if I say it's possible but it's highly classified information," said Dr Michele with an expressionless look

After the beginning of the war humanity was constantly on losing sides. we loosed almost 15% of our population in six months, at this point there is no option of negotiations on the table, we have to win it, and there is no way out.

"yes you there with a white shirt," said Michele

"How are we going to use this technology to win a war?" said another journalist

"by using souls of fallen heroes of the past," said Michele


Silence utter silence only the sound of a mechanical watch hanging on the right of the wall can be heard, out of the fifty reporters present.

"Isn't it rather sinister," one of the reporters said in low-voice so Dr Michele doesn't herd her but she still heard her and ignored her as if she doesn't exist.

( A/N: the mechanical watch is only for decorative purposes, come on guys it's fuking 3466, we are talking about.)

"Isn't it more efficient if we kill past Jacob before he killed precedent of Glx G-60 planet?" said one reporter with a puzzled look on his face.

"no time travel doesn't work like that, if we do that branches will form in all timelines and the last thing we want is another Jacob," said Michele she was trying to hide her anger because of the senseless questions from reporters but as hade of project, she has to do it.

Underground Research Facility. New York

after 30 minutes of the press conference.

If someone wakes straight from the front door, he can find a big metallic door which have A1 written on it about 200 yards away from the left entrance. Inside the metallic sliding door was a capsule felled with a strange blue viscous liquid, in the side liquid was a man, who looks like in his mid-20s, with blonde hair, brode muscular but well-balanced body, sharp jaw, back of his head was connected with cables which where contacted with selling.

" It's about time," said one of a scientist who was observing his ECG,

" decreasing level of biofluid " a voice came out from the holographic screen in front of him it was Ai of research facility 'Lucy'.

Blue-coloured liquid started decreasing in a study rate inside a capsule.

After some time it completely drained, the finger of the man can be seen clearly, but his eyes were still closed.

The front of the capsule starts sliding to the right side, to scientist carried the man and put him on the bed in front of him. They tied him with bed. so he cannot attack them after waking up.

one of the scientists injected him with adrenaline in his ankle vine. after some time man's fingers slowly started moving, his rising heart bet can be here in the whole room, after 15 minutes of the period, he opened his blue eyes and said in the Luvian language

" where is fucking Paris"

" he died after 20 years of your death," Lucy said in Luvian

" what nonsense I'm here, still breathing in front of you," said Achilles