
The death of Lu Anquan

End of flashback.......

Hugging her knees, " You promised Muyheng, you promised. Why give me hope and shatter it , why did you let that vile woman turn me a into a lifeless soul. You said you loved me, we used to have such a perfect life, why??? " Lu Anquan said crying her eyes out.

Then a maid knocked on the door . 

" Comein". The maid bowed" The Emperor has requested to see you in the garden milady ". Wiping her puffy red eyes " Alright, you can go."After the maid left, Lu Anquan straightened her shabby clothes and went to the garden. She was just walking around the lake admiring the beautiful orchids when all of a sudden she felt a hand push her from behind. She fell into the deep lake and she couldn't swim , she felt the water blocking her oxygen tube and everything started becoming darker and darker until she lost consciousness.

Just then , a woman smiles hauntingly as she said" Goodbye Anquan baby" Chu Yao grinned. 

Lu Anquan felt as if her body was tearing as it kept hurting she kept shouting in the darkness with what felt like needles piercing her and after what felt like eternity, she felt a pulll like a rush pulling her to consciousness.